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Stetson Kennedy

 William Stetson Kennedy, an American author, folklorist,

and human right activist

 Born on October 5, 1916

 Well known for infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan in 1940s Stetson Kennedy

 Atlanta- the Imperial City of the KKK’s Invisible Empire was home town of
•  Days in inventory=
• Days in payable =

where account payable =

Deferral period
• It expresses the time (measured in days) it takes for a company to
convert its investments in inventory and other resources into cash
flows from sales
• Cash conversion cycle= Operating cycle- account payable period
= Days in + Days in - days in payables
inventory receivables
Why Kennedy was strongly
against the Klan?
 Violent

 The Klan basically was a money making operation

 Not a non profit and non- political organization

How did Kennedy
exposed the Klan?
 Kennedy joined the multiple Klan-affiliated organizations

under the pseudonym John Perkins

 Interviewed many Klan leaders and sympathizers

The Klan Unmasked Book, included the eyewitness records of

the Klan activities and its secret information

John Brown ,one of the eye witness of the Klan activities

Use of different secret codes in Klan like Mr. Ayak and Mr. Akai
Kennedy used the mass media i.e. radio

 Provided the Klan reports to the journalist Drew Pearson and the
producer of the Adventure of Superman

Broadcasted the plans of Klan

What were the consequences?
Attendance at the Klan meeting began to fall

 Klan private information turned into public

Americans actively opposed the Klan

Downfall of the Klan

Kennedy understood the raw power of information

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