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Holi festival

Santiago jimenez argumedo

What is Holi
Holi is a festival of religious origin that is celebrated
mainly in India and other countries inhabited by large
Hindu communities such as Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, South Africa or the United Kingdom. The
event is also known as the Spring Festival, as it
celebrates the end of the winter season on the last full
moon of the month, which usually coincides with the
end of February or the beginning of March.
As it is celebrated

It essentially consists of throwing

brightly colored powders and
colored water, as a symbol of joy
for the arrival of spring, trying to
emulate the cheerful colors of the
flowers that will be born during the
next season. It is a magical moment,
of joy, fun, music and dance, but
above all spiritual, since on the eve
of the festival bonfires are lit to
commemorate the triumph of
"good" over "evil".
happiness and music a picture is worth a
thousand words
A festival without barriers

For a few days, the festival

closes the social gap
between rich and poor, we
are all the same, without
differences, to hug each
other and wish each other
Happy Holi for a few
hours a year.

In conclusion, Holi festival is a time

of great joy in India, everyone is
very happy and just hopes to
have good harvests.
the colors of happiness
Thank you.

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