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Introduction To Project Proposal

Amjad Khan Khalil
What is Project Proposal?
Def-01: Project Proposal is a document that contains all
information required for all stakeholder to decide to initiate a
Def-02:A project proposal is a detailed description of a
series of activities aimed at solving a certain problem.
It should be noted that a project proposal is unique for
each project but the format is basically the same.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria??
• Your proposal will be evaluated based on the following
evaluation criteria
• Introduction of your project
• The project scope accordance with the bachelor level
• Clear problem statement
• Clear project goal
• Objective stated aligned with project goals
• Methodology that you will use for completion of project
• Relevant expected result
Project Introduction
• A good introduction is key to successful project proposal. Your project
proposal introduction should answer the following questions for the evaluator.
1. What is the target problem?
2. Who is affected, and what is the scale of the problem?
3. Why it is important to solve this problem?
4. Why it has been challenging up to now to find solutions?
5. What is your idea and proposed research/innovation solution?
6. What are the expected impacts and benefits of your proposed
Project Scope
• The amount of work and resources required for the completion of a project is known as its
scope. The scope of the project outlines the objectives of the project and the goals that
need to be met and achieve a satisfactory result. Every project manager should understand
how to define the project scope and there are some steps that can be followed when doing
this. Your project scope must consists of the following.
• Project objectives
• Goals
• Sub-phases (if any)
• Tasks
• Resources
• Budget
• Schedule
Clear Problem Statement
• A problem statement is usually few sentences to explain, address to improve or
resolve that problem. In general problem statement will outline the negative
points of the current system and why this effect the current performance.
• A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a
condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current
(problem) state and desired (goal) state of a product.
• The first condition of solving a problem is to understand that problem and this can
be achieved with the help of clear problem statement.
• Creation of problem statement is an activity that can be best completed in group
• Involve all your team members and involve owner in this activity.
Clear Problem Statement
• For writing a clear problem statement follow the following steps
1. Get each person to write his or her own problem statement without
discussion with each others. Compare each of the sentences/ looking for
common themes and wording.
2. Start to write an improved statement using the common themes.
3. Ensure that the problems include the customer’s perspective
4. Ensure that the statement focuses on existing problems.
5. Try to include the time frame over which the problem has been occurring.
6. Try to quantify the problem. If you do not have the data to hand, defer writing
the final problem statement until you have been able to quantify the problem.
Clear Project Goal
• A project goal describes the projects impact: the long-term effects that should
(also) be triggered. For example the words “The project will contribute to…” are
often used. This reveals that the intended results at this higher level are in the
main not concrete, nor can they be exclusively attributed to this project. The
project goal provides the link between the project and its direct effects, and the
principal goals both within and outside the organization.
A well-formulated project goal
• Provides a concrete description of the project’s effects at the impact level;
• Provides the link between the project to the main goals.
Project Objectives
• A project objective describes the desired results of a project, which often
includes a tangible item. An objective is specific and measurable, and must meet
time, budget, and quality constraint.
•  A project may have one objective, many parallel objectives, or several objectives
that must be achieved sequentially.
Difference between goal and objectives

• A project goal is long term and general, while the

objectives are short term and practical.
• There is only one goal, but there are a couple of
objectives in one proposal or project.
• A project goal cannot be reached but the objectives
are needed to be reached within one project
Expected Outcome/Result
• By expected result of your project means, that what result you
will get after completion of the project without testing your
• Actual result refers to that outcome that you will get from your
project after completion as well as testing of your project.
• In your proposal you must include the intended results of your
final year project.
• The expected results translate the project objectives to
particular knowledge, attitude and skills and are specific as
well as measurable.
Project Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Project Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Thank You!

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