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Digestive system

By: Hamna Zahid

Digestive system has 11 parts
1. Mouth
2. Esophagus
3. Stomach
4. Liver
5. Gallbladder
6. Pancreas
7. Small intestine
8. Appendix
9. Large intestine
10. Rectum
11. anus
What does the mouth do?

The mouth helps chew the food and

the food mixes with our saliva and
goes to the Esophagus.
What does Esophagus do?

Esophagus carry food and liquid to our

What does our stomach do?

Stomach Holds food for 4 hours when

it is being mixed with the Enzymes.
The stomach secretes strong and
powerful acids and enzymes that break
down the food.
What does the Liver do?

secretes bile so it can break
down the fat into fatty acid.
What does the Gallbladder do?

Gallbladderstores bile that is

produced by the liver.
What does the Pancreas do?

Pancreas makes pancreatic juices

called enzymes. These enzymes help
break down sugars,fats and starches
What does the small intestine do?

Small intestine absorbs nutrients and

water from food so it can be used by
our body.
What does the appendix do?

The function of appendix is unknown

but it acts like a storehouse for good
What does the large intestine do?

Large intestine absorbs water and salts

from the material that has not been
digested as food.
What does Rectum do?

Rectum acts like a temporary storage

for feces. It receives fecal material
from the large intestine.
What does anus do?

Anus is the far ending in the digestive

tract through which stool leaves the
What happens in digestive system?

In digestive system first we chew food from mouth and the food mixes
with the saliva and then the food goes through esophagus to the stomach
and it stays in the stomach for 4 hours because the stomach secretes
strong and powerful acids and enzymes that makes the food breakdown.
Then the liver secretes bile so it can breakdown the fat into fatty acid.
The gallbladder stores the bile and give to the material. Then the
pancreas makes enzymes that breaks down sugars,fats and starches. Then
the material goes to the small intestine to absorb the nutrients and water
so it can go through the blood all over our body. Then the appendix
comes and it stores good bacteria.Then the material goes to the Large
intestine so the salt and water can be absorbed and then the feces get
stored in the rectum. Then at the far ending the stool leaves the body
from the anus.

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