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hoy jueves
The first 3

1. I am the Lord your God, You
shall have no other gods
before me.
2. You shall not take the name
of the Lord you God in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the
sabbath day.
Prepared by
Rev. John Michael O. Dion, Sch.P.

Our family day

Sunday is the Lord’s Day

Sunday is the Lord’s
Day. It is the day when
we celebrate Jesus’
rising from the dead;
His victory over sin.
On Sundays, we
celebrate Jesus’ gift of
salvation to us.
Keeping the Lord’s Day

We keep Sunday, the
Lord’s Day, holy by
participating actively in
the celebration of the
Holy Mass and by doing
activities that move us
closer to the Lord.
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"I am not sure exactly what
heaven will be like, but I don't
know that when we die and it
comes time for God to judge
us, he will NOT ask, How
many good things have you
done in your life?, rather he
will ask, How much LOVE did
you put into what you did?"
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"I try to give to the poor
people for love what the
rich could get for
money. No, I wouldn't
touch a leper for a
thousand pounds; yet I
willingly cure him for
the love of God."
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"If we want a love
message to be heard,
it has got to be sent
out. To keep a lamp
burning, we have to
keep putting oil in
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"If you can't
feed a hundred
people, then
feed just one."
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"If you judge
people, you
have no time
to love them."
St. Teresa’s Quotes

"Intense love
does not
measure, it
just gives."
The Power To Love

We are
followers of
Jesus and he
calls us to love
in the same way
that he does.
The Power To Love

We can love like
him if we are
willing to listen to
him and to obey
his commands.
The Power To Love

There are two ways
to love like Jesus:
1.Corporal works of
2.Spiritual works of
Corporal Works Of

The corporal works of
mercy are these kind acts
by which we help our
neighbors with their
material and physical
needs. The corporal works
of mercy are the following:
Corporal Works Of

Corporal Works Of

1. feeding the hungry;
2. giving drink to the thirsty;
3. sheltering the homeless;
4. clothing the naked;
5. visiting the sick and imprisoned;
6. burying the dead;
7. and giving alms to the poor.
Spiritual works of

The spiritual works of
mercy are acts of
compassion, as listed below,
by which we help our
neighbors with their
emotional and spiritual
needs. The spiritual works
of mercy are:
Spiritual works of

The spiritual works of
mercy are acts of
compassion, as listed below,
by which we help our
neighbors with their
emotional and spiritual
needs. The spiritual works
of mercy are:
Spiritual works of

1. instructing the ignorant;
2. advising or counselling the
3. admonishing the sinner;
4. consoling & comforting the
5. forgiving injuries;
6. bearing wrongs patiently;
7. and praying for the living and the

The Power To Love

Jesus is our model for
loving. To love like Jesus is
to do the corporal and
spiritual works of mercy.
Doing them maybe hard,
but we should join and
pray for our family and
other followers of Jesus

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