Each Part of Speech Explains

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The Eight Parts of Speech

 P = PRONOUN (kata ganti)

 A = ADJECTIVE (kata sifat)
 N = NOUN (kata benda)
 C = CONJUNCTION (kata sambung)
 A = ADVERB (kata keterangan)
 V = VERB (kata kerja)
 I = INTERJECTION (kata seru)
 P = PRESPOSITION (kata depan)
1. Pronoun: is a substitute for one or
more nouns. It may stand for a person, place, thing, If the cat is yours, it will come to you quickly
or idea. The word that a pronoun replaces is called (it is pronoun, the cat is its antecedent)

EXERCISE: Highlight the pronouns
(demonstrative, interrogative, possessive, etc)

Charlie was so excited to go to school at a state elementary

school this August. He had planned for weeks to wear his
snazzy blue shirt and Nike shoes. While he was enthusiastic
about school, his sister was not. Susie did everything she
could to avoid getting into the car that morning. She even hid
under the covers and hoped her mom wouldn’t find her. That
was a bad plan. Eventually, the siblings went to school and
everything was fine! Who needs to worry about such things as
2. ADJECTIVE : The words that modify
(describe/indentify) nouns . Adjectives usually come before
the words they modify (noun)

Short lady Example:

sunny day
- I have a very cute cat
- My mother cooks delicious
good novel
sweet girl - My father is handsome and my
mother is beautiful
EXERCISE: Circle the adjectives and draw
arrows to the nouns/pronouns they modify.

1. Stephen seemed angry after he finished the new book.

2. Martin’s diligent studying has made the difference in his grade.
3. Before the next meeting, the president will meet with the marketing staff.
4. Alabama’s governor replied quickly to the blunt question.
5. Their old dog has stopped retrieving the daily newspaper.
6. The painted dresser, which looked blue last evening, has green highlights.
7. The conductor was completely delighted with our strong performance.
8. Professor Nick made a surprise announcement: Harry would compete in the upcoming tournament.
9. They answered the challenging questions but missed the easy ones.
10. Ted’s father generously provided him a weekly allowance.
3. NOUN: words that name persons, animals,
places, things, or ideas


- Jakarta is a big city

- Happiness is created by yourself
- Mary is my beautiful sister
4. CONJUNCTION : It joins words,
sentences, phrases or clauses
EXERCISE :Circle the conjunctions, and try to
identify which type of conjunction each is.

 1. I like apples and bananas.

 2. You can come to the meeting as long as you don’t say anything.
 3. We are losing now, but I think our team will win in the long run.
 4. Both Jeremy and Joshua have red hair.
 5. Keep your hand on the wound until the nurse tells you to remove it.
 6. I didn’t study, so I will probably fail this quiz.
 7. I am not only a daughter, but also a friend.
 8. If it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive.
 9. Neither my mother nor my father will be able to attend the parent-teacher
5. ADVERB : it describes verbs or adjectives.
Many adverbs end in –ly, though some don’t (always, never, very,
well, etc)

 Dina recently visited her grandmother in Bandung
 They very soon discovered the island
 He runs fast
 They talk loudly
 She dances beautifully
 We are here
6. VERB: it tells an action (V1, V2, V3, V-ing

 I wake up at four in the morning

 The are waiting for me
 My friends have made the handcraft
 My father didn’t give me money yesterday
 I told you to remind me yesterday but you forgot it.
EXERCISE: In the following paragraph, circle the verbs. Also,
indicate if the verb is past, present, progressive, or perfect.

 Sarah participates well in class. While she disliked middle

school, she truly enjoys high school. Sarah’s favorite thing
about high school is the lunch; she loves noodle! Her
friend Ruby is running cross country for GMC, and she has
practiced every day with the team for a few weeks now.
Sarah is not a fan of running, but she likes to exercise.
Maybe Sarah will go to tryouts for golf, if her mom
7. INTERJECTION: it expresses surprise or emotion. They
often stand alone, and even when interjections are part a sentence, they don’t relate
grammatically to the rest of the sentence.


- Hey, no one said life would be easy

- Whoa! Chill out brother.
- Wow, I didn’t know you were going to say that.
- Ouch, that hurt!
- I don’t know but, goodness, that experience was crazy.
EXERCISE: Circle the interjections in the sentences

 1. Hey! Keep your hands off that camera.

 2. Darn, Alice is late again.
 3. Gee, I really thought I would have won.
 4. I think I, uh, forgot your name.

 Write your own sentences with interjections, expressing the following emotions:
 5. Surprise
 6. Hesitation
 7. Pain
 8. Impatience
8. PREPOSITION: it tells the relationship between
noun/pronoun and other words in a sentence

 In , on, at
 About
 above,
 By
 Behind - We didn’t want to leave during the game
- The contestants waited nervously for the announcement
 Between - My parents will meet me at the station tomorrow
 During - My little brother hides behind the car
 Into
 Near
 Through
 etc
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