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Nagele Borena Town Strategic

Spatial Study
Oromia Urban Planning Institute Jun 2019
Dereje Negash
 Introduction
 Urban Planning Main Issues:
 General Objective
 Specific Objectives
 Significance of the Study
 Scope of the Study
 Methodology
 Data Analysis Techniques
 Literature Review
I Introduction

Urban Planning Main Issues

• Development of towns and cities need to be guided and controlled by planning.
From this stand point, we believe that there should be well thought of urban
development plan that is based on the deep analysis of social, economic, and
physical conditions of the urban area under consideration.

1. To ensure the orderly development of urban areas

2. To provide a good living environment for all by ensuring, safety, amenity,
accessibility Energy conservation and environmental Protection particularly among
mixed land uses
3. Providing a safe healthy, useable, serviceable, pleasant and easily
maintained environment for all commercial, industrial, civic, and
community land uses. In addition its aim is preventing disturbance to
neighboring environment particularly by the industrial land uses.

4. Ensuring that any conflicting environments of different land uses are


5. Providing orderly and progressive development of land in urban areas

and preserve amenities on that land as well as promoting environmental
control and socio-economic development,

6. Promoting equity and efficiency in resource use.

Current urban planning approaches in Ethiopia

Urban planning proc. No 574/2008

Implementation strategy, issued in 2014

Urban plan preparation and  City wide structural plan

• Base map  Local development plan
• Structure plan  Basic plan
• Strategic plan  Urban design/Neighbourhood design
• Basic plan • Sp- >20000 pop
• Sketch plan • LDP implementation tool of SP
• UD
• City block design
Urban Planning Objectives
General Objective

• To analysis of spatial data for the revision of Strategic plan of Nagele Borenatown that will
serve for the next ten years.

Specific Objectives

 prepare existing land use map,

 Identify infill areas from the existing settlement,

 Identify opportunities and constraints in land use of the town

Significance of the Study

• To Revision of Strategic plan of the town

• Base Line Spatial Study For Revision Of Strategic Plan

Scope of the Study

 Thematically, covers all issues that have direct and indirect impact on the
land use, including physical, social, economic, political and environmental

 Spatially, covers the town and its boundaries as well as its expansion

The qualitative and quantitative approaches

• Primary data collection:
• Observations
• Interviews
• Secondary data :
• Urban planning and implementation manual
• Different planning guidelines and principles
• Existing development plan of the town.
Data Analysis Techniques

• Using the GIS soft ware manipulating different spatial and non spatial data analysis.

• Using the CAD soft ware manipulating different spatial data analysis .

• Excel and SPSS soft non spatial data analysis.

five levels of analysis useful in doing applied urban research: neighborhood. city.
national system of cities. and world system of cities. 
what did you see?
What was your initial reaction ?
After thinking about it.
what have you concluded?
Did you learn any lessons-substantive and methodological---
Literature Review

• Some spatial growth model (theories of urban structure)

• Urban Land Use Planning
• Land Use Planning Considerations
• Review of Urban Land Development Policy,
• Rules and Regulations
• Definition and Content of Structure Plan
• Various Policy provisions and considerations
Existing land use ,Previous SP and LDP Analysis of Nagele Borena Town
Nagele Borena Town Existing Road Net Work Analysis
Existing Majors Road
Road center Road Length in Km
Sub _Arterial Street 24.51
Collector Street 10.14
Principal Arterial Street 8.63
Total of Mojore Road 43.29
These are the major routes via town which major
centers/nodes are connected. of These road
Roads used by pedestrian walkway, bikeway
and pack animals
The Roads junction are not legible.
This road is likely to be a business corridor
The road should be widened so as to decrease traffic
These collector roads functional use as collector not
hierarchical collector provide the links to Arterial streets, or
between Centers, Neighborhoods, and/or Suburbs. The town
has not collector roads so have to plan
Existing Minor Roads
Road Hierarchy Road Length in Km
Local Street 66.20
Acess Street 107.35
Foot Path 63.57
Total Road Length 237.11

Local Street:-The street that provide access within

Neighborhood and to Collector Road.
The roads more or less have expert foot print and paved. But
less legible, accessible and
Foot path:- road type mostly locate around informal
settlement and farm land
Access road :-Type of roads functional use as local road but
not planned normally locate around in formal settlement
Strategic Plan of Nagele Borena Town Existing Road Network
Nagele BorenaTown Existing Road network Analysis
No Road Hierarchy Road in Km
1 Pricipal Arterial Street 8.63
2 Sub -Arterial Street 24.51
3 collector Street 10.14
4 Local Street 66.20
5 Access Road 107.35
6 Foot Path 63.57
  Total In Ha 280.40
Nagele Borena Town Road Network Major Problems
• urban centers in Ethiopia have insufficient or below
standard street coverage and density; narrow, and
underdeveloped Right Of Ways (ROWs);poor
accessibility, mobility, and connectivity;(Street Design
Standards for Urban Ethiopia manual p,6)

• Density is also critical issue of street planning and

design, which promotes connectivity and
accessibility of parts of urban centers. ;(Street Design
Standards for Urban Ethiopia manual p,20)

• Road Coverage Problem

• density total length of streets in km/km2or per 100ha) *18
• Nagele BorenaTown Haven’t enough space for street coverage
in Density of streets:, it has 280.4/43.03=6.52
Road Hierarchy Problem
Nagele Borena town Existing road net work is not hierarchical connect
the consequence is:-
• there not proper land use
• traffic accidents occur
• Not adequacy of rights of way/ not legible

Hierarchical order, adequacy of

rights of way, articulation and
functional importance of:- primary
roads, secondary roads, tertiary

Junction Problem
A junction, or intersection, is the general area where two or more roads join. A disproportionate amount of traffic accidents
occur at junctions, and thus from a traffic safety aspect, junctions require attention and careful design.( MUDC, 2014 manual
p41 )
Nagele BorenaTown road net work have not proper junction also have not conducive existing land use for proposing highly
sensitive junction .EX around Zone police and Administration Principal and sub arterial Junction

Road Pattern Problem:-

Nagele BorenaTown almost all town road net work is organic road pattern according to manual definition the
town also shar.
Organic pattern of road In this pattern of roads are winding forming acute curves and odd junctions. This kind of
pattern is observed in spontaneously formed and developed town and it is usually formed due to unplanned and
haphazard development .(MUDC, 2014 manual p41 )
Nagele BorenaTown Existing Land Use
Existing land use Residential distribution
The residential area of the site is highly concentrated center of
town , conducive land for construction inter mediate of CBD
and along Principal road. The coverage of the area is about
690.51 hectare. Which means 16.04% from the total area is
Administration:- Governmental and NGOs (sectoral, court,
prison, NGO, CBOs etc). Nagele BorenaTown Centre of
wereda Administration so have a lot of Governmental
Bureau but not accessible and uncenter according to
customer. total area 20.16 ha Which means 0.47% from the
total area.

Land use Summary of Administration

LU_Subtype Sum_SUMMER ha
Administration 20.16

Commerce and Business:-

Shops, bars, restaurants, open or covered and cattle markets
etc .
Nagele Borenatown such active area only locate on center
of the town and not accessible total area 20.39ha Which
means 0..47% from the total area.
land use Subtype CBA
LU_Subtype Sum_AREA_CBA ha
Commerce and Business 20.39
Service Distribution Concentrated around
town center not equally accessible and
number of available service Vs population
not proportionate. total area 79.44 ha Which
means 1.85% from the total area
Nagele BorenaTown have Warehouse, Garage
and workshops, total area11.35 ha Which
means 0.26 % from the total area

Transportation facilities (Terminals, parking,

Nagele BorenaTown have not fright Terminal, and
But it has Bus station and road connection space
total area 216.85ha Which means 5.05 % from
the total area
Open spaces:- play lot available
Sport centers :- One Stadium available
Environmental :- Forest (manmade & natural) Buffer zones, Nursery sites
Environmentally sensitive (Marshes rivers, ground water potential areas, etc.)
total area 33*137.85 ha Which means 72.92 % from the total areal Green open
spaces/Reserved areas, recreation and environmental sensitive
Nagele Borena Town Existing Land Use Summary

Nagele BorenaTown Existing Land use Summary 2019

Area in Area In
No Land Use Categotry Land use Code Ha %
1Administration AD 20.16 0.47
2Commerce and Business CBA 20.39 0.47
Green, open
areas, recreation
3 and environmental EA,SF, 3137.85 72.92
Industry and
warehouse, depots,
4 and workshops P 11.35 0.26
5Residence R 690.51 16.04
Road, Transport,
utilities and
6 infrastructure RTU 216.85 5.04
7Service S 79.44 1.85
8Water Bodies WB 126.81 2.95
  Total Land Use   4303.36 100
Nagele BorenaTown Existing Land Use Major Problem

Some large block which is difficult for accessibility

Constructed from wood, mud and corrugated iron sheet with relatively poor
foundation and ceiling materials
Irregular block arrangement and Informal settlement
There is poor waste management system waste disposal
Lack drainage systems in residential site.

Irregular block arrangement and Informal settlement


Cemetery Vs School

Slaughter house Vs Water Body


Town Expansion Vs Military comp


General Market Vs Closed Shaded Market


Quarry Site, Solid Waste and residence


Incompatibility of prison and

Administration office
Structure Plan of Nagele BorenaTown 2009 Road Network Plan
Structure Plan of 2009 Proposed Road network

Road Length by hierarchy Road Length in Km

Road Arter 30m 9.13
Road Arterial 25m 23.44
Road Collec 20m 21.89
Road Collect 16m 110.53
Road Local 10m 54.37
Total Road Length 219.36
Structure Plan of Nagele Borena Town 2009 Land Use Plan
Structure Plan of Nagele Borena Town 2009 Land Use
Land Use Area in Ha Land use in%
P Adimn 32.23 0.75
P Buffer & Forest 1041.15 24.19
P Commerce 169.22 3.93
P Manuf 214.43 4.98
P Mix Ex R 200.71 4.65
P Mix P R 1062.33 24.70
P Recreation 280.95 6.52
P Social 164.27 3.82
P Special Fn 188.75 4.39
P Transt-Utility 305.23 7.09
P Urban Agric 624.53 14.52
P Water 19.57 0.46
Toata Area 4303.36 100
Structure Plan of Nagele BorenaTown 2009 Land Use

Land Use Area in Ha Land use in%

P Adimn 32.23 0.75
P Buffer & Forest 694.11 16.13
P Commerce 169.22 3.93
P Manuf 214.43 4.98
P Mix Ex R 200.71 4.65
P Mix P R 1617.55 37.60
P Recreation 280.95 6.53
P Social 164.27 3.82
P Special Fn 188.75 4.39
P Transt-Utility 305.23 7.09
P Urban Agric 416.35 9.67
P Water 19.57 0.46
Toata Area 4303.36 100
Nagele BorenaTown Dhakaa Baqee LDP Site of 2013
General over View Analysis
Proposed LDP Road Hierarchy
Road Hierarchy Road in Km
LC 3.56
PAS 1.01
SAS 1.54
Total 6.12
LDPs Proposed Land Use
General Land use land use in Ha
Administration 1.08
Commerce 20.23
Service 5.64
Roads inArea 12.38
Total Area 39.34
LDPs Land Use Plan on Structure Plan
Area In
proposed land use Ha Area in %
Administration 1.05 2.67
Commerce 15.54 39.51
Manufacture 0.91 2.31
Mixed 3.83 9.74
Service 1.26 3.20
Transport and utility 16.75 42.57
Total Area 39.34 100
LDP Types of Planning Interventions Approach
Alternative One: Upgrading Oriented Development Approach
Upgrading approach is basically a minimum intervention approach
which focuses on upgrading
of infrastructure and provision of missing public facilities to improve
the project area and
stimulate gradual transformation.
Alternative Two: Renewal Oriented Approach
The approach involves total clearance of existing structure and
redeveloping the whole site as
new brand modern neighborhood.
Alternative Three: Hybrid of Upgrading and Renewal
This option takes the advantages of both options and tries to
harmonize the disagreements that
exist between the pure renewal and pure upgrading
approaches. The hybrid approach intends to

Major Inaccuracies on LDP preparation

Hybrid of Upgrading and Renewal and no
Greenery on Site
Service Change to Commerce
Store around market change to Commerce

Round about with out standard

Summary of findings

• There are the problems of Street access, no hierarchical connected, and

unplanned organic Street
• Undefined block arrangement, no permeability
• There is no proper land allocation for different function.
• Absence of playground, communal open spaces.
• Availability livestock resource that would create investment
opportunities on;
• leather and leather products, dairy products, fattening and meat
processing, and animal feed processing potential,
• The location of manmade and natural tourist attraction areas like Mi’ee Bokkuu of
Guji Gada System
• High minerals resources
• Nearness to international boundaries
• lack water supply
• low level of infrastructural development
• Low level of revenue collecting capacity
• The Gadaa system which they kept for themselves form and enforce
the social, political and cultural norm which individual and their
collective’s lives are governed.
• Weakness
• lack water supply
• low level of infrastructural development
• Low level of revenue collecting capacity
• Good potential of constriction material (compacted rock)
• The town located near to Ganale River, which is good for water supply.
• Suitable for solar energy
• Suitable for animal rearing
• Sufficient power supply in the town about 66000kv
• Nearness to international boundaries
• Center of high commercial activities
• The town becomes tourist attraction site at future for its cultural heritage
• It became a research center for researcher especially for those who went to conduct
research Gadaa system and cultural heritage of this people.
• Soil erosion.
• Deforestation
• Land degradation

Issues for Planning Consideration

• Housing problem
• Adaptation of the street and circulation system with standard based
hierarchy and pedestrian friendly layout
• Ensure proper distribution of social and public facilities’
• Maximize the public access with green and open space
• Consider the impacts on the natural environment
• Maximize mixed use of land.

• To create a compatible urban land use development

• To strengthen participatory development approach

• To improve financial capacity

• To enhance planned and sustainable housing

• To provide better job opportunity

• To enhance integrated development

Planning Principle
General Objective
Specific Objective
Conceptual frame work Plan
Basic consideration on Implementation Strategy
Planning Principles

• Sustainability • Mixed use and social integration

• Financial feasibility • Phased development

• Integration • Equity

• Strategic approaches • Compact development

• Considering institutional capacity • Policy consistency

• Appropriate decentralization • Safety and security

Vision, Goal, General Objective and Specific Objective

Vision of the Town

• To see Nagele BorenaTown a center of Tourism, Commerce,
processing industry, and livable Town..
• A competitive Truism Promotion and Work
• A competitive Mineral-industrial
• Active Accessible Cattel market
• A competitive Agri-industrial
• To establish urban- urban &Urban-rural linkage

General Objectives:
• To Examine sustainable development of the town through
integrated development of economic, social, and environment
Specific Objectives
• To recognize affordable house for all inhabitants of town
• To expand adequate, and accessible cattle Market, Mineral
industry and infrastructure.
• To create conducive Truism Industry
Conceptual frame work Plan

Considerations of Conceptual frame work Plan

• Problems identified through spatial observation

• Problems identified from public discussion
• Problems gathered from multidisciplinary study
• Prioritization of problems
• Equitable distribution of resources(services)
• Setting commercial activities to enhance the income of the town.
• Enhance the development by giving respect to the existing land use.
• Considering the environmental issues.
• Develop alternative spatial conceptual plan under different scenarios.
Alternative scenario 1

One Main Center Previous CBD and Two

Sub_Center around finfinee Road and around
Moyalee Road.
The Other land Use Proposed respecting
Environmental Sensitive Distribution and road
Network Hierarchy
• Advantage
• Sustainability
• Equity
• Appropriate decentralization
• Mixed use and social integration
It might be the development line on Principal
Arterial Street
Alternative scenario 2
One Main Center Previous CBD and four Sub_Center
around finfinee Road , around Moyalee Road,Other two
Sub_center around two arda jilaa
The Other land Use Proposed respecting Environmental
Sensitive Distribution and road Network Hierarchy
• Advantage
• Sustainability
• Equity
• Appropriate decentralization
• Mixed use and social integration


• High implementation cost


Alternative scenario 2 preferable than Alternative

scenario 1 because sub _centre land distribution
balancing to develop the Town and Urban Land use
Equally for all community classification
Road Network Proposal
Major issues considération
• Inter régional linkages,
Urban centers shall have optimum
• Intra-Town Traffic flow,
level of streets to create urban
• Densification of uses and activités
spaces that give pleasure and
• Traffic flows from near by districts,
facilitate and support economic • Zonings,
activities; provide safety against • Permeability
traffic accidents; and bring • Input sources,
about sustainable development. • Junctions, parking requirements,
Street Design Standards for Urban Ethiopia • Hierarchal integration,
manual p,20)
• Accessibility
• Topography
The proposed road network consists of four hierarchies of roads:
(i) Arterial Streets
(ii) Secondary Arterial Streets
(iii) Collector Streets
(iv) Local
Proposed pattern of streets Combination of
Grid and Organic road pattern
Density is also critical issue of street planning and design, which promotes
connectivity and accessibility of parts of urban centers. ;(Street Design Standards for Urban
Ethiopia manual p,20)
Strategic Plan of Nagele Borena Town Road Net Work Plan 2019

  Major Road Analysis Table

Road Width in Road in
  Road Hierarchy M Km

1 Sub Arterial Street 25 41.60

2 Collector Street 15_20 48.26

Principal Arterial
3 Street 30 9.54
Total road length in
  Km   99.40
Strategic Plan of Nagele Borena Town Road Net Work Plan 2019
Proposed Minor Road Analysis Table
Road Width Road Length
NO Hierarchy in M in Km
1 Street 6_-12 371.51
Strategic Plan of Nagele Borena Town Road Net Work Plan 2019
Proposed Road Net work Analysis Table
NO Road Hierarchy Width Road in Km
1 Sub_Arterial Street 25 41.60
2 Collector Street 15_20 48.26
3 Local Street 6_12 371.51
Principal Arterial
4 Street 30 9.54
Total proposed road
  in Km   470.91

Road Coverage Problem

density total length of streets in km/km2or
per 100ha) *18
Nagele BorenaTown Haven’t enough space
for street coverage in Density of streets:, it
has 280.4/43.03=6.52
Proposed street coverage in Density of
streets:, it has 470.91/43.03=10.94
Land Use Proposal
Basic Issues Cosider for Allocation Land Uses
• Standards: Population density, Catchments area, land use mixity,
• Spatial distribution and accessibility,
• Compatibility,
• Equity and efficiency.
• The existing uses.
• Potentiels and contraints.
• Centrality, compatibility, functional relationship of uses,
• Climatic and topographic elements.
• Land value,
• Flow route of the inputs,
• Compact development,
• Job opportunity: investment, informal and small scale activities,
Land use budget
MUDH, 2014 shows that urban plan preparation shall make sure that the principle of 30:40:30 proportions shall be
allocated for roads and other infrastructures; buildings; green areas and shared public spaces respectively.
Different Land Use Allocation Issues

Residential Uses
The land budget for the newly proposed residential land use
is inculcates;
The population growth: house hold number,
The present waiting list of municipality,
Existing deficit,
The potential of out-of-date houses,
Income levels.
Residence Land use Summery Table  
Land use Land use Area_h Area ni
No Category code a %
1 Residence R_1 432.67 56.20
2 Mixed Residence R_5 175.02 22.74
3 Residence R_2 154.99 20.14
4 Special Residence R_4 7.26 0.92
  Total Area   769.93 100.00

Proposal of residential Land use Summery

Land use Area in ha Area %  

Existence Residence 651.90 16.04  

Proposal Residene 769.93 17.87  

proposal - Existence
Residence 165.51 2.74  
proposed residence 50-60%
standared 413.12 20-24/40  

Administrative uses
Professional and commercial firms,
Central and local government
Statutory undertakers and a
profession society,
Charitable organizations, Voluntary
bodies and the like.

Commercial uses
It includes shops, super markets, open
markets, hotels, butchers, groceries,
restaurants, café, and the like.
 To make the town center of
commerce to surrounding hinterland
 To enhance market opportunities
for MSEs
 To enhance municipal revenue
Proposial of Administration, Commerce and Business land use
Proposial of Administration, Commerce and Business land use Summery
Land use Area in ha Area in %
Commerce and Business
Existing Land use 20.39 0.47

Proposed land use 147.36 3.42

Proposial - Existing 126.97 2.95

Land use Standared 137.72 15-20%(6-8)/40

Existing Land use 20.16 0.47

Proposed land use 52.60 1.22

Proposial - Existing 2.61 0.06

Land use Standared 48.19 5-7%(2.2.8)/40


Social services include numerous social facilities such

as educational services, health services, sport and
recreational facilities, worship places and cemeteries which
provide service to the residents of a town as well as the
neighboring rural areas and urban centers

Proposal of Service Land use Summery

Area in
Land use ha Area %  

Existence Service 79.44 1.85  

Proposal Service 133.72 3.11  

proposal - Existence
Service 54.28 1.26  

proposed Service
standard 68.85 5-10(2-4)/40  

Industry and Manufacturing

Based on inputs of the physical, spatial and
socioeconomic components this study
identified potential resource, demand and
supply based manufacturing industries and
warehouses and as well as MSES, estimated
the land requirement and finally appropriate
sites for the specific land uses are proposed as
follows.Industrial activities are grouped in to
four categories for zoning purpose.
service industry,
light industry,
general industry and
Special industry.
Transportation and utility
Standardizing the width and junctions of existing
provide alternative road for through traffic
expand the road for new expansion
open new road in large block size area
Utilities (water, electricity, telecom service) etc
Land use Summary of Industry and Manufacturing AND Transportation and utility
Land use sub type Area_ha Area in %
Industry and manufacturing
Existing land use 11.35 0.26

Proposed Land use 495.20 11.51

Proposed-Existing 483.85 11.24

Land use Standard 68.85 5-10(2-4)/40

Transportation and utility
Existing land use 216.85 5.04

Proposed Land use 508.48 11.83

Proposed-Existing 291.63 7.78

Land use Standard 1291 30

Proposial Land use of Greenery
Protect the wet land through urban agriculture integrated with recreational
activities ;
Cover sensitive areas ( sloppy and plain areas) with appropriate green;
The proposal of green area plan is divided in to fife categories;
Protective forest and buffer;
Parks and recreational areas;
Urban agriculture ;
Open space and sport fields
Municipal service
secure environment Proposal of Greenery Land use Summery
Area in Area%
• create aesthetic
Land use ha  
• generate income Existence Greenery 3137.85 72.92
• reduce juvenile delinquency and crime Proposal Residene 1990.99 46.26
proposal - Existence
• have recreation and meeting place for Greenery 1146.86 26.65
all segments of the community proposed Greenery
• Used to create aesthetic value standard 1291 30%
• For food security and climatic condition
• Create employment opportunities Used
for urgent needs
Strategic Plan of Nagele Borena Town Proposed Land Use Plan 2019

proposed land use Analysis table

NO General Land use Area in ha Area in %

1 Residence 769.93 17.87
2 Commerce and Business 147.36 3.42
3 Service 133.72 3.11

4 Green, open Space/Reserved land 1990.99 46.27

5 Administration 52.60 1.22

6 Industry and Manufacturing 495.20 11.51

7 Road ,Transport and utility 508.48 11.83
8 Water Body 205.08 4.77
  Total Area 4303.36 100
Basic consideration on Implementation Strategy
• The guidelines provide ways and means for • Local governments should prepare the
plan implementation. It states general required institutional set up for the
principles as well as step-by-step plan implementation,
procedures for effective implementation of • Fostering public participation and
the plans. creating public awareness in plan
• Plans should have supportive implementation is also a paramount
implementation tools, implementation and importance,
phasing guidelines, • An appropriate mechanism should be
• Plan implementation should be undertaken prepared for evaluation and
in accordance with relevant regulations, monitoring in plan implementation.
binding laws and bylaws

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