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SEL-5030 Software Overview

Copyright © SEL 2010

Software? (1)
 Settings database with settings templates
 Supports selected SEL relays
 Relay settings rules and interdependencies
 Settings are relay part number and firmware
Software? (2)
 Send or read settings from relays
 Human-machine interface (HMI)
 Testing and commissioning aid
 View phasors, targets, send controls
 Built-in event analysis
Download Program
Launch Program
Configure Communications
 Select Direct to
 Factory default baud
rate is 2400
Check Connection With Terminal
Press <Enter> and Observe Relay Prompt
Log Terminal Window to File
Activate to Capture All Terminal Activity to File

Log file is a text (.txt) file

HMI – Device Overview
Observe Some Metering and Target Data
Double-Click User-Defined Target
Button to Define Color
Double-Click User-Defined Target Name
to Specify New Item
Phasors During Commissioning Tests
HMI – Min / Max Metering
View Values
HMI – Targets
View All Relay Element Status
HMI – Control Window
Test and Observe Controls
Check Automation Programming by
Toggling Control Bits
Edit Relay Settings
Select Relay Model and Z Number
What Is a Relay Z Number?

 Also called setting version number (SVN)

 Found in the relay firmware identification
string (FID)
 First three digits following a Z in FID
 Three-digit number increments when
firmware version affects settings
 Rules-based setting template used must
match actual relay
How Do I Find the Relay Z Number?

 Front-panel {STATUS} pushbutton

 Issue STATUS command to relay
 Appendix A of SEL instruction manual (IM)
 IMs available at
 Appendix A details changes made in each relay
and IM version
 Latest version of relay shown
Settings – Tip!

If Z number is not known or incorrectly selected

during settings creation, use Convert Utility to
make necessary change.
Settings – Part Number

 Specify relay part number as closely as possible

 If not available from ordering info, can be found on
“silver sticker” on right-rear of relay
 Rules-based software needs to know if relay has
extra I/O, DNP, etc.
Edit Relay Settings via Settings “Tree”
Settings Tree

 Click “+” sign to expand tree

 Category headings sometimes contain
settings (e.g., SET 1, line current differential
 For help press <F1> or Help at menu
Settings Example
Settings – Interdependencies (1)

 E50P is set to 5
 Five phase
element settings
are displayed –
50P1P, 50P2P,
… 50P5P
Settings – Interdependencies (2)

 E50P is changed
to 1
 Press <Enter> or
 Only one element
remains; others
are “grayed out”
Settings – Rules (1)

 Setting value
entered that
violated relay
settings rules
 Offending value
indicated in red;
error message
displayed at
bottom of screen
Settings – Rules (2)
 Invalid Relay Word
bit or logical
expression entered
that violated relay
settings rules
 Offending equation
indicated in red;
error message
displayed at
bottom of screen
Event Analysis
Event Analysis – Read History
Event Analysis – Select Event
 Select desired event  Select Event Length
 Select Event Type  Press Get Event
Event Analysis – Name and Save
Event File

Event Analysis
Event Analysis – Oscillography
Event Analysis – View Menu

 Summary Data – basic event details

 Graph – sinusoidal wave and digital display
 Graph Preferences – change displayed
digital and analog quantities
 Phasors – display analog and sequence info
in phasor format
Event Analysis – View Menu

 Harmonic Analysis – displays harmonic

content of selected analog quantity
 Event Report Text – displays standard event
report tabular format; not a “selectable”
 Settings – displays setting section of relay’s
event report
Data Management – Active Database
 Select Active Database
 Will typically be primary storage
location for all settings developed with
ACSELERATOR QuickSet Software

 Default is Relay.rdb
Data Management – Database Manager
 Add informative
description to
database or relay
 Rename, copy, or
delete settings
 Do not use relay
text files Import
or Export buttons
as file transfer
Data Management – Database Manager

Two methods to
create new
 Use Create New
Database button
 Open one that does
not exist –
QuickSet Software
prompts to create
Data Management – Database Manager
Data Management – Database Manager

 Create a “new” database to facilitate data

 Use Copy / Move utility of database
manager to move settings for data export
 Database can contain settings from more
than one type of relay
 Develop management scheme early in
settings development
Two Help Functions Available
Program Functions Help
Example Settings Report
File – Print
Available Resources for
Additional Information
 Help function within ACSELERATOR QuickSet
 AG2002-03: Serial Communications Between PCs
and SEL Microprocessor-Based Products
 AG2003-03: Sharing ACSELERATOR SEL‑5030
Software Relay Settings Files
 AG2000-13: Installing, Using, and Troubleshooting
SEL-5010 Relay Assistant Version 2.x Relay
Communications and Database

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