Emma Watson - HeForShe Campaign 2014 Final

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Emma Watson

HeForShe Campaign 2014

Léopoldine Godmet- Irene Roura- Ivan Criado- Daniel Di Gaetano DOMARIN | RÉUNION D'ÉCHANGE
• Brief Introduction

• Identify the main topic and structure of the speech

• Evaluate her verbal abilities

• Evaluate her non-verbal communication

• Consider any other elements that are relevant to value this speech

Brief Introduction
• Born on 15 April 1990 (Age: 31)

• British actress and activist

• Known for her role in Harry Potter as Hermione Granger

• Bachelor’s in English literature degree

• Defending the equality of women rights

Brief Introduction
This talk was given by Emma at the campaign
HeForShe by the ONU. She is an United
Nations volunteer ambassador.

This campaign is a solidarity movement for

gender equality that calls on men and boys to
help end the persistent inequalities faced by
women and girls globally.

Identify the main topic and structure of the speech

• Saying hello to the assembly

• Introduces the speech
• Presented the campaign
• Define "feminism"
• Ask her audience directly "why has this word become so disturbing?
• Present problems concerning gender equality
• She formally invites men to join this fight
• She highlighted the gender stereotypes of men
• She ended her speech by describing our world

Evaluate her verbal abilities
• Balanced tempo that keep the attention of the listener
• She leaves pauses to underline a point and for the listener to process

• Personal story starts of in a cheerful manner but ends serious which is represented in her voice
• Her voice is for the most parts heartfelt (emotional) Close to heart topic

• Becomes jokingly and and playful in tone and tempo when addressing/inviting the men.

Ultimately, she tries to include a fun moment to address her credibility as a speaker, which gives of an improvised
vibe for the first moments
In the final moments she repeats the slogan with the most assertive speak pattern in the speech

Evaluate her non-verbal communication
Facial expressions:
• serious face, concentrated on the speech
• powerful gaze (reach the listeners)
• smile and warm look

Evaluate her non-verbal communication

Body language: Clothing:

• always the same • white suit
• straight posture • sincerity, purity
• shoulders raised • elegance
• arms at the sides • truthfulness
• conveys confidence
• concentration on the message
• seriousness

Consider any other elements that are
relevant to value this speech

During the whole speech no music is played, the room is

absolutely silent and the only thing that can be heard is
Emma Watson's voice.

The audience is absolutely attentive to Emma Watson and

her speech, as there is nothing in the background to take
their eyes off the communicator.


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