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Presentation for Dissertation phase 1

Modelling of Roundabout & Signalized roundabout Using simulation
under the supervision
Dr. Siddhartha rokade & Dr.Bivina

Vaibhav kumar jain

scholar Number:202111510
Presentation layout
2.Need for the study.
3.Objective of the study.
4.literature review.
5.Research gap
6. Methodology chart
7.Study area Selection
8.Data Collection
9.Expected Outcomes
Transportation is the driving force of the development of a nation. The rate at which any
developing country turns into a developed one depends on various factors out of which
transportation infrastructure is one of them.
Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations, including roads, railways,
airways, waterways, canals, and pipelines and terminals such as airports, railway
stations, bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, so we can see roads of the
important component of transportation infrastructure so studies to improve its
component become important.
The roads consist of unsignalized intersection, signalized intersection ,roundabout ,signalized
roundabout as one of the type of intersection or junction in which road traffic along the different
roads connect to the square junction.
Roundabout is one of the important part of the road network
as roundabouts improve traffic flow. They reduce serious
crashes, injuries and fatalities because they essentially
eliminate the chance of a head-on collision or a crash
involving a left turn. They improve safety for pedestrians
and cyclists.
In the same way ,Signalized roundabouts present an
excellent traffic engineering solution for balancing the
operational performance of all approaches while
improving traffic safety for all the road users.
Need for the study
Roundabout are very useful when flow are Balanced but can have operational challenges when
flow increases so Most of roundabout in Bhopal location is Experiencing recurring congestion
during peak hours so to improve their capacity and minimize delay at roundabout this study is
The primary reason for using simulation models is the elimination a high amount of money to
be invested if we will conventional method.
The study Will Explore the operational performances of a proposed signalized unconventional
roundabout through microsimulation.
To Explore the alternative configuration design option for signalized roundabout in Indian
heterogeneous traffic condition and figure out the best option in term of performance which will
be evaluated on the bases of queue length & average delay analysis.
Objectives of the study
 To Analyze conflict point at roundabout & signalized roundabout using
simulation software .
Model Development in simulation software PTV vissim and its calibration
according to Indian heterogeneous traffic condition.
To compare the delay obtained in Roundabout & signalized Roundabout.
Queuing Analysis on signalized roundabout and to find the maximum queue
length at signalized roundabout.
To recommend policy to increase safety at roundabout for pedestrian and
Literature review
Authors/paper Title Methodology adopted/Models Inferences

( Charles et.All,2014) The geometric data were extracted from The study explored the operational
Google Earth and validated by field performances of a proposed signalized
measurements and the traffic data is unconventional roundabout through
collected through video graphical microsimulation.
technique. The signalized roundabout concept was
comparatively a better improvement
option to present congestion.
delays and queue lengths on the major
Signalization options to improve roads are reduced significantly on the
capacity and delay at roundabouts signalized round- about than on the
through microsimulation approach: A single lane roundabouts.
case study on arterial roadways in
Literature review
Authors/title Methodology adopted/Models Inferences

(Ramadurai et.Al ,2012) Data of heterogeneous traffic flow such This paper presents a method and
as traffic volume, composition, speed, results on sensitivity analysis and
and signal timing at the study sections automatic calibration of VISSIM model
of the chosen road along with using data from an intersection in
Calibration of VISSIM for Indian geometric data were collected. Using Chennai. This intersection has heavy
Heterogeneous Traffic video graphic technique. flows during the peak time. VISSIM
Conditions(2012) parameters affecting driving behaviour
in Indian heterogeneous conditions
were found using sensitivity analysis.
Literature review
Authors/title Methodology adopted/Models Inferences

(Buck et.AL,2017) The traffic was observed by video The aim of the present study was to
cameras for several hours to determine calibrate Vissim for signalized
the input variables for the simulation intersections so that the delay is
model (volume and vehicle fleet), the correctly reproduced. The resulting data
measures to calibrate the model, and were used to calibrate Vissim models of
the delay of all vehicles. From the these intersections. Three measures
videos, the following information and that are relevant for realistic behavior at
Calibrating Vissim to Analyze Delay at time stamps were extracted during a 90- intersections were identified: the time
Signalized Intersections. min period, comprising the peak hour to pass the intersection, the average
(2017) and the 15-min intervals before and headway, and the arrival distribution of
after. the vehicles.
Literature review
Authors/title Methodology adopted/Models Inferences

(Bhardwaj,2016) The data was collected by Indirect The primary objective of the study is to
Method through Videography Method. study the weaving capacity of the
selected study area i.e. ONGC – Visat
Roundabouts and to investigate the
effect of weaving traffic.
 The IRC method was designed for the
A Case Study on Weaving Capacity ideal traffic condition. Therefore, it is
under Heterogeneous Traffic observed that the calculated weaving
Condition of ONGC and Visat capacity overestimates the limiting
Roundabout, Ahmedabad by IRC value of 3000 PCU/hr as defined by the
Method IRC specifications.
Literature review
Authors/title Methodology adopted/Models Inferences

(Bhuyan et.Al,2016) The flow data had been extracted from It is observed that the driver behaviour
the videos, taking heterogeneity into varied from site to site with the change in
consideration. traffic composition, which in turn affected
values of gap acceptance parameters.
The critical gap and follow-up time calculated
using simulation model in VISSIM are almost
similar to the values obtained using
Probabilities of equilibrium method.
Calibration of Performance of The sensitivity analysis for the gap
Roundabouts Based on Gap acceptance parameters in VISSIM revealed
Acceptance Parameters Using that the value of minimum gap had a
Simulation for Indian Scenario(2016) significant effect as compared to
Gap Identified from literature
In Indian Heterogeneous Traffic condition haven’t Explored the operational performances of
a proposed signalized roundabout through microsimulation.
Never compared the performance of signalized roundabout in Indian traffic condition.
Development of signalized roundabout through simulation software and its analysis in Indian
heterogeneous traffic condition.
Comparison of roundabout & signalized roundabout in terms of delay , queue length Analysis is
missing in Indian heterogeneous traffic condition.
Methodology chart
The process begin with literature review and understanding the problem at roundabout in present
conditions and the selection of the site is done on the bases of delay faced on roundabout at the
peak hours after that data collection will take place in that we need to collect geometric data and
traffic Volume data after that we need to do Capacity Estimation for that we required classified
volume count and after that we need to convert that traffic volume into PCU that we will design
the same scenario in simulation software for roundabout and signalized roundabout and will try
to find the delay, LOS ,Queuing delay and will compare the result for roundabout and signalized
roundabout and after that result will Elaborate under that roundabout or signalized roundabout is
better option for Heavy or light flow.
Input parameters
1.Geometeric Characteristics
2.Traffic characteristics

Geometry Traffic

Circulating Circulating
Number of Diameter of Entry flow in
Roadway Flow in
Entry lanes roundabout PCU/h
width PCU/h

Calculating The Roundabout capacity by transportation road Research lab


Model Development and calibration in vissim

Delay ,queue length measurement using simulation software

and LOS
Study Area Selection
The The survey of various roundabout of Bhopal has been done we have selected the roundabout
which face problem of delay and long queue length at the time of peak hours, so we selected
sardar Vallabh bhai patel polytechnic chouraha Bhopal for that survey of that area has been done
to collect the geometric data. The traffic volume should be collected using video graphic
Data Collection
Geometric data
Entry Width ,Exit Width , Approach Width, Departure Width

Circulating roadway width , Weaving length Central Island Diameter

Central Island Perimeter ,Splitter Island

And Classified Volume count

The required flow diagram will be like
that will traffic count in PCU/H
Expected Outcomes
 Roundabout are beneficiary when flows are balanced but can face operational challenges when
flow increases as long delay are observed in peak hours.
In performance comparison Roundabout are better under low flow condition & signalized
roundabout under Heavy flow.
The signalized roundabout strategy is comparatively a better improvement option that can be
used to effectively reduce congested conditions on roundabouts.
The signalized roundabouts operate at higher capacity and reduced delay relative to the
In spite of the slight capacity increment it will also reduce, delays and queue lengths on the
major roads.
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