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Core Exercises

What is Core Exercises?

 Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips
and abdomen to work together. This leads to better balance and
stability making daily activities such as walking, running, and
sitting much easier. A strong core will consist of muscles that
work together to support your body. This will make you less
susceptible to injuries, keeping your body aligned and
minimizing strain on your muscles and joints.
 Core exercises are those that use your trunk without support,
like push-ups, sit-ups, and abdominal crunches.
 Core exercises are an important part of a well-rounded fitness
program. Aside from occasional situps and pushups, however,
core exercises are often neglected. Still, it pays to get your core
muscles the muscles around your trunk and pelvis in better
Core exercises don't require specialized
equipment or a gym membership

Any exercise that involves the use of your

abdominal and back muscles in
coordinated fashion counts as a core
exercise. For example, using free weights
in a manner that involves maintaining a
stable trunk can train and strengthen
several of your muscles, including your
core muscles.
Different Types of Core Exercises
Body Conditioning Exercises
What is Body Conditioning Exercise?

 Body conditioning is exercise that develops well-rounded

and full – body physical fitness to improve the condition of
the body. Those looking to increase their strength, tone up,
increase their heart rate, and generally get fitter would
benefit from a conditioning class.
 That means conditioning classes won’t just work the
muscles in your chest or your legs. It will work on your
whole body, including all the major muscle groups you can
think of. It’s a total body workout. It also won’t just test
your cardiovascular or aerobic fitness. It will also develop
your muscular strength, muscular endurance, and
Body Conditioning Workout

Burpee Squat Plank

What are the other Types of
Conditioning are there ?

Strength and conditioning – are often thrown about. It describes workouts that focus
on strength training and will also test other fitness areas like muscular endurance to
create a well-rounded workout. Here you can expect less of the cardio-based stuff and
not many flexibility exercises, but more likely a focus on resistance training that will
work on your muscular system.
Aerobic conditioning – is another term you might hear. Unsurprisingly, the focus in
this workout would be on developing your aerobic fitness. That means a conditioning
workout that’s going to get you breathing heavily. Rather than short, sharp bursts of
activity, you’ll be training at a consistent level for more than just a few minutes. 
What are the Benefits
of Body Conditioning?

Improves the physical condition of the body – Training and developing physical fitness will cause
the body to change and adapt in many ways that will benefit health and well being. The value of
exercise is undeniable, so anything that boasts a total body workout is a positive.
Time-efficient – Body conditioning, in particular, is helpful for those who are short on time. Suppose
you’re not dedicated to spending all your free time in the gym but are looking to keep fit without
having to overthink specific goals, training types, and progression plans. In that case, conditioning
workouts are the perfect fit for your routine.
Easy to replicate – Body conditioning classes will help you get an effective and efficient workout in.
You can also do them yourself. Find your favourite exercises and string them together to create your
own routine that motivates you to exercise. And most importantly, that you enjoy. It’s for everybody.
It’s an all-encompassing word to describe the efforts towards a healthy and fit body.
The Five Basic
Strengthening Exercise
What is Strengthening
Exercise ?

Strengthening exercises are exercises

which are designed to increase the
strength of specific or groups of
muscles. Strengthening exercises
overload the muscle until the point of
muscle fatigue. This force and
overload of a muscle encourages the
growth, increasing the strength. Weak
muscles can increase the risk of injury
to the sorrounding joints and soft
What exercises strengthen
core ?

Core-strength exercises strengthen your core muscles, including your

abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis. Strong
core muscles make it easier to do many physical activities. You can do core-
strength exercises on a carpeted floor or mat.
The Five Basic Strengthening Exercise

1. Squat –is a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position
and then stands back up. 
2. Hinge –is generally defined as an exercise where you bend forward with maximal
motion at the hip and minimal motion at the knees. This is often also referred to as
a deadlift.
3. Push –is workout contracts your muscles when weight is being pushed away from
your body, meaning the work is done when the muscle contracts as you push. 
4. Pull –are those where the muscles contract when weight is being pulled towards
your body, meaning the work is done when the muscle contracts when you pull.
5. Core work –Core exercises are those that use your trunk without support, like push-
ups, sit-ups, and abdominal crunches. These exercises strengthen and train your
lower back, hips, abdomen and pelvis to work together for better balance and
What are the Benefits of Why is strength training
Strengthening Exercises ? important for everyone ?

Muscle-strengthening activities help Strength training may enhance your

maintain the ability to perform quality of life and improve your
everyday tasks and slow down the rate ability to do everyday activities.
of bone and muscle loss associated with Strength training can also protect
ageing. Health professionals also your joints from injury. Building
believe that improving your flexibility muscle also can contribute to better
can improve your posture, reduce aches balance and may reduce your risk of
and pains, and lower your risk of falls. This can help you maintain
injury, too. independence as you age.
Who would benefit from
Strengthening Exercises ?

There are many people with a variety of conditions and injuries who would benefit from a strengthening
exercise programme. Some of the conditions / injuries which would benefit from strengthening exercises

• Arthritic conditions
• Post injury – strength is lost post injury
• Pre surgery – increasing strength pre surgery will increase the recovery rate post surgery
• Post surgery – as surgery will result in decreased function which will decrease muscle strength
• After a period immobility – muscles start to atrophy if immobile.
• Movement dysfunction – strengthening specific muscles can help to correct this.
• People with poor posture – some muscles become weak and longer whereas others maybe overused and
become tight due to poor postures.
Benefits of Core Exercises
What are the Benefits of
Core Exercises ?

Core exercises are an important part of a well-rounded

fitness program. Aside from occasional situps and
pushups, however, core exercises are often neglected.
Still, it pays to get your core muscles — the muscles
around your trunk and pelvis — in better shape. Read on
to find out why.
Core exercises improve your balance and stability
Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower
back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads
to better balance and stability, whether on the playing
field or in daily activities.
What are the importance of
Core Exercises ?

• Core exercises are a crucial part of any exercise regimen. These exercises strengthen the body, particularly the pelvis,
hip, and lower back areas. Some examples of this type of exercise include crunches, reverse crunches, ball crunches,
oblique crossing over crunches, air bicycling, plank, butt lifts, back extensions with ball, and many more. Below, you
will find the top benefits of including these in your workout.
 Flatten and Strengthen Your Abs –These exercises work on the deep abdominal muscles, which are scientifically
known as transverses abdominis. Doing these will not only strengthen your abs, but also flatten them to make your
body look better. Core training is the fastest way to flatten your abs among other types of abdominal workouts.
 Stabilize the Lower Back – Core exercises also make the lower back stronger and healthier. With a stronger back, you
will be less prone to lower back pain that is usually a result of carrying too much weight, or pressure on the lower back.
By enhancing the body's weight-bearing capabilities, back muscles and ligaments will not easily be damaged by heavy
weight. Moreover, a stronger core will allow for normal spinal functions.
 Improve Balance and Coordination – As the back and abdominal area becomes stronger, the body also experiences
an improvement in balance and coordination. Doing core exercises stimulates a particular area in the brain called the
cerebellum that links to body parts for coordination, spatial awareness, and balance. These exercises are not simply a
workout for the body, but also for the brain.
 Enhance Flexibility – While most people find it hard to believe that working out abdominal muscles
can improve flexibility, core exercises can certainly do wonders for ligaments and muscles by
stabilizing the lower back. When the back is stabilized, stress and tension are removed, thus allowing
for greater range of motion, which in turn results in enhanced flexibility.
 Promote Better Breathing – Another benefit of core exercises is improved lung capacity. Core muscles
are connected to the diaphragm so working out these muscle groups will enhance one's ability to inhale
and exhale fully. If the body is able to take in more oxygen, the heart is able to pump more blood, so
there will be a significant improvement in the overall performance of the body.
 Strengthen the Body – It is not only the abdominals and the lower back that core exercises can
strengthen. They can also make the entire body stronger. Evidence to this is when you engage in
physical activities or sports. After doing several core exercise workouts, you will find that your sports-
playing capabilities will be much better. Whether it is surfing, running, skiing, or cycling, you will see
tremendous improvement in how you play these sports.
Core exercises should definitely be a part of your exercise routine. Aside from being a good workout for
your abdominal muscles, they also benefit your physical health in more ways than you can imagine. They
improve flexibility, strengthen abs and the entire body, reduce lower back problems, and promote breathing
and lung capacity
Group 1
Artillero, Cristine joy H.
Alvarez, Clayton
Artillera, Quennie Rose S.
Apayart, James
Agoyaoy, Jonathan Rae

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