Beauty Standards

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Prefer & would rather


Prefer something To something else I prefer pasta to burger

Prefer doing something To doing something else I prefer traveling to working
Rather than doing something I prefer traveling rather than
else working
Prefer to do something Rather than do something elese I prefer to stay home rather than
go out

Intelligence/beauty I prefer intelligence to beauty

Go out without make- I prefer going out without make-up rather than going out with make-
up/with make-up up

Buy clothes/foods I prefer to buy foods rather than buy clothes

Night owl/early bird I prefer to be a night owl rather than be an early bird
Would rather
Would rather do something Than do something else She would rather study in
university than get married

Go picnic/have a candle light I’d rather go picnic than have a

dinner candle dinner
Which do you prefer? Answer using prefer/would rather

 Int el li g enc e / bea ut y

 Go ou t wi th ou t m ake- up /wit h m ake- u p

 Cloth es /foods

 N igh t owl /e ar ly bir d

 Go p ic ni c /have ca nd le li g ht di nn er
How do you defi ne beauty?

 Bea ut y is bei ng a ttrac ti ve.

 M a udy Ay und a

 Sin cere

 M a ke u p. We ha d a fi g h t las t ni g ht bu t th en we m a de u p.

 Pe er g r ou p
What are stange beauty standards that you know?

 White skin /fair skin

 White teeth

 Flat tummy /six packs

 Sharp nose /up turned nose

 V shaped jaw line

 Blonde hair

 Gingsul, bunny teeth

 Long neck

 Beauty is pain

 Healthy skin
Does beauty affect one's success in
 Pr iv i le g e
Have you ever noticed anyone ever feeling
pressured to be more beautiful?
What do you think of the proverb, "beauty is in the eye of the
What do you think "beauty is skin deep" means?
What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty?

 Si ncer e

 Con fi den t

 D own to ea r t h

 Sma r t
Are beauty pageants good?
Do you think beauty pageants for children are good?

 Be a ut y i s in t h e e y e o f t h e b e h o l d e r : b e a ut y c a n n o t b e j u d g e d o b je c t i v el y, f o r wh a t o n e pe r s on
f i n ds b e a u t i f u l o r a d mi ra b l e ma y n o t a pp e a l t o a n o t h e r.

 Be a ut y i s o nl y s ki n d e e p : a p l e a si n g a p p e a r a nc e i s no t a g u id e t o c h a ra ct e r.

 Down at heel :  person who is down-at-heel is someone whose appearance is untidy or neglected because
o f l a c k o f m o n e y.

 Dressed up to nine : Someone who is  dressed up to the nines  is wearing very smart or glamorous clothes.

 Easy on the eye: pleasant to look at

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