Foreign Exchange Market

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Trade between countries involves the mutual
exchange of different currencies.
The trading of currency and
bank deposits denominated in
particular currencies takes place
in the foreign exchange market.
Transactions that are conducted determine
the rates at which currencies are exchanged,
in turn determine the cost of purchasing
foreign goods and financial assets.
The constant change in exchange
rates causes problems for financial
managers as the change in relative
purchasing power between
countries affects imports and
exports, interest rates and other
economic variables.
The relative strength of a particular currency
to other currencies changes many times over a
business cycle.

It provides a service to individuals, businesses
At the end of WWII, the world was and governments who need to buy or sell
on a fixed exchange rate system by currencies other than theirs.
the IMF. It is also a marketplace in which currencies are
In this system, all countries were required to set a bought and sold purely to make profit via
specific parity rate for their currency. A country speculation.
could effect a major adjustment in the exchange rate When trading very large volumes of currency, even
by changing the parity rate with respect to the dollar small fluctuations in price can provide profits or
and was made cheaper, as devaluation. losses. It provides mechanism for the
Upvaluation or revaluation aresulted
a when transfer of purchasing power from
a currency became more expensive with one currency to another.
respect to the dollar. This is where traders convert one
Floating rate international currency system has foreign currency into another and
been operating since 1973. is one of the largest financial
Factors of determination of exchange rates:
markets in the world.
Country’s economic strength Currency trading entails no specific physical
Level of exports and imports location, it is an over-the-counter market whose
Level of monetary activity main participants are commercial and investment
Deficits or surpluses in its balance of payments banks, and foreign exchange dealers and brokers

around the world.
It is simply the price of one country’s currency
expressed in terms of another country’s currency. Exchange rates are important because they affect
the relative price of domestic and foreign goods.
Fixed rates are decided by central For example, the dollar price of French
banks of a country. goods to an American is determined by
Floating rates are decided by the the interaction of two factors, which are
mechanism of market demand and supply. the price of French goods in euros and the
For example, both the Euros, the Swiss France euro/dollar exchange rate.
and the Japanese Yen are traded with prices When a and
cheaper country’s
and foreigncurrency
foreign goods
goods inappreciates
in that (rises
that country
country in
quoted in U.S. Dollar. value relative to more
expensive. the country’s
good abroad become more expensive and foreign
Exchange rates are constantly goods in that country become cheaper (holding
changing. domestic prices constant in the two countries).
Foreign exchange rate quotations Conversely, when a country’s currency
can be found in The Wall Street depreciates, its goods abroad become more
Journal, or in other leading print expensive.
publications and on websites. Appreciation of a currency can make it harder
for domestic manufacturers to sell their goods
abroad and can increase competition at home

from foreign goods because they cost less.


FACTORS INFLUENCING Other Factors - Political and economic stability,
extended stock market rallies and significant
Factors that tend to increase the supply or
declines in the demand for major exports.

decrease the demand schedule for a given HOW IS FOREIGN

currency will bring down the value of that
Foreign exchange market is organized
Inflation – It tends to deflate the value of a as an over-the-counter market in
currency because holding the currency results in which several hundred dealers (mostly
reduced purchasing power. banks) stand ready to buy and sell
Interest rates – If interest returns in a particular deposits denominated in foreign
country are higher relative to other countries, currencies.
individuals and companies will be enticed to invest An important point to note is that while banks,
in that country. As a result, there will be an companies, and governments talk about buying and
increased demand for the country’s currency. selling currencies in forex markets they do not take a
Balance of Payments – It is used to refer to
fistful of dollar bills and sell them for British pound
a system of accounts that catalogs the flow
of goods between the residents of two
countries. Most trades involve the buying and selling of bank
Governmental Intervention – Through deposits denominated in different currencies.
intervention, the central bank of a country may When bank is buying dollars in the foreign
support or depress the value of its currency. exchange market, the bank is buying deposits

denominated in dollars.
exchange rate set too high tends to
CURRENCY MARKETS create a deficit Philippine balance
Exchange Rate Determination – payments.
Equilibrium exchange rate in
floating markets are determined by This deficit must be financed by drawing down
the supply of and demand for the foreign reserves of by borrowing from the central
currencies. banks of the foreign countries.

An exchange rate A, a greater quantity of peso is

The equilibrium rate of Pe will prevail in the supplied by Philippine interests than demanded by
market. No surplus (or deficit) occurs at Pe. foreign interests, called trade deficit.

Managed Float – It is the current method THEORY OF PURCHASING
of exchange rate determination.
During periods of extreme fluctuation in It states that exchange rates between
the value of a nation’s currency, any two currencies will adjust to
intervention by governments or central reflect changes in the price levels of
banks may occur to maintain fairly the two countries.
stable exchange rates.
The theory of PPP is simply an application of the
Floating rates permit adjustments to law of one price to national price levels.
eliminate balance of payments deficits or The PPP conclusion that exchange rates are
surpluses. determined solely by changes in relative price levels
rests on the assumption that all goods are identical
For example, if the Philippine has a deficit in its in both countries. When this assumption is true, the
trade with Japan, the Philippine peso will law of one price states that the relative prices of all
depreciate relative to Japan’s currency. these goods will determine the exchange rate.

This adjustment should decrease imports from and Even though the prices of
increase exports to Japan. these items might rise and lead
to a higher price level relative
to another country’s, there
would be little direct effect on

the exchange rate.

WHAT ARE THE FOREIGN Direct and Indirect Quotes
Direct quotes indicate the number of units of the
CURRENCY EXCHANGE home currency required to buy one unit of the
foreign currency.
RATE TRANSACTIONS? Indirect quotes indicate the
Two Kinds of Foreign Exchange Rate
number of units of foreign
currency that can be bought for
1. Spot Transactions – those which involves one unit of the home currency.
immediate (two day) exchange of bank deposits. Its
exchange rate is spot exchange rate. ILLUSTRATIVE CASE
Currency Exchange as of August 27, 2019
2. Forward Transactions – involve US Dollar P52.3260
the exchange of bank deposits at Euro euros P58.1028
UK pounds P63.9424
some specified future date. Its
exchange rate is forward exchange  Indirect Quote =
 US Dollars = = 0.1911 (dollar/P1)
Spot Exchange Rates – it is for a currency is the
exchange rate at which the currency is traded for  EU Euros = = 0.1721 (euro/P1)
immediate delivery.
 UK Pounds = = 0.1564 (pound/P1)

Sample Problem Arbitrage - The process of buying and selling in
1. A Filipino businessman wanted to remit 1,000 UK
more than one market to make a riskless profit. It can
pounds to London on August 27, 2019. How much in occur when there is a mispricing.
pesos would have been required for this transaction?
Forward Rates – The exchange
P63.9424/pounds x 1,000 pounds = P63,942.40
rate at which the currency for future
delivery is quoted.
2. A Filipino Businessman paid P112,148.20 to an
Italian supplier on August 27, 2019. How many euros FACTORS THAT AFFECT
did the Italian supplier receive? EXCHANGE RATE IN THE LONG
P112,148.20 x 0.1721 = € 1,930.07 RUN
Relative Price Level – a rise in country’s price level
Cross Rates – are the indirect computation of the
(relative to foreign price level) causes its currency to
exchange rate of one currency from the exchange
rates of two other currencies.
For instance: Trade Barrier – increasing trade barrier causes a
P63.9424 = £ 1 country’s currency to appreciate in the long run.
P58.1028 = € 1 Preferences for Domestic vs Foreign Goods –
Exchange rate euro/ pound increased demand for a country’s exports causes its
P63.9424/ P58.1028 = 1.01005 euro currency to appreciate in the long run.
per 1 pound Productivity – In the long run, as a country
Exchange rate pound to euro becomes more productive relative to other
countries, its currency appreciates.

P58.1028/ P63.9424 = 0.90867 pound per 1 euro

The key to understand the
short-run behavior of
MARKETS 1. The firm may hedge its
risk by purchasing or
exchange rates is to selling forward contracts.
recognize that an exchange 2. The firm may choose to
rate is the price of domestic minimize receivables and
bank deposits in terms of liabilities denominated in
foreign bank deposits. foreign currencies.
The natural way to investigate the short-run 3. Maintaining a monetary balance between
determination of exchange rate is through an asset receivables and payables denominated in a
market approach that relies heavily on our analysis of particular foreign currency avoids a net receivable
the determinates of assets demand. or net liability position to that currency.
MANAGING FOREIGN 4. By using Trigger Pricing
EXCHANGE RATE 5. By diversification
Foreign exchange risk refers to the possibility of a
drop in revenue or an increase in cost in 6. A speculative forward contract does not hedge
international transaction due to exchange foreign any exposure to foreign currency fluctuations, it
rates. To deal with this foreign currency exposure creates exposure.
effectively, the financial manager must understand

the foreign exchange rates and how they

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