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What is an essay?

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An analysis of a text It responds to a It uses TEEAL

Your essay question
Examine the film The Boy in the Striped Pajamas directed by Mark
Herman. Discuss the techniques Mark Herman uses in order to
impact the viewers emotions. You should consider at least 3 from
the following techniques: symbolism, camera angles/ shot type,
dramatic irony, juxtaposition, foreshadowing, characterisation and
Paragraph Structure

Introduction Outline your main points.

Technique 1 Discuss impact on the audience’s emotions

Technique 2 Discuss impact on the audience’s emotions

Technique 3 Discuss impact on the audience’s emotions

Conclusion Summarise your main points.




Showing the film from Bruno’s innocent perspective makes the audience feel
protective of him. Contrasted against the murder and hatred shown around him,
Bruno is presented by Herman as a young, innocent, and charismatic boy. He is
completely unaware of the atrocities committed by those he is close to. The
viewer, however, is not, and this makes us feel protective of him throughout the
film. For example, Bruno asks, “There is such a thing as a nice Jew, isn’t
there?” to which his tutor replies, “Bruno, if you were to find a nice Jew, you
would be the best explorer in the world.”
This example not only shows Bruno’s endearing
nature, it also demonstrates that the adults Bruno turns to for guidance
misinform him or ignore his questions. Therefore, viewers can’t help but feel
protective of young Bruno as it is evident that the adults around him can’t be
trusted. Further, as a child of war, Bruno is unaware of the extreme danger he is
in. This makes the final scene very distressing for the audience, who have
grown to care for Bruno’s character. Therefore, Bruno’s character draws in
viewers who ultimately feel devastated by the films outcome.
1) CHOOSE ONE TECHNIQUE: symbolism, camera angles/ shot
type, dramatic irony, juxtaposition, foreshadowing,
characterisation and perspective.
Perspective of Bruno
The audience feels protective of Bruno because he is young and
● Introduces what the paragraph is going to be about.

Start your paragraph by including information the technique

AND how it impacts the audience.

Showing the film from Bruno’s innocent perspective makes the

audience feel protective of him.
Give more information about the point
you are making.
What do you mean by this?

Contrasted against the murder and hatered shown around him, Bruno is
presented by Herman as a young, innocent, and charismatic boy. He is
completely unaware of the atrocities committed by those he is close to.
The viewer, however, is not, and this makes us feel protective of him
throughout the film.
Use SPECIFIC evidence from the text to support your claim

For example, Bruno asks, “There is such a thing as a nice Jew, isn’t
there?” to which his tutor replies, “Bruno, if you were to find a nice
jew, you would be the best explorer in the world.”

Sentence starters:
-For example, Bruno states “_________”
-This is shown when _________________
Explains how the example supports your main
point and answers the question.

This example not only shows Bruno’s endearing nature, it also demonstrates that
the adults Bruno turns to for guidance misinform him or ignore his questions.
Therefore, viewers can’t help but feel protective of young Bruno as it is evident
that the adults around him can’t be trusted. Further, as a child of war, Bruno is
unaware of the extreme danger he is in. This makes the final scene very
distressing for the audience, who have grown to care for Bruno’s character.
Link back to your main point.

Brunos character draws in viewers who ultimately feel devastated by

the films outcome.
Sentence starters:
-In conclusion, this technique ____________
-Overall, the author ________________
-Ultimately, ___________________
POINT: Showing the film though the perspective of Bruno makes the audience feel
protective of him, which makes the events that unfold that much more impactful.
ELABORATE: Contrasted against the murder and hatered shown around him, Bruno is
presented by Herman as a young, innocent, and charismatic boy. He is completely unaware of
the atrocities committed by those he is close to. The viewer, however, is not, and this makes
us feel protective of him throughout the film.
EXAMPLE: For example, Bruno asks, “There is such a thing as a nice Jew, isn’t there?” to
which his tutor replies, “Bruno, if you were to find a nice jew, you would be the best explorer
in the world.”
ANALYSIS: This example not only shows Bruno’s endearing nature, it also demonstrates
that the adults Bruno turns to for guidance misinform him or ignore his questions. Therefore,
viewers can’t help but feel protective of young Bruno as it is evident that the adults around
him can’t be trusted. Further, as a child of war, Bruno is unaware of the extreme danger he is
in. This makes the final scene very distressing for the audience, who have grown to care for
Bruno’s character.
LINK: Brunos character draws in viewers who ultimately feel devastated by the films

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