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Monday,22 November 2021

No Time Activities

1 4.00 Wake up

2 4.15 Take ablution

3 4.30 Prayer Subuh

4 4.45 Study

5 5.00 Morning exercise and walk around my house

6 5.30 Sweep the floor

7 5.45 Take a bath

8 6.00 Dress up

9 6.15 Breakfast

10 6.30 Go-to campus

11 7.00 My class begin till 2 hours

12 9.00 Take a rest and scrool my socil media

13 11.00 Return to home

14 12.30 Pray zuhur

15 13.00 Have a lunch

16 13.45 Take a nap

17 14.15 Take a bath and ablution (mandi dan ambil wudhu)

18 14.30 Prayer Dzuhur

19 15.00 Prayer Ashar

20 15.30 Hang out with friends or watching tv

21 17.00 Take a bath and ablution

22 18.00 Pray Maghrib

23 19.00 Pray isya

24 19.00 Dinner with family

25 20.10 Study

26 21.20 Watching TV

27. 22.10 Sleep

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