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BC Sets
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Implementation Guide and IMG Activities

IMG Activities
IMG Activity Maintenance Objects

Implementation Guide

Structure node

Structure node

Structure node

IMG activity 1


IMG activity 2


IMG activity 3

View cluster

IMG activity 4

View variant

View cluster variant

IMG activity n

Structure node

Structure node
Business Configuration Sets - Definition

A Business Configuration Set is a set of Customizing settings

which are grouped according to logical, business management

criteria to a unit

for documentary, preconfiguration, quality assurance and

re-use purposes

which is independent of the original Customizing


which is accessible across the system landscape

BC Sets are snapshots of Customizing settings

BC Set Example

Business functionality to be
performed by the SAP System... ...and its Customizing representation
Im p le m e n ta tio n G u id e

S a le s a n d D is tr ib u t io n

B illin g

B illin g P la n

D e fin e B illin g P la n T y p e s


D e fin e a n d A s s ig n D a te C a te g o r ie s


A s s i g n B i l l i n g P l a n T y p e s t o S a le s D o c u m e n t T y p e s

000 | TA | 01

A s s ig n B illin g P la n T y p e s to Ite m C a te g o r ie s

000 | TAO | I | 01

000 | WKC | I | 01

. ..

S a le s

. ..

F in a n c ia l A c c o u n tin g

BC Set Example

Customizing representation
Im p le m e n ta tio n G u id e

S a le s a n d D is tr ib u t io n

B illin g

B illin g P la n

D e fin e B illin g P la n T y p e s
BC Set
For Business Process

D e fin e a n d A s s ig n D a t e C a te g o r ie s
Copy • IMG Activities
• Customizing Settings
• Attributes
A s s i g n B i l l i n g P l a n T y p e s t o S a le s D o c u m e n t T y p e s

000 | TA | 01

A s s ig n B illin g P la n T y p e s to Ite m C a te g o r ie s

000 | TAO | I | 01

000 | WKC | I | 01


S a le s

. ..

F in a n c ia l A c c o u n tin g

. ..
BC Sets for Best Practices Scenarios

... ...

Business Process Customizing tables/views

Important Features

Customizing is copied, not referenced (-> Snapshot)

Client-dependent AND client-independent settings

Any volume of data

Selection of specific values per data record

Important Features

Upload / Download local file

Creation via IMG or transport order

Building a BC-Set hierarchy

Attributes of customizing values

• Variable fields
• Fixed fields

Available only since release 4.6B !

Customizing Setting Attributes

Customizing values can be given attributes

Two types of attributes:

 Restricting Customizing (Fix attribute)
 important e.g. for multinational rollout
 certain Customizing must not be changed by subsidiaries but is defined by
global headquarters
 subsidiaries cannot change these settings in local system (repairs are
 Fix attribute is only active in activation system

 Flexible Customizing production (Variable attribute)

 BC Sets can only be created in a running system
 Org. units in global and local systems may differ
 Option to change these values during activation
Objects Which You Cannot Put in BC Sets

Master data
 Master data cannot be recorded with BC Sets.
 Master data is not allowed in BC Sets because it could
overwrite critical data

Transaction data
 BC Sets are not intended to contain transaction data

Repository objects
 BC Sets are not intended to contain Repository Objects

Special customizing data

 Tables containing GUIDs
 Address data
 Classification data etc.
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

BC Set Types: Overview

Simple BC Set

Hierarchical BC Set

BC Set from Transport Request

BC Set Types: Simple BC Set

Table 1

BC Set Name

Table 2 • IMG Activities

• Customizing Settings
• Attributes

Table 3

Table 4

Values in the
SAP System
BC Set Types: Hierarchical BC Set
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level n
BC Set Types: BC Set from Transport Request

SAP System

Customizing Tables

Transport Request

BC Set

+ Attributes
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

BC Set Maintenance (SCPR3): Overview

SAP Standard

Display/Change Business Configuration Set Functions


List BC IMG/BC Set Table/View

Sets Structure Maintenance

Table/View Selection

Value view

SAP Standard
SCPR3 - Application Toolbar

Insert Country and Industry Attributes Upload BC Set

Toggle Between
IMG and BC Set
Download BC Set List off Structures

Copy BC Set Legend

Delete BC Set Compare with Customizing Table

Display/Change Key Conflict Check

Create BC Set Where-Used List

SCPR3 - Maintenance Objects and Values (1)

SCPR3 - Maintenance Objects and Values (2)


3 20


5 18

6 17

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SCPR3 - Maintenance Objects and Values (3)

1 2 3


Not changeable after activation (fix)

Get values at activation (variable)

Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Create a BC-Set

Create Business Configuration Set

 Select Customizing activity

Select Table fields

Select data records

Create Simple BC Set (1)


3a 3b

Create Simple BC Set (2)


6a 7a



Create Simple BC Set (3)



9a 9b

Tips & Tricks

Sort criteria within a hierarchy is the BC-Set name

 => naming convention is important for sequence

Bottom-up creation within hierarchy

 Start with IMG-BC-Sets before creating the nodes of
the hierarchy
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Distribution of BC Sets


Transport Request


BC Set Upload/Download
BC Set Distribution

Transport (push principle)

• Regular distribution channel

Client: Client:
Source Target

• Define configuration settings

• Create BC-Sets
• Create Transport order • Import transport order

• Check configuration against BC-Sets

Up- and download (pull principle) Transport
• Activate
• E. g. bug fixes (subsidiaries pull bug fix from central BC-Sets
server and apply it in their local
• Consultant scenario: Personal BC Sets for re-use
BC Set Distribution in a Multi-System Landscape

SAP System


DEV Target
Differences Between Transport Request and BC Set

Customizing Request

BC Set
Activating a BC Set: Definition

BC Sets can only be activated in systems which DO NOT contain

a production client.

Activating a BC Set means that the values in the BC Set are

entered in the Customizing tables of the system

The activation is logged

Activation creates a link between the BC Set and the values

created by its activation

Activation also „activates“ fix-attribute

 Works only in Customizing client (not in QAS & PRD-systems)
Activate BC Set: SCPR20



Procedure: Activation Steps
Before Activation During Activation Result
1 Production client in system?

2 Transport recording on?

Activity Log
3 Read BC Set data

4 Release validity?

5 Set logon client

Im p le m e n ta tio n G u id e

6 Get variable fields

S a le s a n d D is tr ib u tio n

7 Conflicts? B illin g

B illin g P la n

8 Create activation sequence D e fin e B illin g P la n T y p e s


9 Autom. import allowed? D e fin e a n d A s s ig n D a te C a te g o r ie s


10 System language? A s s ig n B i llin g P l a n T y p e s to S a le s D o c u m e n t T y p e s

SYST & CUST request?

000 | TA | 01
11 A s s ig n B illin g P la n T y p e s to Ite m C a te g o r ie s

12 Write in Customizing table 000 | TAO | I | 01

000 | WKC | I | 01

13 Create log ...

Write activation link S a le s


Write end mark in AL F in a n c ia l A c c o u n tin g

Compare With Customizing Table With Get Key


Copy values from the

Customizing tables
into the BC Set
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Analyze and document BC Sets (Download report)

3 5

Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Tools: Check existing BC-Sets in IMG


Tools: Access IMG activity from existing BC-Set
Tools: Where-used list
Compare with current customizing
Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

Benefits of BC Sets

Customizing Snapshot (independency of „real“ customizing)

Upload / Download

Fix attribute and variable attribute

Easy discrepancy checks (Cross System Viewer)

Simple and easy re-use (Activation)

Finer granularity than transports

 Easy combination of customizing settings
 Higher transparency of possible conflicts

Documentation can be attached

Can be used as documentation tool

Business Configuration Sets

1 What are BC Sets ?

2 BC Set Types

3 Navigation

4 Create BC Sets

5 Activate BC Sets

6 Analyze BC Sets

7 Additional Functionality

8 Summary

9 Exercise: BC Set Activation

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