Day 1and 2 Professional Selling Skills

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Professional Selling Skills


• To become an excellent corporation aimed delivering smile through quality,
reliability and speed

• Providing benefits to customer by delivering quality products and services
• Continuously improve UMGians’ competencies and capabilities to achieve
superior performance
• Creating mutually beneficial relationship with our stakeholders
• To prosper with Nation
 What is selling?
 Is the process of

 Persuading the customers

 To satisfy their needs and wants
 By exchanging goods & service
 For a profit
Contents (Cont.)
 Selling Concept
 What to sell
 Whom to sell
 How to sell
 Why to sell
Contents (Cont.)
 What to sell?

Goods & Services

 Goods
 Anything that is offered to the market
 Service
 An act or performance offered by one party to another
What is Selling? (Cont.)
 To whom to sell

Customer & Consumers

 Customer
 A person who buys goods or service.
 Consumer
 A person who uses goods or service.
What is Selling? (Cont.)
 How to sell

S a l e s P ro f e s s i o n a l

 An effective link between organization and its customers to produce

customer value and organization profit.
What is Selling? (Cont.)
 Why to sell

To s a t i s f y c u s t o m e r ’s
needs and wants

 Needs
 Things people must have to live such as foods, clothing, etc.
 Wants
 Things people would like to have such as cars, gold, etc.
Selling Methods
 Face to face selling (personal Selling)
 Telephone Selling
 Written Selling
Product Knowledge
 Product Knowledge (
Contents (Cont.)
 Basic Sales Model
 You are product
 Enthusiastic
 Services
 Attention

 Interest
 Desire
 Action
Contents (Cont.)
 Maintaining Customers Relationships
• To Find Out What Your Customers Value, Always Listen To What They Say And How They Say It—
and Adjust Your Approach To Match Their Expectations.
• Some People Will Want A Lot Of Personal Contact With Your Business. Others May Not Be
Interested In Getting Too Much Attention: They Just Want To Call You Up, Place An Order And
Get On With Their Day. Some Will Be Very Price-conscious While Others Will Be Looking For All
The Bells And Whistles. Do Your Best To Keep Listening!

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