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TP 3

Lesson 10 A and 10 B &

Preparation for Pair Presentation
• How easy is it to remember things and to forget
things? Tell your experience.
• Example: Last year , I forgot my best friend’s birthday!
She didn’t talk to me for a week.

• Say your experience about forgetting things.

Make three sentences telling about
your forgetting something.
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• Giving Advice
• Tell your problem to your partner and he/she will give
you advice.
• Example: A: I’m worried I’m going to fail my exam.
• B: I think you should study harder. Find a
• friend to study together.
Write three problems you have
related to campus or family
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
Pair Presentation
Talk about health.
Talk about the benefits of consuming some fruit or
herbal medicine.
Sample Topic
Think about three healthy
• 1, What are they?
• 2. Why are they beneficial to our body?
Sample Script of the talk
• Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Good morning Ms. ……., Good morning, my friends. My
name is A. My name is B.
• A: Today we are going to talk about the benefits of consuming ……….
• B: There are so many benefits we find, but we will talk about only 4 of them.
• A. The first benefit is…..,the second is ……… the third is ……….
• B. The fourth benefit is ……… the fifth benefit is …… and Finally, the sixth benefit is
• That’s all our presentation.
• Thank you for your attention.
• Wassalamu’alaikum wrwb.
• The benefits of Mangosteen.
• Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Good morning Ms. Chitra. Good morning my friends. My name is A. My
name is B.
• A: Today we are going to talk about the benefits of consuming mangosteen.
• B: There are so many benefits of it.
• A. The first benefit is to boost energy. It means…. The second is to fight allergies, it means…..and
the third is to prevent diabetes, so…...
• B. The fourth benefit is to fight depression. It means…The fifth benefit is to lower cholesterol ,
which means …..and Finally, the sixth benefit is to improve digestion. It means…..
• So,it’s highly recommended to often eat mangosteen with enough portion.
• That’s all our presentation.
• Thank you for your attention.
• Wassalamu’alaikum wrwb.
Decide your topic and Prepare the script of the talk

• With your partner, decide one topic for your talk.

• Browse from some resources online
• Make a script of the talk
• Send to your teacher on Saturday, 20 November 2021,
to get a feedback.
Examples of the topics
• 1. The benefits of drinking ginger ale.
• 2. The benefits of eating pineapples.
• 3. The benefits of eating fish.
• 4. The benefits of eating chocolate bar.
• 5. The benefits of drinking turmeric water.

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