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Chapter 2

1. ABILITY (can)
1. ABILITY (can)

Modal auxiliary verb “can, may, must, shall, will”

(kata kerja bantu)
“Auxiliary diikuti Vo”
“Can” is expression that shows the ability to do
The Pattern 1:
(+) Subject + can + Vo + O/C
I can play a guitar Ability

(-) Subject + can not + Vo + O/C

I can not play a guitar Inability
(?) Can + Subject + Vo + O/C
Can I play a guitar
Responding: Yes, I can
Short answer No, I can not

Yes, I can play a guitar

Long answer
No, I can’t play a guitar
“Can” bisa diganti dengan“be able to”

Formula 2:
S + to be + able to + Vo + O/C
Ex :
I am able to play a guitar (+)

I am not able to play a guitar (-)

Am I able to play a guitar (?)

Responding: Yes, I am
Short answer No, I am not

Yes, I am able to play a guitar

Long answer
No, I am not able to play a guitar
The Pattern 2 : Question Words (5W + 1 H)
Who, What, Where, When, Why + How
QW + can/can’t + subject + Vo +O/C
1. Who can fly a kite? 1. Benny can (fly a kite)
QW aux Vo O
2. What can Benny fly? 2. Benny can fly a kite
QW aux S Vo
3. Where can Benny fly a kite? 3. Benny can fly a kite
at the yard
4. When can Benny fly a kite? 4.Benny can fly a kite on Sunday
5. Why can Benny fly a kite on
5. Benny can fly a kite on
Sunday? Sunday because he doesn’t
have class
6. How can Benny fly a kite on
6. Benny can fly a kite on
Sunday? Sunday perfectly
1. Benny can (fly a kite)
2. Benny can fly a kite
3. Benny can fly a kite at the yard
4. Benny can fly a kite on Sunday
5.Benny can fly a kite on Sunday because he doesn’t have class
6. Benny can fly a kite on Sunday perfectly

•Benny can fly a kite perfectly at the yard on Sunday because

Who What How Where When Why
he doesn’t have class
2. Willingness (will)
The Pattern 1:
(+) Subject + will + Vo + O/C
I will play a guitar willingness

(-) Subject + will not + Vo + O/C

I will not play a guitar unwillingness
(?) will + Subject + Vo + O/C
will I play a guitar
Responding: Yes, I will
Short answer No, I will not

Yes, I will play a guitar

Long answer
No, I will not play a guitar
The Pattern 2 : Question Words (5W + 1 H)
Who, What, Where, When, Why + How
QW + will/won’t + subject + Vo +O/C
1. Who will sing a song? 1. Nadia will (sing a song)
QW aux Vo S
2. What song will Nadia sing ? 2. Nadia will sing a pop song
QW aux S Vo
3. Where will Nadia sing a 3. Nadia will sing a pop song
pop song ? at school
4. When will Nadia sing a 4. Nadia will sing a pop song at
pop song at school? school today
5. Why will Nadia sing a 5. Nadia will sing a pop song at
pop song? school because she is a
talented student
6. How will Nadia sing 6. Nadia will sing a pop song at
a pop song ? school beautifully
Listen to and then act out the following dialog.
Ery :My uncle, Anton, is a very skilful person.
Nita :Really?
Ery :Yes. He can do many things.
Nita :Interesting. Can he drive?
Ery :Yes. He can drive. He is a good singer and
dancer. And he can speak ten languages.
Nita :Wow!
Ery :He can even sew.
Please make a WH Questions and the answer
for these sentences below

1. My grandfather can’t drive his car fast

on the road every time because he
was old enough
2. Lidia can do the English test well today
because she studied it last night
Make a simple dialog based on the picture

Winda : Can you play a hockey ?

Arman : No, I can’t.
Winda : What are you able to do?
Arman : I am able to ride a horse.
Winda : Will you ride a horse?
Arman : Yes, I will ride a horse
Listen to four students talking about their activity
abilities. Then put a check in the following table to
show what they can do.

Do Play Ride a Swim Play Play Play Do

Math Chess Motor Basket foot Baseb Martia
cycle Ball ball all l arts
Complete the sentence about the students.

1. Ben can do math. 7. Meilin and Ivan ….

2. Ben and Mischa can’t Ride a motorcycle
ride a motorcycle. 8. Meilin and Mischa ….
3. Ben …. Swim. Swim.
4. Ben …. Play chess. 9. Ivan …. do math.
5. Meilin …. Do 10.Ivan ….. Swim
material arts. 11.Mischa …. Baseball.
6. Meilin and Ivan …… 12.Mischa …. Football
play chess.
1. Hai, my name is Ben. I like maths, I’m
pretty good at it. I think, i love chess and i
often join tournaments. I can’t ride a
motorcycle or swim. I’d like playing
basketball, I guess my basketball skills are
2. My name is Meilin. I can play chess. I can
do martial arts, i learn from my father, i
also learn from him how to ride a
motorcycle. I cannot swim but i would
learn someday.
3. Heallo, I’m Ivan. I like math and i study it
seriously. I can play chess, i played with
my friends in spread time. I can ride a
motorcycle, i ride it everyday to school. I
can swim too. I love baseball more than
any other sport.
4. Hi, Friends. I’m Mischa. I don’t really like
maths but i’m not very bad. I cannot play
chess. I can’t ride a motorcycle. I cannot
swim but I’m good at Football.

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