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Anti-Tubercular Drugs

• Drugs are used to treat the disease tuberculosis is

called anti tubercular drugs. It is classified like:
1. first line anti tubercular :-
Isoniazide, Rifampicin, Pyrazonamide,
Ethambutol, Streptomycin
2. second line anti tubercular drugs:
ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, azithromycin, amikacin,
kanamycin, ethanamide.
Anti-Tubercular Drugs

• It is also classified like:-

1. Bacteriocidal like : rifampicin, isoniazid,
pyrazonamide, streptomycin.
2. bacteriostatic : ethambutol, ciprofloxacin,
theoacetozone, ofloxacin, kannamycin.
Isoniazide (INH)
It is a first line and bacteriocidal drug, it kills
microorganisms rapidly. It is one of the cheapest
anti-tubercular drug. It is introduced in 1951.
• Mechanism of action :- the drug inhibits the
synthesis of myolic acid this acid is required
for formation of cell wall of mycobacterium
tuberculae due to this no formation of cell
wall and death of bacteria occurs.
• Spectrum : mycobacterium tuberculae
• Uses :- tuberculosis
• Side effects: rashes, fever, acne, blurred vision,
• Dose : 300-450mg.orally
Rifampicin (R)

It is obtained from streptomyces , it acts on many

gram +ve and –ve bacterias.
Mechanism of action : the drug enters into
cytoplasm of bacteria and enters into the nucleus

in nucleus it binds DNA due to this

synthesis of RNA from DNA is inhibited due
lack of RNA leads death of bacterias.
Spectrum :- E-coli, Klebsella, Pseudomonas,
meningococci, mycobacterium tuberculae,
mycobacterium laprae,.
• Uses :- tuberculosis, leprosy, meningitis, RTI.
• Side effect : hepatitis, urine color becomes orange
red, shock, fever, nausea, vomiting,
• Dose :-450-600mg . In case of leprosy 600mg and
drug is well absorbed orally.
It is first line anti tubercular drug and bacteriocidal
drug. It is highly effective during first 2 months and
good absorbed orally and widely distributed and
also excreted in urine. It is available in 750mg,
1gm,1.5gm tablets. It should be give for 2months
along with isoniazide.
• Mechanism of action :- :- the drug inhibits the
synthesis of myolic acid this acid is required
for formation of cell wall of mycobacterium
tuberculae due to this no formation of cell
wall and death of bacteria occurs.
• Spectrum : mycobacterium tuberculae.
• Uses :- tuberculosis
• Dose : 1500mg
• Side effect :-dysuria, urticaria, vomiting, nausea,

• It is also first lien anti tubercular drug , and

• Mechanism of action :- :- the drug inhibits the
synthesis of myolic acid this acid is required
for formation of cell wall of mycobacterium
tuberculae due to this no formation of cell
wall and death of bacteria occurs.
• Spectrum : mycobacterium tuberculae
• Uses :- tuberculosis
• Side effects:- loss of vision, hyperuricemia,
nausea, rashes, fever.
Anti Leprosy drug

• Leprosy is caused by bacteria mycobacterium

leprae. The drugs are like:
Sulfones : Ex. Dapsone
Phenazine Derivative : Clofazamine
Anti-tubercular drug : rifampacin, ethhionamide
Other antibiotics : ofloxacin , minocyclin,
Anti Leprosy drug

It is cheapest anti leprosy drug and it is sulfone
derivative. Drug is available 25mg – 100mg
- Salfones : Dapsone
- Phenazine derivative : Clofazimine
Mechanism of action :-
This drug inhibits the formation of folic acid inside the
bacteria. (folic acid is required for normal growth &
development of bacteria) due to this absence of
folic acid and no growth & multiplication of bacteria
bacteria does not survive.

• Spectrum : mycobacterium leprae

• Uses : leprosy
• Dose : 100mg
• Side effects : headache, tremors, confusion,
anorexia, anemia.

• It anti leprosy drug , it is phenazine derivative and

available 50mg & 100mg capsule.
• Mechanism of action:-
drug enters into cytoplasm of bacteria the drug
binds the nucleus then inhibits the function of
DNA due to absence of DNA , protein synthesis
is also inhibits due to this growth & multiplication
of bacteria also inhibited.
Spectrum : mycobacterium leprae
Uses : leprosy Dose: 50- 100mg
Side effect: reddish black discoloration of skin,
discoloration of hair, discoloration of urine, fatigue.
Antiviral Drugs

• These are the drugs which kills or destroy the

viruses. These drugs are also called as virucidal
drugs. Te common drugs are like Acyclovir,
Zidovudine, Ribavarine.
This is an common anti viral drug. Available as
200mg. 400mg,800mg tablet and 250mg
Mechanism of action : after the administration the
inhibits the DNA synthesis and decreases the
multiplication of virus.
Antiviral Drugs

• Dosage : in case of herpes simplex 200mg every 4

hourly for 5 days. In case of herpes zoster 800mg
4 hourly for 5 days.
• Uses : herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox.
• Side effects: tremors, hematuria, alopecia, muscle
cramps, joint pain.
Antiviral Drugs

• is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat
HIV/AIDS. It may be used to prevent
mother-to-child spread during birth or after a needle stick injury
or other potential exposure. It is available in 300mg tablet,
100mg capsule, 10mg/ml syrup.
Uses : HIV infection

• It is an antiviral drug, available in 100mg, 200mg capsule and
syrup containing 50mg per 5ml.
• Dosage : 200mg6 hourly for adult.
• Uses : herpes virus infection, viral hepatitis.
• Side effect: hypertension, cardiac arrest.
Antifungal drugs

• Fungal infection occurs usually on skin and mucus

membrane or subcutaneous tissues. The
antifungal drugs are classified like Topical and
Topical anti fungal :Nystatin, Hamycin,clotrimazole,
Systemic anti fungal : Amphotericin B, Griseofulvin.
Antifungal drugs

It is effective against large number of fungi. Like
candida, histoplasma, blastomycoses,
microsporum. It is good absorbed by orally.

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