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Analyzing multiclass machine learning algorithms to find the effective depression detection method on textual social media posts

टे क्स्ट सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट पर प्रभावी डिप्रेशन डिटे क्शन मेथड खोजने के लिए मल्टीक्लास मशीन लर्निंग एल्गोरिदम का श्लेषण
Prakruti Rajendra Kothari ( | Shikhar Bharat Jain ( ) | Krushmi Madkaikar ( ) |Avnit Singh Banga ( )
Department of Information Systems, Data Analytics Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing

Research Question:- What are WHAT IS MACHINE LEARNING? Support Vector Machine (SVM): Ensemble technique:
different AI techniques that are Machine learning is defined as a branch of Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifies the Ensemble model technique: Ensemble model
available to detect depression computer science which aims to predict future input as one or the other of two categories SVM technique is a machine learning technique where
effectively? patterns with the help of data and algorithms. can deal with both linear and non-linear it combines multiple models to build a single
These algorithms try to learn from the data in the classification. SVM technique is used for detecting optimal predictive model. The main aim is to
same way which humans learn. Machine learning outliers, regression and classification. The main overcome the limitations of the each model, when
is one the important growing field because data is advantage of this method is to give high accuracy it combines the weak models into one it produces
INTRODUCTION: even in higher dimensional spaces. high quality results and has proved promising
increasing exponentially. With the help of
Depression (major depressive disorder) is a According to Bridianne O'Dea, S Stephen Wan, accurate diagnosis. For example, GBM, KNN, RGF,
machine learning decision making within
widespread and significant medical condition Philip J. Batterham, Alison L. Calear, Cecile Paris & LR can be combined to make one model where it
applications and business is possible. Machine
that has a negative impact on how you feel, think Helen Christensen (2015) SVM is the best
learning is divided into two categories will help overcome the constraints. According to
machine learning technique with an accuracy of
and behave. Mental illness causes unhappiness or A)Supervised learning – Supervised learning is an Xiaohui Tao, Oliver Chi, Patrick J. Delaney, Lin Li
76%[3]. But the research study by Xiaohui Tao ,
a loss of interest in previously appreciated approach to build models with labelled datasets. & Jiajin Huang, ensemble methods have accuracy
Oliver Chi, Patrick J. Delaney, Lin Li and Jiajin
activities. It can cause a slew of mental and Examples: Regression, Classification Huang states that the SVM classifier has given of 95.4% and precision of 95.6% which is better
physical issues, as well as a reduction in your them an accuracy of 92.1%, F1 score of 95.8% and than single traditional techniques [4].
B) Unsupervised learning- Unsupervised learning
capacity to operate in your daily life. Nowadays, a recall of 99%[4]. Moreover, a case study by
is an approach to build models with unlabeled DISCUSSION:
due to an increase in stress because of daily life Mandar Deshpande & Vignesh Rao (2017) got an
datasets. Machine Learning techniques which is the
events, millions of people worldwide suffer from accuracy of 79% [1]. subfield of Artificial Intelligence can be applied to
depression. Symptoms of depression may range examine the emotional states which help in
from moderate to severe. Some of the symptoms XGBOOST (Extreme gradient detecting depression. The research paper
may include: sadness, more or no sleep, low self- introduces several machine learning techniques
esteem, suicidal tendencies or death thoughts [1]. to detect depression. After reviewing the methods
There are various factors which may lead to XGBOOST is a type of decision tree which boosts such as Naïve Bayes and Ensemble Techniques
the process of classifying unstructured data, provide higher accuracy than the other
depression some of them may include family
predicting trends in large amounts of data, and techniques. However, Ensemble techniques is the
history, some traumatic events that may have
evaluating regression predictive models. It helps best as it outrages the accuracy of all the other
happen in past, brain structure disorder or due to
Fig 1. Illustrates work flow of Machine to predict datasets of biomarkers in classifying techniques. Clinicians should adopt these
some medical conditions. It is increasing day by and diagnosing depression. This model has the
learning Algorithms methods to detect mental disorders rather than
day and sometimes it is hard to treat.  According advantage of giving higher accuracy over the using traditional methods. AI can definitely help
to Goldberg, D. [2] as depression increases, the other decision tree models. The implementation
Comparison between Models For to facilitate to the process of diagnosing
subjective to quality of life decreases. Therefore, of this algorithm is easy and cost effective. depression. Although there is no comparison
it is hard to treat. It is important to detect Detecting Depression : XGBOOST is a better model over the single between machine learning models and doctors
depression at its earliest stage. machine learning algorithms such as SVM, treating mental illness. In future, it is possible
Naïve Bayes: Logistic Regression. This model is ensemble that AI techniques can help detect depression
modelling where multiple algorithms run and with the help of chatbots or trained bots which
Naïve Bayes classifier is a probabilistic classifier
makes it error free therefore is robust. A will ease this tedious task. Chatbots can interact
based on Bayes’ theorem, which assumes that
limitation of the algorithm is that it may not be with humans by engaging the users in mental
each feature makes an independent and equal
able to detect through genetics [5]. health interventions.
contribution. Naive Bayes theorem finds out the As XGBOOST is computationally less expensive
conditional probability of an event given that than the Neural Networks, it is a better REFERENCES:
some other event has already occurred. According alternative for implementation and secondly, the
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2017, ISBN:978-1-5386-1959-9

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Fig 1. depicts symptoms of Depression

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