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Materi Perkembangan Hewan

Pengantar Gametogenesis
Relsas Yogica, S.Pd.M.Pd.
Staf Dosen Biologi Struktur dan Perkembangan Hewan
Mammalian spermatogenesis
Germ cell associations

• Cytoplasmic bridges:
Important differences
• Mammalian Spermatogenesis
• Stem cells continuously dividing by mitosis
• 4 gametes produced per meiosis
(emphasis on numbers)
• Meiosis begins in puberty
• Differentiation of gamete occurs while haploid
Somatic cells associated with gametogenesis
• Sertoli Cells
• Close association with developing sperm
• N-cadherins, gap junctions, cytoplasmic channels
• Nourish developing cells
• Translocate sperm toward lumen: control rate of
• Secrete Seminal fluid (5%)
• inhibin production to decrease pituitary gonadotropins
• Establish Blood-Testis Barrier- Drugs, certain hormones,
immune barrier
• Leydig Cells (Interstitial cells)
• Located between seminiferous tubules
• Secrete testosterone

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