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Control de la

Juan Carlos Camacho Suárez
Residente Medicina Aeroespacial
Universidad Nacional De Colombia
Control de la respiración
1. Sistema de control respiratorio

2. Centros respiratorios

3. Control neural

4. Control químico

5. Respuesta al ejercicio y altura

Sistema de control respiratorio

Central controller

Puente, medula

Sensors Efectors

Quimiorreceptores, Músculos
mecanorreceptores respiratorios
Estímulos neurales
Centros respiratorios
Áreas del puente

• Centro pneumotáxico:
- Área inhibitoria
- Nucleos parabrachialis medialis/Kolliker-Fuse

• Área apneustica:
- Prolongación de la inspiración
Respiración apneústica
Centros medulares

Lindsey B, Rybak I, Smith J. Computational Models and Emergent Properties of Respiratory Neural Networks. Compr Physiol. 2012 Jul 1; 2(3): 1619–1670.
Grupo Dorsal Respiratorio (DRG)
• close relation to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS)

• Visceral afferents from cranial nerves IX and X

• predominantly inspiratory neurones and upper

motor neurones

• timing of the respiratory cycle.

• Drives diaphragm, external intercostals

Grrupo ventral respiratorio
• Caudal VRG
- Nucleus retroambigualis (Predominantly
- Nucleus paraambigualis (mainly inspiratory)

• Rostral VRG
- Nucleus ambiguous
- airway dilator functions of the larynx, pharynx
and tongue
Generación del ritmo
• Pre-Bötzinger complex (Central pattern
- Neuronas marcapasos
- Inspiratorio y expiratorio

• Bötzinger complex
- Expiratory neurons
Estelle B. Gauda, Richard J. Martin, in Avery's Diseases of the Newborn (Ninth Edition), 2012.
Lindsey B, Rybak I, Smith J. Computational Models and Emergent Properties of Respiratory Neural Networks. Compr Physiol. 2012 Jul 1; 2(3): 1619–1670.
Mecanismo espinal

JE Cotes. DJ Chinn, MR Miller. Lung function sixth edition. 2006. p: 285- 300
• Inhibición:
- Glicina

• Excitación:
- Acetylcholine
- Norepinephrine
- Histamine
- Serotonin (5-HT)
- Dopamine
- Substance P
- Colecystokinin (CCK)
Doi A, Ramirez JM. neuromodulation and the orchestration of the respiratory rhythm. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 Dec 10; 164(0): 96–104.
Lumb A. Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology 8th Edition. 2017
Reflejo de Hering-Breuer
• Receptores de estiramiento activados
por insuflación

• Fibras Vagales

• Reflejo inhibitorio

• Volumen corriente aumentado


• Prevención de hiperinsuflación
Reflejo Tos

Chung KF, Pavord ID. Prevalence, pathogenesis, and causes of chronic cough. Lancet. 2008 Apr 19;371(9621):1364-74.
Reflejo estornudo
Sindrome de Ondina

• congenital central hypoventilation


• permanent defect in automatic

respiratory control

• apnoea and hypoventilation

during sleep

• structural defects in the neurones

of the retrotrapezoid nucleus
Control químico de la respiración
• Central chemoreceptors:
- Increased PaCO2
- Increased H+

• Peripheral chemoreceptors:
- Decreased PaO2
- Increased PaCO2
- Increased H+
Quimiorreceptores centrales
Quimiorreceptores periféricos

Nurse CA. Synaptic and paracrine mechanisms at carotid body arterial chemoreceptors. J Physiol. 2014 Aug 15;592(16):3419-26.
Función del cuerpo carotideo

Nurse CA. Synaptic and paracrine mechanisms at carotid body arterial chemoreceptors. J Physiol. 2014 Aug 15;592(16):3419-26.
JE Cotes. DJ Chinn, MR Miller. Lung function sixth edition. 2006. p: 285- 300 Hall J. Guyton y hall tratado de fisiología medica 13th edición.
Respuesta ventilatoria

JE Cotes. DJ Chinn, MR Miller. Lung function sixth edition. 2006. p: 285- 300
Respuesta al ejercicio

Lumb A. Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology 8th Edition. 2017

Respuesta al ejercicio

Lumb A. Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology 8th Edition. 2017

Respuesta a la altitud
• Menor oxigeno disponible

• Hiperventilación

• aclimatación
Lumb A. Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology 8th Edition. 2017

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