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Hi, ridho. How are you? It's been long since I saw you. Wait for a
Second! When did you start smoking?

Ridho: Hello, buddy. I am great, you? Of course, we met at the wedding of

Mumtaz last year. It's been long. Oh, dear, I have been smoking for six

Adrian: Oh really? It's been six months? Why did you start smoking?

Ridho: Umm, there is nothing particular about it. I just felt that it amuses me.
And you know it is up to the will of a person to decide what he wants to

Adrian: I get it, mate. But I don't think you should smoke here. It's a public
place. I am afraid your smoking may not irritate someone who is
allergic to it.

Ridho: Sorry but I don't think it would cause some problem for anyone
because it is I myself who is smoking. I am not forcing anyone nor I
am violating anyone's freedom.
Adrian: Brother, I understand your logic. Yes, I do agree with that. But the
point I am trying to make is that you are not alone here. Your act
certainly affects others.

Ridho: Oh, I don't understand. How?

Adrian: Look, you are puffing the cigarette and blowing its smoke around.
Although only your are smoking, your smoke is obviously irritating

Ridho: So you mean to say that it is not me but my smoke that can irritate

Adrian: Exactly! This is what I want to say. Smoking is an individual

choice. However, smoking at public places is not good.
 Look at that old man. He might be patient or allergic to smoke.
Your act is likely to harm his health.
Ridho: Oh yes, friend. You are saying right. I have come to understand that
smoking in public places is not good.

Adrian: Yes, my dear. It is morally and legally disallowed. (He then pointed to

a sign of ‘NO SMOKING’ pasted on a wall).

Ridho: Thank you for drawing my attention to this. I would not have known
this if you had not taught me so kindly.

Adrian: You are always welcome, ridho A responsible citizen is the one who
Fullfills his moral and social responsibilities. I am pleased to hear
from you.

Ridho: Okay, adrian. Thanks again! I have to leave now. Would you call me in
the evening so we can meet?

Adrian: For sure, friend. I'll call you. Then we will plan to meet over a cup of

Ridho: Sure sure! Thank you. I look forward to meeting you

Adrian: Goodbye, ridho. Have a good day!

Ridho: You too, buddy! Bye!

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