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A Collection of

about love and lovelorn
Baroque Poetry
Sincerely, Gen Z
We, the product of the decisions of the "too young to be depressed"
past generation, "too young to be an activist"
left on a dying planet - barely breathing. "too young to protest"
we inherited what was theirs,  
left to deal with their affairs. But now you've had your chance,
the dying earth, poverty, and hate, It's our turn to speak
now its too late to retrograde against poverty and corruption,
  against homophobia and racism
The economy crashing before our eyes, against climate change and pollution
before our hard work came to fruition. against discrimination and fascism
lackluster eyes devoid of vision,  
we were robbed by the second We won't stay seated listening,
depression. We will fight for what was left for ours
Politicians do nothing to help or to fix We will save ourselves from this
As my country slowly succumbs to ruination
poverty. Sincerely,
  - Gen Z
When we tried to rise above
You called us unfit
"too young and stupid."
A Cartographer in Love
There's this thing that you do On the map of you, I yearn to find,
you do it all the time. the greenest hills, coolest waters, and
the way that your lips moves and hallowed lands.
smiled Your mind's complex, its wisdom
I've memorized it, mapped, yet never-ending,
uncharted Your body's a ridge I'd die traversing.
The reasons for the crevices on your Your figure ever mapped in my head,
forehead when you frown, the shape of you, I'll never forget.
to rid of it, I'll offer my life to the
Forever Yrs,
stars above.
- A cartographer in love
The shape of your heart, inside and
Recorded by a cartographer in love

Symbolism Poetry
To the moon, my love
Are you not tired at looking down from above?
Companion less, you sit in the skies
Ever changing, your melancholic eyes

Desolate, and distant

Yet always in my vision and my mind
There you continue to lie in heaven,
Unfeeling and indifferent

Sometimes I wish I could take you out of the

night sky
So I can forever keep you in my eyes
And even though my chances are grim
I will do whatever it takes so your light wont dim
Hopelessly Yrs
- A Selenophile

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