Group 4 - TEFL in Indonesia

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English language

teaching material

1. ANGGRAENI K. D 1908103002
2. LAENI 1908103145
3. MEI ANDINI 1908103131
4. ULFI HULIA 1908103126
What does ‘Materialsdevelopment’ mean?
‘Materials development’ refers to all the processes made use of by practitioners who
produce and/or use materials for language learning, including materials evaluation, their
adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research. Ideally, all of these processes should be
given consideration and should interact in the making of language-learning.
The Materials can be:
 Informative (informing the learner about the target language)
 Instructional (guiding the learner in practising the language)
 Experiential (providing the learner with experience of the language in use)
 Eliciting (encouraging the learner to use the language)
 Exploratory (helping the learner to make discoveries about the language)
According to Clarke (1989), communicative methodology is important & is based on authenticity,
realism, context, & a focus on the learner. Related to that, materials can divide into some types as follows:

 Printed materials: Textbook, student’s worksheet, pictures, photographs, newspapers & magazines

 Audio materials: cassette & compact discAudio
 visual: video compact disc, film
 Interactive teaching materials: web based learning materials, computer assisted instruction.
 Authentic materials refers to the use in teaching of texts, photographs, video selections, and other teaching
resources that are not specially prepared for pedagogical purposes.
 Created materials refer to textbooks and other specially developed instructional resources.
0 Materials evaluation
According to Tomlinson (2003, p.15) Materials evaluation is a procedure that involves measuring the value (or potential
value) of a set of learning materials.
• External Evaluation; The factor which are to be taken into account at this external stage as follows: the intended audience, the
Proficiency level, Is the layout and presentation clear or cluttered? , Is the material too culturally biased or specific?, Is a
vocabulary list / Index included? , Are the material to be used as the main 'core' course or to be supplementary to it?.
• Internal Evaluation; The factor which are to be taken into account at this internal stage as follows: The presentation of the
skills in the materials, the grading and sequencing of the materials, Whether discourse skills are included, The “authenticity” of
listening materials, The nature of interaction in oral dialogues (natural or artificial dialogues), the relationship of tests and
activities for the learners’ needs and the content of the book.
• The Overall Evaluation: The factors to make an overall evaluation as to the suitability of the materials as follows: The
usability factor, The generalizability factor, The adaptability factor,The flexibility factor.
Materials adaptation
2According to McDonough et al. (2013), adapting is a process of matching what we have to work with
(external criteria) and what the materials offer (internal criteria) in order to maximize the appropriateness of
teaching materials in a context, and the starting point of the process is the realization, through an evaluation, that
materials may not be fit for their intended purpose.
The Reasons for Adapting
• Not enough practice of grammar points
• Reading passages contain too much unknown vocabulary
• Comprehension questions are too easy, because the answers can be lifted directly from the text with no real
• Listening passages are in authentic
• Amount of material too great/too little to cover in the time allocated to lessons
• No guidance for teachers on handling group work and role play activities with a large class
The principles :
Personalizing, Individualizing, Localizing, Modernizing

The techniques we use are as follows:

Adding (Extending & Expanding), Deleting (Subtracting &Abridging), Modifying (Re-writing
&Restructuring), Simplifying (Re-ordering).

A Framework for Adaptation

Adapting materials is trying to consider individual items or combination of them in such a way
taht they could match each other as much as posible.
The teacher must satisfy the demands of the textbook as to satisfy the needs of the students by
means of different techniques.
The purpose of applying these techniques to content areas such as language use, texts, skills, and
classroom management is to maximize the appropriacy of teaching materials in context.
a workable model into which the main points of adaptation
can be fitted:

Match or

External Internal
criteria criteria
Need to
(localize/ individualize/

By means of techniques
( Adding/ deleting/ re-ordering /
modifying/ simplifying)

Content areas
( Language practice/ test/ Skills/
classroom management/ etc)
Materials evaluation is one part of a complex process and that materials once
selected can only be judged successful after classroom implementation and feedback.
Adapting ELT materials is a very practical activity which is carried out mainly by
teachers in order to make their work more relevant to the learners with whom they are in
day-to-day contact. Adaptation can only be carried out effectively if it develops from an
understanding of the possible design features of syllabuses and materials.

References :
Clarke, D. F. (1989) Communicative Theory & Its
Influence on Materials Production. Language Teaching,73-
MethodsinELT.Wiley-Blackwell.2. Nikoopour, J., &
Farsani, M. A. (2011). English Language Teaching Material
Journal of Language and Translation, 2(2), 1–12.
6f545009c0e.pdf3. Tomlinson,B.(2003): Developing
Materials for Language Teaching.Cromwell Press,

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