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Group 1
Theme : New Adaption
with Face to Face Learning • Difa
• Elvin
• Ernia
XII MIA 1 Meidianto.A
• Fadli
What is a inews text?
1. Inews text is a text that tells an infomation
Of event or newshortly event of the day Outline
2. Too tell the information of important event
of newshortly event of the day Tittle : new adaptation with face to face learning
• Introduction
3. Structures: • The teaching and learning process will begin to b
• Newsworthy event carried out face-to-face again
• Background event • Losing spirit of learning
• Source of event • Body 1
• Topic sentence
• Support detail
4. Languange feature : • Body 2
• Based on facts • Topic sentence
• Subjective • Support detail
• Predicate • Body 3
• Verbia • Source by
• Adverbia
• Use standard language
Monday, Sept.28

After more than a year of online schooling, it Students apply BDR by working on
turned out to have a negative and unfavorable
impact on students. Children lose their questions from the teacher, but the
enthusiasm for learning, discipline and even intensity of teacher and student
schoolwork responsibilities are carried out by meetings is decreasing.
parents, until finally it is difficult to measure
learning outcomes. Therefore, the
government decided to conduct face-to-face Elementary school students who study
learning (PTM). (Kompas, September 11, every day about 60 percent but at
2021)From the results of the Ministry of
Education and Culture’s study on study habits the junior high and high school /
in a pandemic, it is known that children only vocational level only around 31-36
study 1-2 hours, some materials are less than percent. In addition, the interaction
2 hours a day.
between teachers and students
decreased, at the elementary level 1-
2 hours per week, SMP 8-9 hours a
week and SMA/SMK 9-10 hours per
To anticipate learning loss,
the government made a Joint
Decree of the Four 1. Condition of SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTS,
Ministers which allowed SD, MI classmust pay attention to a distance of
students to return to school 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per
with limited face-to-face class, or a maximum of 50 percent of students.
meetings. Of course, with As for SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, MTSLB and SMLB,
the new habit of MALB must pay attention to a distance of 1.5
implementing health meters and a maximum of five students per
protocols, all students and class, while PAUD is a maximum of five students
teachers, including other and a distance of 1.5 meters per student
employees, must follow the
health protocols strictly and 2. Days, number and hours of face -to -face
with discipline.There are five lessonslimited to the division of study groups.3.
general provisions regulated Use a three-layer cloth mask or surgical mask
in the Decree of the Four by covering your life and mouth, washing your
Ministers regarding the hands with soap or hand sanitizer and not
implementation of health making physical contact such as shaking hands
protocols. and kissing hands.
• Continuing point

3. Use a three-layer cloth mask or surgical mask by covering your life and mouth, washing
your hands with soap or hand sanitizer and not making physical contact such as shaking
hands and kissing hands

4. Students and residents of the education unit must be in

healthy condition

5. It is forbidden to carry out activities that have the potential to become a crowd, such as
canteens, sports and extra-curricular activities, there are no parent meetings at school.

The government has made extra efforts to pursue the target of mass vaccination so that people
have better immunity against the virus. Efforts are being made to form vaccine clusters in
schools for educators and school administration. And all students are expected to get
vaccinated immediately in order to facilitate the PTM process.
• Latest Point

The Government has made extra efforts to pursue the target of mass
vaccination so that people have better immunity against the virus.
Efforts are being made to form vaccine clusters in schools for
educators and school administration. And all students are expected
to get vaccinated immediately in order to facilitate the PTM

Source by Kompaspedia

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