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Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity
recommended by a doctor?

Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?

In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?

Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?

Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs/medication for your blood pressure or heart condition?

Are there any other reasons that you know of as to why you should not participate in physical activity?

Any other previous or present medical history?

Depending on my client I would get them to run a for 6 minutes at a low-moderate intensity and
monitoring how they cope.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the
bronchial tubes that causes swelling and
constriction of the airways. The result is
difficulty breathing.

How does an individual get this medical

The exact cause of asthma is not known;
through research many different factors
can be acknowledged to be part of the
cause. Researchers think a combination
of factors predominately family genes
and certain environmental exposures
interact to cause asthma to develop,
most often early in life.
The condition and impacts on exercise? The effects asthma has during exercise

For a person who has asthma, • Wheezing

the airways are tubes that carry air into • Coughing
and out of your lungs are inflamed. This • A feeling of tightness in the chest
makes the airways swollen and very • Breathlessness.
When the airways react, the muscles
around them tighten. This causes the
airways to narrow, and less air flows to
your lungs. The swelling also can worsen,
making the airways even narrower.
Major risks involved.
Controllable and Uncontrollable

There are some major risks involved for

the population, some controllable
whilst others cannot be avoided thus
being uncontrollable.

Some of the controllable factors which an

individual and control or monitor are
smoking, weight gain/loss and
personal hygiene.

The factors which are uncontrollable are

gender, family history, and breathing
polluted air from your surroundings
and/or environment.
Underlying causes of the condition
• Bronchospasm: Sudden spasm of the bronchi
• Cardiac arrest: stoppage of the heart
• Poor chest expansion or chest hyperinflation, (rapid inflation of the chest)
• Pectus carinatum: bone abnormalities in the chest region
• Genetic history: Asthma is known to be related with 25 gene dysfunctions.
• Respiratory failure

Prevalence of asthma
Inhaler medication can reduce swelling of the lungs and thus allowing more oxygen to
be accessed by the body and in turn flow throughout the body. Though this does not
mean that asthma is prevented, it has been known over the years that people do
indeed grow out of asthma and therefore the condition is no more.
Contraindications: The benefits of exercise
Asthma is only contraindicated For asthmatics some benefits include an
to massage if you have an increase in strength and efficiency of
unrelenting asthmatic attack the Cardiovascular System. It reduces
and respiratory tract children’s sensitivity to allergens, a
infections. Also if the sufferer main concern for asthma sufferers.
has been taking medication Blood circulation is increased and
that does not appear to have new blood vessels are created in
an effect; referral to a doctor is heart and muscles.
advised in these situations.

Some indications for asthma in

some sports would be cycling,
mountain biking, and long-
distance running, which
require good endurance and
would push the limitations of
an asthmatic.
 Asthma deaths are most common in low and middle income countries.

 2.2 million people have asthma, including 1 in 6 children and 1 in 10 adults

 Australia has the 3rd highest prevalence of childhood asthma in the world
 397 died of asthma in 2002 and research has shown that approximately 60% of
asthma deaths are preventable
 Affects 14% of people under 20 and 11% of adults

 Asthma is the leading reason children visit hospital

 One million school days are lost nationally each year due to Asthma
 Asthma costs the Australian community over $700 million each year – in terms
of medical costs and lost productivity
 Is more likely to affect boys (15%) than girls (12%)
Co morbidity of Asthma
• Atopy
• Bronchitis
• OSA syndrome (chronic

How to take co morbidity into account?

There is co-morbidity is related to asthma with diseases such as anxiety attacks and
depression which both affect the individual mentally.
Other co-morbidities which relate to asthma are chronic bronchitis, atopy and
emphysema which has a severe effects on the lungs.
My aim in this program will be to keep my client in a positive mental state, I will aim to
have my client at a high arousal and I will use motivational factors to achieve this.
By doing these things this will, reduce the chances of co-morbidity in relation to
mental effects.
In terms of my clients physical health, by working on his Aerobic system, this will help
build a strong and efficient CV system and reduce any co-morbidities
Exercise program
Health Professional
In consultation with my allied health My allied professional recommended
professional (doctor) I have shown these tips if my client is having
him the exercise program for my problems on how how to control
client who is an Asthmatic. Asthma during exercise:

I have kept most of the exercises to  If you have allergic asthma, avoid
low-moderate intensity levels. I exercising outdoors when pollen
have stayed away from any counts are high and when there is
potential dangers that may come high air pollution.
forth and pose as harmful towards  Restrict exercise when you have a viral
my client, such as cold weather, so infection, like a cold.
it is preferred to train indoors, it is
 Exercise at a level that is appropriate
imperative for my client to have his
inhaler on him at all times and take for them.
it before an exercise session.  
Cease exercise if my client is having any *Note that all this was consulted with an
problems breathing, and always Allied Health Professional.
incorporate pre-warms ups and
cool downs with every exercise

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