Sampling Distribution: Dr. G.Syamala, Department of Commerce, SPPU

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Sampling Distribution

Dr. G.Syamala, Department of Commerce, SPPU

Sampling distribution

50 from
50 from Aundh Sample of weights
Khadki of 200 men in Pune
Samples city
50 from
50 from Camp
Shivajinagar Mean


Whenever we take a sample from the population and we

calculate its mean, for every sample the mean would be different
and when you draw the distribution of those sampling means it
is called sampling distribution of those sample means

A sampling distribution is a distribution of all of the possible

value of a sample statistics for a given size of sample selected
from a population
Probability distribution

Suppose you are contesting for an election-

The total votes is 10,000
The probability of getting 2000 votes is 0.3
The probability of getting 3000 votes is 0.4
The probability of getting 1000 votes is 0.25
The probability of getting 500 votes is 0.05
Population distribution
  says there is population of 4 students A,B,C and D
Population Size=N=4
Random Variable ,X = age of the individuals
Value of X=18,20,22,24
µ(population parameter)=ΣX = 18+20+22+24= 21(Mean) 1

N 4
Ϭ=Σ(X -µ) 2 = 2.23(Standard Deviation)

N This is the Population distribution

So, if you take one student out of 4 then the probability of one student is 0.25 of A ,B,C or D getting selected.
This kind of distribution is called as Uniform distribution
• √9+1+1+9/4
• √20/4
• √5
Summary Measures for Populati on Distributi on




A(18) B(20) C(22) D(24)


So, if you take one student out of 4 then the probability of one student is

0.25 of A ,B,C or D getting selected

Sampling Distribution
Suppose the population is 4 i.e- N=4
Sample size=2(two observations)n=2
1 st 2nd observation
18 20 22 24
18 18,18 18,20 18,22 18,24
20 20,18 20,20 20,22 20,24
22 22,18 22,20 22,22 22,24
24 24,18 24,20 24,22 24,24

16 possible samples with replacement

1 st 2nd observation 1 st 2nd observation
Obs. Obs.
18 20 22 24 18 20 22 24
18 18,18 18,20 18,22 18,24 18 18 19 20 21
20 20,18 20,20 20,22 20,24 20 19 20 21 22
22 22,18 22,20 22,22 22,24 22 20 21 22 23 Table of
24 24,18 24,20 24,22 24,24 24 21 22 23 24 means

You have 16 Sample means 18 is appearing 1 time so it is 1/16=0.06

19 and 23 is appearing 2 times
20 and 22- three times
21 is four times
This is called as Normal distribution
Summary Measures for Populati on Distributi on







18 19 20 21 22 23


This is called as Normal distribution

•X̅ (mean
  of all the means)= 18+19+19+^ +24 = 21
Ϭ= Σ(X -µ) 2 =(18-21) 2 -------------(24-21) 2

= 1.58 ( Standard Deviation)
The mean of population distribution and the mean of sample
distribution is one and the same but if you look at the standard
deviation it has come down.
The mean of sample means and population mean are always
equal, therefore sample mean is called an unbiased estimator of
population mean.
• √9+4+4+1+1+1+0+0+0+0+1+1+1+4+4+9
• √40/16
• √2.5
• 1.58
Comparing the population distribution with sample
mean distribution
Population Mean Sample mean distribution
Population N=4 n=2
µ=21 Ϭ = 2.236 X̅ =21 Ϭ X̅=1.58
Standard Error of the Mean
Different Sample of the same size from the same population will
yield different sample means.
The variability amongst these sample means would be measured
by Standard error of mean. (It is not standard deviation), but it is
called as Standard error of mean.
Thus we are calculating ,how these different means are varying
or what is the variability amongst these different sample means
and that we calculate by Standard error of mean
Assuming that sampling is with replacement or without
replacement from an infinite population
•So Standard error of mean SE(σ= Ϭ(Population mean)

So that the standard error of mean decreases as the
sample size increases.
If you increase the denomination that is the sample size
Error reduces.
With no replacement
18 20 22 24

18+20 20+22
18+22 20+24
18+24 22+24 n=6
Z Value for Sample distribution of the mean
Z Value for the sampling distribution of X̅
Z= (X̅-µ)
Where X̅ = sample mean
µ= population mean
σ= population standard deviation
n= sample size
Formula for sampling size:
n=[ zs/e]2
Where, n = is the sample size of the respondent
z= 1.96 (Standard value at 95% confidence level)
s= sample standard deviation (based on questionnaire
rating scale)
s=[maximum-minimum value on the rating scale]/6
=(5-1/6) (10-1/6)
e= 0.05- tolerance error
Construct a sampling distribution of the sample mean
for the following population when random samples of
size 2 are taken from it (a) with replacement (b) without
Also find the mean and standard error of the
distribution in each case.
Population 1 2 3 4
Observations 22 24 26 28

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