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• The performance of the method

– Limit of detection and quantification

– Sensitivity
– Specificity
– Recovery rate of the spiked standard
• Availability of instruments and reagents
• Cost and speed
• Compliance to government regulation (official
Official methods are rigorously tested and standardized.

AOAC International
– wide variety of foods, cosmetics etc.

American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC)
– methods for cereal foods

American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS)
– methods for oilseeds & high fat foods

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists
– general food methods, non food

Cited by U.S. Code of Federal Regulation

Has rigorous validation procedure

Single-lab validation

Multiple-lab validation

Approval for First Action

Approval for Final Action

Let’s revisit the Analytical Process
Sampling Instrumentation Processing
Sample Interpretation
Clean up

We cannot examine all of the products we are
interested in examining

Sampling is needed to take a portion of the entire
sample (population) for analysis

Analysis of the sample should provide an unbiased
estimation the population

May be the greatest source of error in your assay!
• Sample - Portion that represents the whole
• Population – Total quantity from which sample is obtained
• Sampling unit – units of counting for sample collection,
e.g. cans, boxes etc.
• Sample size – Number of sampling units in a sample
• Random sample - Just what it sounds like
• Lot – collection of units of the same size, type, style,
conditions, by same container code or same day
• Purpose – On-line processing control, quality
assessment of raw material, or nutrient analysis of end
products for labeling…
• Type and nature of food –
homogeneous/heterogeneous; milk, cereal, meat,
• Nature of test – severity of risk associated with testing
results, cost, destructive/non-destructive …
FDA vs. USDA sampling procedures for nutrition labeling (Ch. 3)

FDA: (21 CRF § 101.9) “The sample for nutrient analysis

shall consist of a composite of 12 subsamples (consumer
units), taken 1 from each of 12 different randomly chosen
shipping cases, to be representative of a lot.”

USDA/FSIS: (9 CRF § 317.309) “The sample for nutrient

analysis shall consist of a composite of a minimum of 6
consumer units, each from a production lot.” “the units
may be individually analyzed and the results of the
analyses averaged, or the units would be composited and
the composite analyzed.”
Attribute sampling
• Sampling to measure absence or presence (+ or -) of a attribute
– Binomial distribution (ie. coin tossing), to make predictions
about the whole lot
– Example: Presence of C. Botulinum

Variable sampling
•Sampling to measure numerical values that change continuously
– Analytical data have normal distribution
–Example: Nutrient content requested by Nutrition labeling
• Single Sample Plan
– Acceptance based on one sample set
• Double Sample Plan
– One set, with the option of a second
• Multiple Sample Plan
– Must develop an acceptance chart
– Can be very costly
– You may NEVER reach a decision
5 Reject
Keep Trying ACCEPT

0 10 20 30 40
Non-Probability Sampling – non-random sampling
• Judgment (because I want this one)
• Convenience (because it’s easy)
• Restricted (because this is the only one I can get)
• Quota
Probability Sampling – random sampling
• Simple random
• Systematic
• Stratified
• Cluster
• Composite
• Each sampling unit in a population has the
equal chance to be sampled

• You have to know the number of units in your

population to give the equal chance

• Computer generated random number can be

(Congressmen-election approach)

• Total population is divided into several regions or

• Strata should be chosen to minimize variance within
strata and maximize variance between strata
• Can ensure a particular strata within a population
are adequately sampled and represented
• The sample size is usually proportional to the relative
size of the strata
(Congressmen-election approach)

Population 400

Regional population and

number of random samples
A 200 20
B 100 10
C 50 5
D 50 5
(Congressmen vs. Senate)

Step 1: Divide population into regions or sub-groups

No difference

Step 2: Stratified, randomly select sample from each sub-groups

Quota, non-random sampling is made in sub-groups.
Personal judgment may be used for sampling
(cluster then random selection)

Population 400, 50 cluster, 8 units per cluster

Systematic sampling
– Every nth after the first random sample
– Continuing sampling on a production line

Composite sampling
– Randomly select samples and combine them
–Example: FDA, USDA/FSIS procedure for nutrition labeling
50 lbs
25 lbs

Laboratory 12.5 lbs

• Particle size reduction
– Blending, chopping, mixing, pureeing etc.

• Packaging, freezing, heating, preservatives

• Prevent critical changes to sample

– Moisture loss, oxidation, enzyme action, MO growth
Will continue on Chapter 5


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