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Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 值班长接到值长启动的命令后,将发电机本体
全措施,并安排值班员填写操作票。 All work
of the maintenance tickets is completed,
dismantle all safety facilities, arrange the
operator to fill the operation ticket.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 发电机启动前的检查、测量工作:发电机本体及有关
行电气设备全面检查。 Inspection and
measurements before start: Take back generator
and subsidiary equipments operation
ticket,dismantle the safety precaution,recover the
permanent board and security isolation
measures,the workers leave site after check the
electrical equipment.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

电工检查 Following inspection

should be carried out
 ( 1 )励磁机、发电机端部应清洁,电缆引出线及外壳
体; Exciter and top of generator should be clean,
there is no damage between outgoing cable and
 ( 2 )轴承下部油管法兰绝缘垫应无短路。大轴接地电
刷接线牢固,压簧完整,接触应良好,活动自如 There
is no short circuit of flank insulation under the
bearing. Earthing brush is fastened, proper
connection and free moving. ;
 ( 3 )发电机窥视孔应清洁无破损; Inspection hole
is clean
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 ( 4 )发电机出、入口风温度计应完整,灭火装置应正
常完好; Inlet and outlt thermometer is in good
condition, fire extinguishing apparatus as well
 ( 5 )发电机滑环清洁,励磁电刷 dynamo brush 在刷
25mm ; Slip ring is clean, excitation brush is freely
moving, the length is no less than 25mm
 ( 6 )调速电机接线良好,正确牢固; Speed
governing moter is in good connection
 ( 7 )空气冷却器室清洁严密,无泄漏积水。 Air
cooler is tightness, and no leakage.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

Operator should carry out the

following inspeciton 主值班员应进
 检查保护屏各接线应牢固,端子排使用正确,控制开关把手及各
 Check the connection of protection pannel, control switch is in
good position, sychronization switch is not connected.
 ( 2 )检查控制屏、保护屏各熔断器应完整无损; check the
fuse of control pannel and protection panel
 ( 3 )发电机励磁调节屏检查,灭磁开关检查;
 Check regulation pannel of exciter and magnetic shut-down
 对发电机各保护装置检查,保护均应投入。 Check the
generator protector.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

副值班员在值班电工的监护下进行下列测量 Deputy
operator should carry out following measure
under the monitor of electrician.
 ( 1 )确认发电机开关、电压互感器隔离开关在断开位
置,用 2500V 摇表测量定子回路绝缘电阻,其值不低于
过去同温度下测量的 1/3 ,而吸收比 R60/R15≥1.3 ,最
低值不低于 10MΩ ,如低于上述规定应报告值长并检查
处理; Confirm the generator switch and voltage
transformer is not connected,measure the stator loop
insulation resistance by 2500V megger.The value
should no less than 1/3 value under previous
temperature,while absorptance R60/R15≥1.3 , the
minimum should no less than 10MΩ,Report to operator
when the value not meet the requirement.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 ( 2 )用 500V 摇表测量励磁机励磁回路绝缘电阻不低于 0.5MΩ

; Measure the exciter loop insulation resistance by 500V
megger,the value should not below than 0.5MΩ
 ( 3 )用 1000V 摇表测量 4# 轴承底座绝缘电阻不低于 1MΩ ;
Measure the 4# bearing base insulation resistance by 1000V
megger,the value should not below than 1MΩ.
 ( 4 )用 500V 摇表测量调速电机绝缘电阻不低于
1MΩ 。 Measure the motor by 500V megger,the value should not
below than 1MΩ.
 注:发电机停机不超过 24 小时,上述测量可不进
行。 Note:These measurements can be leave out when the
generator shutdown no more than 24 hours.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

试验 Following Test should be
carry out
 ( 1 )试验机电联络信号,音响应正常; Test
the contact signal
 ( 2 )做发电机出口开关与灭磁开关联动的试
验; Test the contection between gate out
switch and magnetic shut-down switch.
 ( 3 )联系汽机,试验调速电机增减正确,转
动灵活,正反各三次; Connect turbine and
test speed motor keep flexible rotation.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 ( 4 )联系汽机做发电机出口开关与自动主汽
门联动试验; Test the connection between
gate out switch and automatic door main
 ( 5 )大小修后开机时,应做保护动作试验。
与热工值班员做非电量联锁试验。 Carry out
the protection tast when restarted after
repairement.carry out the non-power interlock
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

Inspection and measurements when it
 发电机一经转动即认为带电,任何人不得在设
定进行,发电机升速至 1500r/min ,值班员应
进行下列检查: No person allow works on
device when the generator rolling.The oprator
should carry out following inspection when
the speed at 1500r/min.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 ( 1 )听发电机、励磁机声音应正常; Lisen the

sound of generator and excitor
 ( 2 )冷却系统无漏风现象; No air leak in cooling
 ( 3 )轴承不漏油 , 发电机振动不大于 0.05mm ;
No oil leak in bearing,and generator vibration should
not exceed 0.05mm
 ( 4 )电刷在滑环内是否跳动或不动; Brush move
or not.
 ( 5 )发电机各部分温度有无异常。 The parts of
generator temperature in normal condition
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

Generator must meet following
conditions can be apposed
 ( 1 )发电机相序与系统相序一致; The generator
phase sequence accordance with system phase
 ( 2 )发电机电压与系统电压相等; The generator
voltage equals to system voltage
 ( 3 )发电机频率与系统频率相同; The generator
frequency equals to system frequency.
 ( 4 )发电机相位与系统相位一致。 The generator
phase position accordance with system phase
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

Following should be attention
 ( 1 )三相定子电流应为零; Three-phase
stator current should be zero.
 ( 2 )三相定子电压应平衡; Three-phase
voltage should be balance.
 ( 3 )检查定子回路无零序电压; Check the
stator circuit zero-sequence voltage
 ( 4 )检查励磁系统应无接地。 Check excite
system no interlock with ground.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

In the following cases, the generators are not allowed to
be incorporated into the system

 ( 1 )同步表指针旋转过快或有跳动现象;
The pointer of synchronoscope rotating too
 ( 2 )同步表指针指在零位不动或指针已指到
零位; The pointer of synchronoscope refers
to zero.
 ( 3 )汽轮机转速不稳。 Turbine speed
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

负荷调整: Load adjust

 1 、发电机并列运行中,应根据调度指令接带
When the generators sychronization in
parallel, nobody can operate the unit over
load without the shift leader permission.
 无功负荷的调整,以调整磁场激磁电流来完成。
 According to power factor and voltage index,
adjusting excitation current, reactive load can
be adjusted.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

发电机运行中的检查 Inspections
when the generator in operation
 ( 1 )发电机的窥视孔应完整,端点螺丝牢固、不漏
风。 Inspection hole is in good condition, no air leakage.
 ( 2 )从窥视孔观察机壳内部无异常现象。 No abnormal
case inside the stator
 ( 3 )发电机、励磁机外壳应无局部过热现象,温度正常。
Temperature is normal
 ( 4 )励磁机底座绝缘应无被金属短接、油浸现
象。 Insulation of excitor is in good condition.
 ( 5 )检查发电机、励磁机声音应正常。 The sound of
generator and excitor is normal.
Shandong Licun Power Plant Technology Co., Ltd.

 ( 6 )滑环、电刷有无冒火、过热现象。 Slip ring

and brush, no over heating.
 ( 7 )检查发电机出头,出口开关各联接处引出线无
放电过热现象。 Inspection the connection point, no
over heating.
 风室门是否严密。 Tightness of air box door.
 ( 9 )发电机小室 CT 、 PT 运行正常 , 无异音及放
电现象。 All CT PT is normal
 ( 10 )励磁调节屏及发电机保护屏工作正常 , 无过
热现象。 Excitation adjusting pannel and protection
pannel is normal, no over heating.

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