Apakah Itu PISA?: PISA 2018 Results Programme For International Student Assessment

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PISA 2018 Results

Programme for International Student Assessment

Apakah itu PISA?

Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran

Balitbang dan Perbukuan
PISA 2018

Are schools adequately

Key issues: preparing young people
for adult life?

What kind of learning

environments do we find in
high performing systems?

Can schools improve the futures of

students from disadvantaged
What is unique about PISA? 

Policy orientation Innovative concept of “literacy”

PISA links data on performance with key factors students’ capacity to apply their knowledge and
that shape their learning, in and outside of school skills in key areas, and to analyse, reason and
and identifies the characteristics of students, communicate effectively as they identify, interpret
schools and education systems that perform well  and solve problems in a variety of situations 

Relevance to lifelong learning Regularity

PISA asks students to report on their motivation
enables countries to monitor their progress in
to learn, their beliefs about themselves, and their
meeting key learning objectives 
learning strategies 

Breadth of coverage
PISA 2018, encompassed all 37 OECD
countries and 42 partner countries and
for learning

What matters for young people?

What does the test measure? 

Science literacy
Reading literacy the ability to engage with science-related issues,
students’ capacity to and with the ideas of science, as a reflective
understand, use, evaluate, citizen. A scientifically literate person is willing
reflect on and engage with to engage in reasoned discourse about science
and technology, which requires the competencies
texts in order to achieve one’s to explain phenomena scientifically, evaluate
goals, develop one’s knowledge and design scientific enquiry, and interpret
and potential, and participate in data and evidence scientifically
Mathematics literacy
students’ capacity to formulate, employ
and interpret mathematics in a variety of
contexts. It includes reasoning
mathematically and using mathematical
concepts, procedures, facts and tools to
describe, explain and predict phenomena
Can we assess what matters for life and work?

In PISA 2000-

Will be in PISA
2021, 2024

In blue: number of jobs x growth rate in 2016; in red: projection to 2026 https://curriculumredesign.org/onetexplorer_ccr/
Participating countries and economies in PISA 2018

Indonesia’s 7th participation

2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018

Over half a million 15-year-olds

from 79 countries and economies

All 37 OECD member states and 42

partner countries/economies

OECD countries
Partner countries and economies
Key features of PISA 2018 

Background questionnaire (35min):
information about the students
themselves, their attitudes,
dispositions and beliefs, their homes,
and their school and learning
The assessment  experiences
Computer-based tests were used in most School principals: school
countries management and organisation, and the
learning environment  
Assessments lasting a total of two hours
The content 
Multi-stage adaptive approach in
reading (students were assigned a block Focus on reading, with mathematics,
of test items based on their performance science and global competence as
in preceding blocks)  The students  minor areas of assessment
Mixture of multiple-choice questions Some 600 000 students Indonesia took part in the optional
and questions requiring students to completed the assessment in assessment of young people’s financial
construct their own responses 2018, representing about 32 literacy
million 15-year-olds in the
schools of the 79
participating countries and
What contributes to
students’ well-being at

• More physical activity

• Good teacher support
• Good parental support

• Anxiety with school

• High internet use
Who are the PISA students: Target population

PISA target population

• PISA students are aged between 15 years 3 months and
16 years 2 months at the time of the assessment

• They have completed at least 6 years of formal

• They can be enrolled in any type of institution
• full-time or part-time education
• academic or vocational programmes
• public or private schools or foreign schools within
the country
How countries use PISA data

Steer progress: set goals, focus attention on priorities, maintain


Review curriculum relevance: both basic competencies + higher order /

21st century skills

Modernise assessment design: item type, use of ICTs, benchmarking to

PISA scale

Improve instructional system: item-level analysis, feedback to schools

Driving change in countries…
Results influence
Ownership of the • Curriculum Strengthen
results by the • Teacher standards social dialogue,
government and • Teacher training civil society
broad stakeholders • Policy responses to identified engagement
• School leadership capacity

Learning from
National Enrich data in
policy responses
assessment national education
of other
development information system
Field Trial PISA 2021
• Bertujuan untuk Justifikasi Tingkat Keterbacaan Soal
• Tidak mengukur kemampuan siswa maupun sekolah
• Memastikan soal-soal diterjemahkan dengan baik, alokasi waktu memadai, aplikasi
berjalan dengan lancer
• Hasil pengolahan tidak dilaporkan dalam bentuk nilai ke sekolah, tetapi agregat analisis
butir soal secara nasional
• Penyesuaian selama masa Pandemi Covid
• Protokol keamanan dan keselamatan sesuai protocol covid
• Kelonggaran jumlah sampel setiap sekolah
• Pelaksanaan yang berlandaskan pada trust dan integritas
• Strategi Pelaksanaan
• Dijadwalkan di bulan juni. Jika masa BDR telah berakhir akan dilaksanakan di
sekolah, jika belum maka dilaksanakan di rumah masing-masing siswa.
• Moda pelaksanaan semi online.
• Pengawasan akan dilakukan sesuai dengan moda pelaksanaan

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