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Visual Arts

Unit 4
Who do you think you are?
Who you are depends
on where you are?

Diversity Awareness
Answer the following questions. Justify all your answers.

Is it important to define something? What is the purpose of a label?

What does happen when something is defined? Can people be labeled?

Do labels define the essence of things? Can we be affected by the labels placed on us?
Make your own inquiry.

Ask questions about the topic and seek for their answers.
Image 1
Image 2
Based on the information you see in image 1 and 2, write a 150 words text about the labels placed on women around the world. Include your point of view
and the point of view of the society that you belong. If you are from a different culture, also include the perspective of the society you live in right now.

Your text here

Do a little research to be inspired.
There are many artists that represented ”Identity” in their artwork in a brilliant way.
Here’s just one of them.
Find your favorite and mention them here telling why you have chosen them.
Comment on the characteristics of their work.
Choose a topic to be the base of your Justify your choice.
Art work.
Gather all ideas you have after this exercise. Make connections.

Mind map

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