1.MIL 1. Introduction To MIL (Part 2) - Characteristics of Information Literate Individual and Importance of MIL

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Introduction to
Media and
Literacy (Part 2)
Learning Competencies
Learners will be able to…
• define media habit, lifestyle, and preference
• share to class media habits, lifestyles and
preferences (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-4);
• identify characteristics /describes a
responsible users and competent producers of
media and information (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3);
Learning Competencies
Learners will be able to…
• discuss and evaluate the characteristics of
a responsible user and competent
producer of media and information (SSHS);
• editorialize the value of being a media and
information literate individual
Topic Outline
I. Introduction to Media and
Information Literacy (Part 2)
A. Media Habits, Lifestyle, and
B. Characteristics of a Media and
Information Literate Individual
C. Importance of Media and
Information Literacy (MIL)
D. Performance Task
1. Written Work- Essay Writing
Terms and Definitions
• The selecting of someone or something over
another or others.
• A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior
that is acquired through frequent repetition.
• A way of life or living of a person or group.

(Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com)
Class Activity
• Strategy: Inside/Outside
• Instruction: Share your
media habits, lifestyles, and
preferences to your
classmates. (Write down
information you gathered.)
• Time limit: 2 minutes per
Sample Questions
1.On an average how much time do you spent online?
What do you always do when you are online? Why?
2.Do you watch TV? If yes, what programs do you watch
on TV? Why?
3.Do you read books or magazines? What kind of books
or magazines do you read?
4.Where do you gathered news? Why?
Processing the Activity

• Share information you

gathered from your
• Create a conclusion based
on the gathered information
about the media habits,
lifestyles, and preferences
of your classmates.
Formative Assessment:
• What are the
characteristics of
responsible users and
competent producers
of media and
Poster Analysis

• What is the
message of
this poster?
• Do you
agree with
Why or why
Characteristics of responsible users and competent producers of media and information

1. A media and information literate individual behaves

properly on the internet.

’net’ and ’etiquette
- respecting other users’ views and displaying common
courtesy when posting your views to online discussion

• Include context. When commenting on a message thread it is

good netiquette to include a relevant quote from the original
message to give context to your comment.
• Check, then click. Before you post a comment, double check
that you are saying exactly what you want to say. One small
error can completely change the meaning of your message, so
read and read again before sending. We are only human.
Remember that an actual person with real feelings, beliefs,
imperfections and emotions is behind every message, email
or comment. It’s sometimes easy to get carried away and
write something that you would not dream of saying to
someone’s face and can be mistaken for displaying 
cyberbullying behaviour.
• Do you get it? Jokes, dark humor and sarcasm are often difficult to
convey over the internet. So to avoid potential misunderstandings
always indicate the humorous nature of your comment. You could do
this by using emoticons, putting “lol” (laugh out loud) at the end of the
message or by starting with a phrase like, “On a lighter note…”
• Newbies. We were all once new to emails, messaging and forum posts,
so always try and help someone new who is making mistakes. (If you
are new, check out our ‘What is netiquette?‘ section for more
• Don’t spam! It is normal to want to be noticed in the crowd of people
on social media – but spamming (another word for sending the same
or similar messages lots of times) can be annoying and may have the
opposite effect!
• Be yourself. If you want to get the most out of communicating
online, be yourself. Making up false profiles and alter egos will
only discourage people from talking openly with you and
taking you seriously. Remember that most trolls and
cyberbullies use false profiles, so be careful not to be taken as
• Express yourself. Don’t be afraid to express yourself openly
and honestly. Netiquette is not about restricting expression
but about making it easier for people to understand.
• Allow others to express themselves too. Remember that
everybody has an opinion, so allow them to express it. You
may have to agree to disagree on many issues, but just make
your point and move on. Don’t let a simple difference of
opinion escalate into an argument.
• Don’t SHOUT. Avoid writing whole words or sentences in
capital letters. This is the equivalent of someone SCREAMING IN
• Respect people’s privacy. Don’t pass on another person’s
private information or photos unless you have their permission.
Not only is this bad netiquette but you may also be accused of
cyberbullying, doxing or online harassment.
• Avoid conflict. Trading insults and abuse – also known as ‘
flaming’ – is not good netiquette. It is pointless and negative
and could get you banned from the site. Avoid being drawn into
fights and never post abuse on someone’s message board.
Poster Analysis

• What is the
message of
this poster?
• Do you
agree with
Why or why
Characteristics of responsible users and competent producers of media and information

2. A media and information literate individual is a

critical thinker
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and
rationally about what to do or what to believe. It
includes the ability to engage in reflective and
independent thinking.
Poster Analysis

• What is the
message of
this poster?
• Do you
agree with
Why or why
Poster Analysis

• What is the
message of
this poster?
• Do you
agree with
Why or why
Characteristics of responsible users and competent producers of media and information

3. A media and information literate individual knows

how to protect himself/herself and others on the
Video Presentation

Responsible Use of Social Media THINK

by Projonmo Agami
Movies\Episode VI _ Responsible use of social Media

Dos and Don'ts when using social networks

By leadinginnovation
Movies\Dos and Don'ts when using social networks.
Formative Assessment
Board Work: Table Completion
Responsible User of Competent Producer of
Media Information Media Information
Formative Assessment:
• Do you consider yourself
as a media and
information literate
individual? Why or why
• Why is being a media
and information literate
very important in this
modern world?
Cartoon Analysis
Importance of Media
and Information Literacy

The Danger of Desensitization!

Importance of Media
and Information Literacy
Importance of Media
and Information Literacy
Importance of Media
and Information Literacy
Importance of Media
and Information Literacy
Performance Task:
Written Work
• Write an essay about the value of being a
media and information literate individual.
• Your essay must have a title, an introduction,
a body paragraph (1 main argument with 2
examples), and a conclusion.
• Not less than 12 sentences
• Refer to the rubric for
criteria and grading.

  Very Good Good Poor Needs

INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introductory Introduction Introduction
Background/ introductory paragraph does not was not
Define the paragraph contains some adequately presented.
Problem contains detailed background explain the  
background information background of  
information, a and states the the problem.   
clear explanation problem, but The problem is  
or definition of does not stated, but  
the problem. explain using lacks detail.  
(2 points)
(5 points)  (4 points) (0 points)
Rubric (cont.)
  Very Good Good Poor Needs
BODY Argument is well Argument was Argument was Argument was
PARAGRAPHS developed with presented with presented but not presented.
Main supporting some lacks  
Argument examples. supporting examples.  
(5 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points) 
CONCLUSION Conclusion was Conclusion was Conclusion was Conclusion was
presented. presented with presented but not presented.
Opinions and some no suggestions  
suggestions for suggestions for for change  
change are change are and/or  
logical and well evident. opinions are  
thought out.   included.
(5 points) (4 points) (2 points) (0 points)
• Media and Information Literacy Curriculum
Guide by DepEd
• Media and Information Literacy by Boots C.
Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
• http://www.digitalliteracy.gov/
• http://
• http://www.uis.unesco.org/Communication/D
Photo Credit
• Slide 6 http://beckyschichtel.weebly.com/instructional-strategies.html
• Slide 9
• Slide 10
• Slide 11 https://twitter.com/ac_pilot/status/690654676103122945
• Slide 12 http://www.fuzion.ie/safebook
• Slide 16 http://mass.pakgalaxy.com/cultivation-theory.html
• Slide 17 https://
Photo Credit
• Slide18https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_
• Slide 19
• Slide 20 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/515451119822906478/
• Slide 21 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/331436853805635290/

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