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Science Quizzes

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< Science Quizzes >
1. The earth looks blue and the moon
looks yellow inside a solar system.
What’s the color of the earth
in the Space?
A. White
B. Black
C. Red
< The Answer >

1. The Answer is “B”.

The Sun makes the light itself.
The earth reflects light of the
Sun. The Space is in vacuum
space so, there’s nothing to
< Science Quizzes >

2.Whendoes the earthworm

come out from the ground?
A. On Cloudy Day
B. On Fine Day
C. On Rainy Day
< The Answer >

2. The answer is “C”

It breathes like people.
If it’s raining, it can’t breathe.
So, it came out from the ground.
< Science Quizzes > 김서진외 .

3.What’s the degree the water

boils in space?
A. 20℃
B. 50℃
C. 100℃
< The Answer >

3. The answer is “A”

In Space, even a small
molecules turn into steam and
< Science Quizzes > 주경민외 .

4.What is the harmful ingredient

in a lotion?
A. Aroma
B. Gunpowder “ 화약이라는 차이
름 ”
C. Lithium
< The Answer >

4. The answer is “A”

Aroma has a good scent but
it doesn’t have natural
< Science Quizzes > 주경민외 .

5.Can adults live for 300 hours

without eating water?
A. Yes, they can.
B. No, they can’t.
C. Vary according to cases
< The Answer >

5. The answer is “B”

The maximum time of adults
is 240 hours.
< Science Quizzes >

6.What happened if you put a

cockroach in the refrigerator?
A. It freezes and dies
B. It slowly stopped soon.
C. It moves freely
< The Answer >

5. The answer is “c”

Cockroaches even lived in the
Ice Age.
< Science Quizzes > 안소영외 .

8.Which bone is the strongest

in the body?
A.Skull is the strongest
B.Teeth is the strongest.
C.thigh ( 대퇴 ) is the strongest
< The Answer >

8. The answer is “c”

It has the most scientific structure
that can effectively bear shocks.
< Science Quizzes > 안지호외 .

9.What magnitude was the

strongest earthquake in the world?
A. 8.8 B. 9.0 C. 9.5

D. 7.8 E. 10.2
< The Answer >

9. The answer is “c”

There was an earthquake of
9.5 magnitude in Chile.
< Science Quizzes > 지유외 .

10. What is the skin color of

a polar bear?
A. black
B. brown
C. white
< The Answer >

10. The answer is “A”

Black color can easily absorb
the light. So, polar bear can
protect its body from the cold.
< Science Quizzes > 준태외 .

11. Why do people have two eyes?

A. to look at the colors

B. to feel distance and cubic effects 입체
C. to find out the figures 모양
< The Answer >

11. The answer is “B”

Only one eye can’t measure
the distance. So, two eyes gather
the visible information and pass it t
o the brain.
< Science Quizzes > 현송외 .

12. Which of the following is

Not helpful to peel onions without
A. baking powder B. cold water
C. piece of bread
< The Answer >

12. The answer is “A”

Bread absorb the gas of onions.
Also water washes off the gas
of onions.
< Science Quizzes > 현송외 .

13. What is Poo not used for?

A. to cure disease
B. to make people live longer
C. make cosmetics
< The Answer >

13. The answer is “C”

A healthy person’s poo can be use
d to cure the disease. Also, it can m
ake people live longer.
< Science Quizzes > 진의외 .

14. What age of intelligence

does a dolphin have?
A. 8 years old
B. 10 years old
C. 15 years old
< The Answer >

14. The answer is “A”

The intellegence is same as
8-year-old person’s. They
generally live with a group.
< Science Quizzes >

15. When will the world extinct?

A. about 2 million years later

B. about 1000 years later
C. about at 2070
< The Answer >

15. The answer is “C”

Our world could be polluted.
Because of air pollution or nuclear
war, it’ll happen on 2070
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

16. How many teeth do

the snails have?
A. about 20,000
B. about 25,000
C. about 40,000
< The Answer >

16. The answer is “B”

They have about 25,000
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

17. What is the Jupiter

made of ?
A. Solid 고체
B. Gas 기체
C. Liquid 액체
< The Answer >

17. The answer is “B”

The Surface is not hard.
And it’s made of gas.
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

18. What is the color of

Hippo’s milk?
A. red
B. yellow
C. white
< The Answer >

18. The answer is “A”

They can control the body
temperature. Even the color of
sweat is red.
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

19. When you cut the magnet,

What happens?
A. It doesn’t have polar.
B. It all becomes south polar.
C.It becomes a normal magnet.
< The Answer >

19. The answer is “C”

If you cut it, you’re making

an another magnet.
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

20. Do birds sleep while

A. Close eyes both eyes while flying
B. Fly with one eye closed in turn.
C. They don’t sleep while flying.
< The Answer >

20. The answer is “B”

The one part of the brain is

taking a sleep with one eye
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

21. How long has the Earth been?

A. about 2 billion
B. about 4 billion
C. about 4.5 billion
< The Answer >

21. The answer is “C”

About 4.5 billion years ago,

various rocks collided and
formed the Earth.
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

22. How can mosquitoes find

out person?
A. heat D. They can see
B. Smell E. I don’t know.
C. They can hear
< The Answer >

22. The answer is “B”

Mosquitoes can detect CO2 and

they can smell the sweat of
people. They have good sense of
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

23. Why does the hair smell

when it burns?
A. protein
B. Vitamin
C. blood
< The Answer >

22. The answer is “A”

Old cells are covered with

The Last Nonsense Quiz!
< Science Quizzes > 수진외 .

24. Why did Kingkong climb

up the top of the Empire state
A. It’s faster. B. He’s too big for elevator.
C. He hates the elevator.
< The Answer >

22. The answer is “B”

Kingkong is too big for the elevat


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