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The MH370

A presentation by Group 1

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck // 2021

Table of contents
1 Incident timeline

2 Rescue attempts

3 Families of victims’ loss and


4 Speculations and theories

The MH370 Tragedy

What happened on the day of March
8th, 2014?

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck // 2021

● 8 March 2014, the Malaysian Airlines
Boeing 777 takes off from Kuala
Lumpur at 00:41 local time, bound for
Beijing, carrying 227 passengers and
12 crew.
● 1:19 am: Final voice contact with
air traffic control.
● 2:14: Last sighting on military radar.
Analysis of automated
communications between the
aircraft and a satellite
communications network has
determined that the aircraft flew
into the southern Indian Ocean,
before communication ended
shortly after 08:19 (UTC+8:00).
The disappearance initiated a
multi-national search effort that
became the most expensive search
in aviation history.
rescue efforts
Actions taken by
nations worldwide.

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck // 2021

The international rescue effort has so far involved Malaysia,
China (a majority of MH370 passengers were Chinese), Thailand,
Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Australia and the
United States.

Image: A U.S. Navy MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter preparing to return to the search and rescue for the
missing Malaysian airlines flight MH370 on March 9, 2014 at sea in the Gulf of Thailand.
Initial actions
The US
The FBI has 
launched a terror probe
 into the vanished plane.

has borne most of the responsibility
for the search and rescue operation
so far.

the Jinggangshan and Mianyang,
two warships, almost immediately.

Elegant Lines Pitch Deck // 2021

The tragedy of MH370 affected
almost all nations involved in the
rescue effort and once the
circumstances of the aircraft’s
disappearance became clearer, the
region quickly reverted back to
finger-pointing and tension.
Families of
victims’ losses
and responses
What have they said so far?
Long-suffering families of the 239 passengers - the majority of whom
were Chinese - have been waiting since March 2014 for the first
evidence of what happened to the Boeing 777.

Jennifer Chong, who is based in Melbourne and whose husband Chong Ling Tan
was also on the plane, stated that the findings were unacceptable.
Other MH370 victims' families have
unveiled five new pieces of debris
found washed up on a beach. Speaking
at a news conference in Nov 2018,
they pleaded for more cash to allow
search efforts to continue.

New debris was held up by Jacquita

Gonzales, the wife of MH370 Steward
Patrick Gomes, as other relatives
begged government officials not to
stop looking.

Photo: Grace Nathan, left, and Jacquita Gonzales present new bits of plane debris
found washed up in Madagascar.
“The fact that debris is still washing up
now means that the investigation should
still be live. It shouldn't be closed.”
Grace Nathan, daughter of
a victim.
and theories
What has been said on the causes
of this tragedy?
The possibility of simple hijacking has
been brought up by various news
outlets, including BBC news and Los
Angeles times. However, the credibility
of hijacking theories have become
further marginalized following the
discovery of the first definitive
fragments of MH370 wreckage in July
satellite data
Technology writer Jeff Wise has developed
a theory in which the Inmarsat satellite
pings were a deliberately laid false trail
created by feeding the plane's satellite
communications system false data which
in turn caused the system to make false
frequency corrections, leading
investigators to make incorrect guesses as
to the plane’s location.
Shortly after the aircraft disappeared, it
was claimed that it may have been an
act of terrorism, possibly
a jihadist attack. These remarks have
not been confirmed, and were
characterized as conspiracy theories
by The Guardian.
Other theories include:
● Electronic hijacking
● A North Korean conspiracy
● The plane is in Diego Garcia, either captured by the US or shot down in the area
● Phantom cellphone theory
● Crew suicide
● Fire
● Shootdown hypothesis
● Cyber attack
● Vertical entry into the sea
● Other physically improbable theories
To this day, though more evidence has
been found, the fate of the MH370
remains inconclusive.
Thank you for

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