Management Organizing (Autosaved)

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Proyek Kelompok
Dipresentasikan oleh
1. Adeva Rizky Yudithia 210312001
2. Citra Tri Wahyuni 210312013
3. Nada Puspa 210312039
the meaning Management
Management is the coordination and
administration of tasks to achieve a goal.

according to experts
“Management is a distinct process
consisting of activities planning,
organising, actuating and controlling,
performed to determine and accomplish
stated objectives with the use of human
beings and other resources.” - Terry and
“Management is to forecast, to plan,
to organise, to command, to co-
ordinate and control activities of
others.” - Henri Fayol
Organizing is the second key management function, after planning,
which coordinates human efforts, arranges resources, and
incorporates the two in a way that helps achieve objectives. It
involves deciding the ways and means with which the plans can be
Difference between Organization
and Organizing
The term “organizing” is often confused with the term "organization". Because, when you hear the term "organization", it will appear
two general meanings;
First, the organization which is defined as an institution or functional groups such as companies, institutions, schools, associations,
Second, organizing which is defined as the process of organizing work, allocating resources and their distribution members so that
organizational goals can be achieved effectively.

Therefore, in addition to the definition of organizing that has been stated above, organizing is the next step after planning that reflects
how an organization complete the plan, so that the organization reflects management functions related to grouping tasks into
departments and the allocation of resources to various department.
dimension of organizing
According to Tossi, Rizo, and Carrol (1994), there are three dimensions of
Organization, namely :

• Complexity is defined by various activities, functions, jobs, and the number of

layers in organization.

• Formalization refers to the existence of policies, procedures, and rules that limit
choices its members. Every member of the organization is expected to behave
accordingly with the applicable policies, procedures and rules, the more formalize
an organization, the more limited its freedom members to make decisions.

• Centralization is concerned with deployment power and authority. Centralized

Organization, power and authority are in a high position inorganization.
Division of Labour
Work is assigned to the employee who is specialised in that work.

Characteristics of Different members of the organization are given different tasks to perform when
all the tasks are put together logically and sequentially, it results in the
objectives, so coordination is required.

Objectives need to be specifically defined.

The techniques, flow and importance of Authority-Responsibility Structure
communication must be known to all the members. For an effective authority responsibility structure, the position of each manager
and executive is specified, as per the degree of the authority and responsibility
assigned to them, while performing the duties.
Man , in organizational life is often
01 referred to as
term employee or personnel.
Employees or personnel consist of all
members or members of the
organization, according to their
functions and levels
consists of an element of leadership
(administrator) as an element of
the highest level in the organization, the
manager who leads the unit
work units according to their respective
functions and workers
Cooperation, which means
02 the act of helping actions
taken together to achieve a
goal together.

A common goal is a direction

03 or goal to be achieved and It
also describes what is to be
accomplished through
procedures, programs, pattern
(network), policy, strategy,
budget, and established
Equipment consisting of all
04 facilities in the form of materials,
machinery, money, and other
capital goods (land, buildings/
office building).

Environment environmental
05 factors such as social
conditions, culture, economy,
and technology. policies,
strategies, budget ,and
regulations that have been
arrange. And also some
specific purpose
Natural wealth, for example,
06 climatic conditions, air, water,
weather, flora, and

The framework or mental

construction of the
07 organization, in the form of
organization or the
foundation of the
organization that is in the
vision of the organization
it is made.
1. Have a clear goal
A goal is something or a goal to be achieved.
Because the goals to be achieved are organizational
goals. This goal must be achieved through the
cooperation of a group of people where goals must
be clearly and defined.

2. Have unity of command
This principle states that every employee in the
organization must have a direct supervisor. This means
every subordinate can only be ordered directly by one boss
so that a subordinate is directly responsible to a direct boss
3. Balance
Organizations always need balance. Principle
There are several types of balance in organizations.
for example the balance between centralization and
decentralization of authority,the balance between
authority and responsibility, balance between
expenses and revenues, and the losses suffered by
one unit must be balanced with the gains obtained
from other units. Organizational
4. Job distribution
is to group similar or similar tasks or jobs
closely related to form a separate unit. So in division
tasks, various tasks in the organization are divided into: in
such a way that it can be carried out by certain units or
certain officials.
5. Surveillance range
The span of control is how far a person can go
Leaders are able to supervise their subordinates
quickly and precisely.

6. Delegation of authority Principles
the surrender of some power superiors to subordinate
officials or other officials to
carry out a responsibility. So, the transfer is not necessarily
flows from top to bottom, but that can happen too
from superiors to level officials
7. Departmentalization
.Departmentation is the process of combining jobs
into groups of similar jobs. Each function is duties
and responsibilities of certain units within the

8. Appropriate employee placement Principles
One of the principles in the field of employment is the right
man in the right place, which means good people are
placed in the right place appropriate or the placement of
employees must be in accordance with his expertise.
9. coordination
Coordination is an attempt to get harmony
movement, activity alignment, and task alignment
between units organizations within the organization.
Organizational goals will be achieved effectively
when everyone, all officials, and everyone
organizational units and all resources are aligned
with organization goals
Process of Organizing
Organizing is the core function that binds all the activities and resources together in a
systematic and logical sequence. It encompasses a number of steps that are pursued to achieve
organizational goals.

Identification and Departmentalization Assignment of the task

division of work:
After classifying the work into employees are assigned the jobs as
Organizing process begins with
identifying the work and dividing different activities, the activities per their skills, qualifications and
them as per the plans. Basically, the competencies. For the effectiveness
having a similar nature are grouped
work is classified into different of the performance, the manager must
together. This process is called as
manageable activities, to avoid ensure that there is a proper match
departmentalization which
redundancy, and sharing of work is between the job and the incumbent,
encouraged. facilitates specialization and forms i.e. the right person has to be placed
the basis for creating departments. at the right job.
Process of Organizing
Organizing is the core function that binds all the activities and resources together in a
systematic and logical sequence. It encompasses a number of steps that are pursued to achieve
organizational goals.

Establishment of Provision of resources to Coordination of efforts and

organizational hierarchy the members scheduling of activities

Arrangement and deployment of The final step to this process is the

Deployment of work is not all, the
employees must be aware of whom resources such as money, materials, coordination of efforts and scheduling
they have to report and who can give the activities in a logical and
supplies, and machine, etc. which
them orders. Hence, work systematic manner so that the
are important to carry out day to
relationships need to be established common objectives can be achieved
day operations of the organization.
clearly, which helps in the creation of effectively.
a hierarchical structure of the
forms of organization
Wursanto stated that there are several forms of organization

staff line functional

organization organization organization

Line, functional, and staff

line and staff committee
organizational forms Line,
organization organization
functional, and staff
Organizational Benefits

Able to Change Individual and

Group Lives in Organizations If
it was an educational institution,
then the organization would
Path to Achieve Goals: make him smart and
Goals will be easy to knowledgeable, if formal
achieve and more
education, he will have a
effective, if the
organization is managed diploma, degree, and
well it will give good educational status, so that they
results too
can become requirements for
finding and applying for jobs.
Organizational Benefits

Organizations can influence

careers: In Indonesia, it's always
been average
people who organize have Organizations can
careers that are faster and better generate knowledge:
organizations that have
than who are not organized, certain characteristics,
such as alumni of youth both very developed, or
organizations,extra-campus retarded, or mediocre, all
can used as a study and
organizations, as well as more
research so that it will
intra-campus organizations give birth to scientific
become officials, heads of works
officials, government, council
members and other officials

source 03
Dunia Kita oleh Rumah Produksi Burhan dan
Harun (Video)
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