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Chairman : Maisie Atallah : 2010070110003

Secretary : Siti Nur Afifah : 2010070110066

Racsell Sekar Sarasati : 2010070110015

Muhammad Mizan Alhayah : 2010070110019
Oka Arfandu : 2010070110021
Nabila Soraya Ulfa : 2010070110030
Amanda Mulia Syahdina Putri : 2010070110053
Andhini NadIlah Putri : 2010070110068
Puti Andam Dewi : 2010070110076
Utari Meria Nada : 2010070110083
Suci Lia Ayu Prameswari : 2020070110099
Aziz Selamat : 20100701100101

SCENARIO 2 Bacterial Infection

At a puskesmas there were several patients with complaints of cough that did not heal for a
long time, some of whom had sores on the oral mucosa that were very sick. Some patients have
severe diarrhea. Another patient complained of abdominal pain and high fever. There are also
patients who experience skin diseases such as sores that are tasteless (paresthesia). In the laboratory,
the test for acid-fast bacilli is positive, there are also several other tests. Apparently in the area there
are some extraordinary events involving several diseases. How is the comprehensive management in
the area?
Classification of Terms
1. Comprehensive
Complete solution of a problem that is tested extensively and completely so that there are no parts left or
outside of it.
2. extraordinary occurrence
One of the criteria for a disease that is not yet known in an area is an extraordinary occurrence of the disease
being transmitted suddenly within hours, time and weeks or arising and increasing the incidence of an
epidemiologically significant disease.
3. Parastesi
The emergence of sensations on the skin or in certain parts of the body that are abnormal, such as pins and
needles, tingling, itching and numbness without a clear cause and divided into 2, there are temporary and prolonged.
4. Acid-fast bacilli
Acidic bacteria are resistant to acid because they have lymphoid cell walls
5. Diarrhea
A condition in which the stools that are passed are watery or runny with blood or mucus with a frequency that
is more frequent than usual
1. Why are the diseases mentioned in the scenario called
extraordinary events?
Because in that area there has been a disease that is increasing
2. Is the bacterial infection in the scenario particularly dangerous?
Yes, especially if it is not handled quickly, precisely and properly, because it
can attack the lungs, brain, and other body organs
3. What is the disease experienced by these patients in accordance with the
symptoms felt and what causes the disease to occur?
4. Is the disease in this scenario contagious? If so, how is it transmitted ?
Yes, it can be contagious, but the transmission is not as easy as the flu.

5. Is there a relationship between sores on the oral mucosa that are very sore with a
cough that has not healed for a long time in the patient?
No, because the wound on the oral mucosa is caused by biting the mucosa or other
factors, there is a bacterial infection and vitamin deficiency
6. What is the purpose of a positive acid-fast bacillus test? And what does that
have to do with the disease in the scenario? Is the test result positive for TB
Indications for bacteria that exist in an acidic environment, in patients with
tuberculosis infection, acid-fast bacilli are performed

7. How to prevent disease in the scenario?

With the provision of vaccines, early diagnosis will be effective if there is early treatment, maintain
environmental health, improve the immune system such as consuming nutritious food and exercise.
8.What is the cause of the skin disease that is not felt in the patient in the scenario?
Leprosy is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae
9. When is a person said to be positive for tuberculosis?
From the results of the Mantoux test, if an induration is found from normal limits, it can be said to be
positive for tuberculosis

Manifestations in
infectious Supporting Prevention and
the oral cavity
diseases investigation countermeasure

Classification of Clinical
infectious symptoms
1. Students are able to understand and explain the classification and clinical symptoms of
infectious diseases related to bacterial infections

2. Students are able to understand and explain the manifestations of the oral cavity in
infectious diseases related to bacterial infections

3. Students are able to understand and explain supporting examinations on infectious diseases
related to bacterial infections

4. Students are able to understand and explain how to prevent infectious diseases related to
bacterial infections

5. Students are able to understand and explain the management and prevention of infectious
diseases related to bacterial infections
01 .Students are able to understand and explain the classification and clinical
symptoms of infectious diseases related to bacterial infections
a. Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis)

b. Typhoid fever or typhoid is a group infectious disease that includes various types of fever
caused by infection with the bacterium Salmonella Typhi.

c. Diarrhea is a disease characterized by changes in the shape and consistency of stool, as well
as an increase in the frequency of bowel movements than usual up to 3 or more times a day.
This disease can be caused by bacterial, parasitic, or viral infections

d. Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by the obligate intracellular

bacterium Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae).

e. Diphtheria is a highly contagious acute upper respiratory tract disease caused by the
bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae (C. diphtheriae).
f. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. However, bacterial pneumonia has
the biggest cause of morbidity (number of health/illness) and mortality (number of deaths). It
can be caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
anaerobic bacteria and gram-negative aerobic bacteria.
g. Syphilis Infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In fact, syphilis can
become endemic in developing countries, especially people with low incomes and limited
access to health care.
h. Meningitis, or inflammation of the lining of the brain, often goes unrecognized until the
sufferer has serious health problems. Several types of bacteria that cause meningitis include
Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and group B Streptococcus.
i. Leptospirosis, Rats are often found as a medium for the spread of leptospirosis. This disease is
actually caused by the bacterium Leptospira interrogans. Some of the symptoms of
leptospirosis are similar to other diseases, namely nausea and vomiting, fever and headache,
abdominal pain and diarrhea, muscle aches, and fever.
2. Students are able to understand and explain the manifestations of the oral cavity in infectious
diseases related to bacterial infections
• Tuberculosis
1. Ulcers are very small, painful and difficult to heal
2. The edges of the ulcer are bluish
3. The base of the ulcer is pale
4. Gingival enlargement
5. Glossitis: inflammation of the tongue
6. Enlarged lymph nodes

• Syphilis
The characteristic signs of syphilis in the teeth are called the HUTCHINSON TRIAD:
1. Abnormalities in incisors and permanent molars:
a. The color of the enamel on the incisors is darker than normal
b. The incisal edge is shaped like:
1.) screwdriver, because of the shrinkage of the crown towards the incisal
2) the crown of the tooth is shaped like a peg so that there is a diastema
3.) the presence of an indentation in the center of the crown of the tooth is called: NOTCHED INCISOR.
• Typhoid fever
One of the symptoms of typhoid that can arise is a coated tongue or white tongue

• Pneumonia
Periodontitis can be a risk factor for people with pneumonia and other respiratory diseases There is cooperation
between periodontal pathogenic bacteria, namely Porphyromonas gingivalis and respiratory pathogenic bacteria by
utilizing gingival crevicular fluid as a source of nutrition for breeding and communication. Thus, bacteria in the oral
cavity can change the environmental conditions of the oral cavity as a source of infection and colonization of the
mucosa by respiratory and oral pathogenic bacteria.
3 . Students are able to understand and explain supporting examinations on
infectious diseases related to bacterial infections

1. Tuberculosis
BTA examination can also be done using samples other than sputum, for TB cases that occur not in the lungs. If
the doctor requires more specific results, the doctor will recommend a smear culture examination, which also
uses a sample of the patient's sputum.
2. Typhoid
a. . Laboratory examination
b. . Radiological examination
3. Pneumonia
Pneumonia Chest X-ray, to confirm the condition of the lungs and the area of ​the lung that is infected or
inflamed. CT scan, to see the condition of the lungs in more detail.
Meningitis Investigations that can be done are lumbar puncture, CT scan, MRI
5. Leprosy
c. Bacterioscopic examination Skin smear or skin scraping
d. Histopathological examination
e. Serological examination
6. Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is a laboratory test, such as serological examination and urinalysis.
4. Students are able to understand and explain how to prevent infectious diseases related to
bacterial infections

A. Tuberculosis:
1. Reducing contact with people with active pulmonary TB disease.
2. Maintain a good standard of living with nutritious food, a healthy environment and diligent exercise.
3. Giving BCG vaccine (to prevent more severe cases of TB) This vaccine is routinely given to all children under
4. So that healthy people do not get infected with TB disease, there are two ways, namely the actions of healthy
people and the actions of the TB sufferers themselves.
5. Try not to expel TB sufferers, cough and sneeze in any place. It is better to do it in a place exposed to direct
B. Typhoid
a. Primary prevention
Primary prevention is an effort to keep healthy people healthy or prevent healthy people from getting sick
b. Secondary prevention
- General care and nutrition
- Anti-microbial administration
c. Tertiary Prevention
Tertiary prevention is an effort made to reduce the severity of complications.
C. Diarrhea :
1. Wash hands before and after eating, and after defecating and urinating
2. Do not carelessly eat food that is not guaranteed to be clean and healthy
3. Do not consume uncooked water
4. Separate cooked and raw foods
5. Always cook using fresh basic ingredients
6. Store food in the refrigerator and don't leave food too long in the sun
7. Avoid using the same towels and eating utensils if a family member has diarrhea
8. Clean the toilet with disinfectant after defecation
9. Get enough rest
D. Leprosy:
One of the factors that influence behavior is the enabling factor (enabling) which includes the physical
environment. This factor includes the availability of facilities and infrastructure or health facilities for the
community, including health service facilities such as health centers, hospitals, polyclinics, posyandu, polindes,
village drug posts, doctors or private practice midwives, and so on.
E. Diphtheria
Can be prevented by immunization in the form of combination immunization, namely DPT immunization
(Diphtheria toxoid, Pertussis, Tetanus toxoid) starting when a person is 6 weeks old then repeated 2 times every
4 weeks and then boosted (at 2 years old) a year after the last immunization and when he was aged 5 years.
5. Students are able to understand and explain the management and prevention of
infectious diseases related to bacterial infections
a. Leprosy
According to researchers, the physical environment related to efforts to prevent an increase in leprosy disability is
the existence of special health care facilities for leprosy patients, namely the Self Care Group (KPD).
b. Diarrhea
- management of diarrhea sufferers
- epidemiological surveillance
- Health promotion
- diarrhea prevention
- logistics management
-monitoring and evaluation
• General management of bacterial infections
1. Prevention, control and eradication efforts are carried out through several activities
2. Clean and Healthy Life Behavior; (PHBS);
3. Reduce Contact
CONCERNING MANAGEMENT OF communicable diseases)
The government in implementing the Communicable Disease control program may establish a work unit/technical
implementing unit that has the following duties and functions:
a. preparation of determination and recommendation of types of infectious diseases that require quarantine
b. focal point of the Ministry of Health in the regions
c. investigation of places or locations suspected of being the source of the spread of Communicable Diseases.

Bacterial infection is a disease caused by various types of bacteria

in the environment. Bacterial infection is one of the diseases with
high morbidity and mortality rates, because bacterial infections
cause a lot of damage to body organs. A proper diagnosis of a
bacterial infection can be made with a variety of tests. To avoid
various bacterial infections, prevention and control efforts can be
carried out.
Do you have any

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