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 It is a text that evaluates a topic critically but focuses only on one side

of an argument. (membahas satu sudut pandang)

 In your life, you have tried to persuade anyone on a certain issue or

argued relentlessly about something with someone, then you have used
an exposition. (teks eksposisi dalam kehidupan nyata)

 The argument and point of view have to be supported by facts and

relevant information. The thesis statement has to be reiterated in the

conclusion. (menyatakan kembali argument)

 It is to persuade your audience to look at an issue
with your perspective. (untuk mengajak orang-
orang melihat suaatu issue dari sudut pandangmu)

 Letter (Surat)

 Legal defenses (Dokumen hukum)

 Speech (Pidato)

 Editorials (Karangan)

 Political leaflets (Selebaran politik)

 Essays (Skripsi)

 Newspaper articles (Artikel koran)

 Clearly state the point of view.
(dengan jelas menyatakan sudut pandang)
 Use valid research findings to support the viewpoint.
(menggunakan temuan-temuan riset yang sah/ilmiah untuk mendukung
sudut pandang)
 Defend the viewpoint.
(pertahankan sudut pandang)
 Support the viewpoint with factual data like graphs, pictures, charts, etc.
(Dukung sudut pandang dengan data factual seperti grafik, gambar,
diagram, dll)


1 2
Thesis statement of
Tells about the topic.
your text.

3 4
factual data like Restatement of the
graphs, pictures, thesis statement.

• Use descriptive persuasive (mengajak) words with emotive connotations to emphasize

(menekankan) your viewpoint. These words can either be positive or negative. Use
thesaurus to find an appropriate word. (menggunakan sinonim untuk memilih kata yang
lebih ilmiah) For example:

1. Instead of using “bad”, use appealing, unfavorable, ghostly, terrible.

2. Instead of using “good”, use fantastic, increadible, momentous, remarkable.

3. Instead of using “persuading”, use convincing, urging, enticing, realistic.

4. Instead of using “persuasive”, use credible, realistic, rational, sane, coherent.

 Use the present tense such as: she eats, i run, etc.

 Use mental verbs such as: i believe, i prefer, i agree, i doubt, i disagree.

 Use saying verbs to support the argument such as: people say, it is said,

research indicates, etc.

 Using connecting words to link arguments so that the flow of the

arguments is logical and fluent. Example: additionally, furthermore,

moreover, etc.

 Using casual conjunctions to indicate a cause or reason of what is being

stated. (untuk menjelaskan adanya penyebab) for example: because, due

to, despite, in that case, even though, yet, etc.

 Use words that express the author’s attitude to qualify or confirm.

(untuk menjelaskan perspektif penulis) Example: will, may, must, in all

probability, doubtless, etc.

 Use persuasive techniques (menggunakan teknik ajakan)

1. Use generalizationd to support viewpoints or arguments. Generalization are

common beliefs, general statements. (menggunakan sudut pandang umum)

2. Use evidence and facts to back up the generalizations like using research,
expert opinions, testimonies, or quotes. (menggunakan fakta/bukti dari
penelitian dll)

3. Use exaggerations to make things or issues appear better or worse than they
actually are. (melebihkan suatu argument)

Introduction Motorbikes are a nuisance and a cause for great distress. Mental verbs:
(thesis Even though motorbikes are considered as the most I think
statement) convenient form of transportation, I think they are a I believe
hazard to humans, animals, as well as the environment. I
think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due
to the following reasons: cause of unreasonable amount
of noise, air pollution, diseases,and accidents.
Argument 1 First of all, I would like to point out that motorbike are Conjunctive
+ major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research relations:
elaboration has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is First of all
dangerous for environment. Consequently, long-term Secondly
emission of gas from motorbikes is a major contributor of Casual
global warming (Science Daily). conjunctions:

Argument 2 Secondly, according to report from BBC News Channel, Generic
+ motorbikes are also responsible for causing diseases such reference:
elaboration as bronchitis, cancer, and are a major trigger of asthma Diseases
and high blood pressure. Some of the diseases are so
ghastly that they can kill people (BBC News ,2009).
Argument 3 Furthermore, motorbikes create so much noise. There is Children
+ “Vroom Vroom” noise every where. It is extremely Parents
elaboration difficult to sleep. Parents with infants find it extremely
challenging. The moment their babies fall a sleep, one or
other motorbike passes by and the baby wakes up. It is Expert
also arduous for children to concentrate on their opinion:
homework. Expert are of opinion that if there is extreme Expert
noise, It can lead to deafness (ketulian) and lack of Research show
concentration in children and adults (Field,1993).

Argument 4 Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrible accidents. Present tense:
+ In some cases there are deaths. Motorbikes riders go so Are
elaboration fast that they are enable to stop on time; thus, they end up responsible
hitting other people or animals. Many time, a lot of Go so fast
animals are trampled and found death on the road. Are known
Motorbikes are known to be the biggest killers on road
Conclusion In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly
(Reiteration of believe that motorbikes should be banned from housing
thesis areas.

Dust Bin
To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins should be

When we look at classrooms, school corridors and school yard, there are paper mineral
water cups, straws, and napkins here and there.  The condition of uncleanliness and
discomfort really hinders learning and teaching environment. Litters thrown carelessly
cause disease, especially empty plastic cup or glasses.  They can be filled out with water
coming from the rain.  This can be placed for dengue mosquitoes to spread out.  Besides,
these rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well painted wall and green school yard do not
mean anything litters are scattered everywhere.

` Anyway I notice that most of the students in our school have responsibilities for the
school environment.  They put their litters on the proper places.  But some are not diligent
enough to find the dust bins.  The numbers of dust binds in our schools are not enough.  
Ore dust bins should be put beside each of steps, outside of the classrooms, and some more
also the corridors. Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters.  So when students
want to throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.

When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, we do not have problems of freak
and discomfort any more.  Our school will be very clean and become a nice place to study.
1. Yes, working is always for a living.

2. I agree if my mother works since it can help lessen my family's

financial burden.

3. The relation is if we have healthy body, we can have fun activity

with our family members

4. Money brings happiness if we know how to use it wisely, such as

doing charity for the needy.

5. It does not guarantee, but it boosts someone's confidence

Title: Tells about the topic of the essay
(mencerminkan topik yang akan dibahas)

“The Importance of Reading”

Introduction: (penyampaian singkat sudut pandang)
-This is the starting point of an exposition essay. (point awal)
-You state the topic and establish the point of view (thesis statement).
-Introductory statement should be an emotional statement or a question
that is an attention grabber. (mengambil perhatian)
-A preview of the points you plan to make a support your thesis
(arguments). (pengenalan akan membahas topik apa)

“I personally think that reading is an important activity in our life. Why do I say so?”

Body: (pemaparan/pendukung)
-A series of arguments to convince the audience.  Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of
information about many things in the
(kumpulan argument) world such as science, technology,
-Each paragraph starts with a new argument. (setiap sports, arts and culture.
 Secondly, by reading we can get a lot
paragraf = argument baru)
of news and knowledge about
-Each paragraph has a main point, reason for the something happening in any part of
the world which we can see directly.
main point and evidence to support the main point.
 Thirdly, reading can give us pleasure.
(alas an/pendukung setiap argument) When we are tired, we can read
books, newspapers or magazines on
-Use of emotive words, mental verbs, casual the entertainment column such as
conjunctions to persuade the audience. (kata2 untuk short stories, comedies or quizzes to
make us relax.
meyakinkan argument)  Fourthly, reading can also take us to
-Each paragraph has to be logically linked to the other parts of the world. By reading a
book about Irian Jaya we may feel
previous paragraph and to the thesis statement. that we’re really sitting in the jungles,
not at home in our rooms.
(setiap paragraph harus berkesinambungan)

Conclusion: (pernyataan kembali/kesimpulan )
-Reiterates or restates the thesis statement.
-Summarizes what has been stated.

“Based on the facts above, it is obvious that everyone needs to read

books, newspapers, magazines or others to get knowledge, news,

information and also entertainment. In other words, we can say reading is

truly important in our life.”


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