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‫اَّلْت ِج ُويد‬ By Musa Abuzaghleh

AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
 Mudood is the plural of Madd. It is to prolong or lengthen certain letter of Arabic
when they come in a certain condition. There are 3 letters of Arabic that are known
as Madd letters. They are shown below with their conditions:
‫ي‬ ‫و‬ ‫ا‬
The above 3 letters must all be Sakin. This means they must have a Sukoon or come
with no vowel which is usually the case.
Each of the above letters must have a similar sounded vowel on the preceding letter.
This means:
The ‫( ا‬Alif) must be Sakin and the previous letter must have a Fatha (َ).
The ‫( و‬Waaw) must be Sakin and the previous letter must have a Dhamma (ُ).
The ‫( ي‬Yaa) must be Sakin and the previous letter must have a Kasra (ِ).
If we have these letters in the above conditions then we can call them Jawf or Madd
letters and we will prolong them for 2 Harakah’s (around 1.5 seconds).
‫ال ُْم ُدود‬
ُّ ‫ال ْم ُّد الط َّ ِب‬
‫يعي‬ ‫ال َْم ُّد الْفَ ْر ِع ُّي‬
Natural prolongation (not caused Secondary prolongation (Caused by Sukoon
by Sukoon or Hamza) or Hamza)

ُ ِ‫ال َْم ُّد ال َْواج‬

ِّ ‫َم ُّد‬
‫الصل َ ُة الْك ُ ْب َرى‬ ‫ال ُْمتَّ ِصل‬ ‫ال َْم ُّد اللَّا ِزم‬
‫ال َْم ُّد األ َ ْصل ِ ُّي‬ Major Connecting Obligatory Mandatory
Original Madd prolongation Connected prolongation

‫َم ُّد ال ِْع َوض‬ ‫َم ُّد ال َْب َدل‬ ُّ ‫ال َْم ُّد ال َْعا ِر ُض‬
Changing Madd Substitution Madd caused by
prolongation temporary Sukoon

ِّ ‫َم ُّد‬
ُّ ‫الصل َ ُة‬
‫الص ْغ َرى‬ ‫ال ْم ُّد ال َْجائِ ُز ال ُْمنْفَ ِصل‬
Minor Connecting ‫َم ُّد الل ِّين‬
prolongation Gentle Prolongation
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
ْ َ ‫ ا ْلم ُّد اأْل‬The original prolongation: this is also known as the natural
‫صلِ ُّي‬
prolongation. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
There should be No Hamza before the Madd letter.
There should be No Hamza after the Madd letter.
There should be No Sukoon after the Madd letter whether this Sukoon is original or
temporary due to stopping.

If we have any of the Madd letters in the above conditions then we prolong it for 2

‫قِي َل‬ ‫قَا َل قُولُوا‬

AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
ُ ‫ َم ُّد ا ْل ِع َو‬Changing/Transformation prolongation: this also falls under the
natural prolongation. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
It is applied when stopping on a word that ends with Fathatain (double Fatha). What
will be done is that if we stop on the word with Fathatain we will delete the second Fatha
and add an Alif (‫)ا‬. Or it can also be said to Add an Alif (‫ )ا‬when stopping.
The only letter that we do not apply Madd ‘Iwad when stopping on it is Taa Marboota (‫)ة‬.

Madd Al ‘Iwad is also given 2 Harakat.


‫سا ًء‬
َ ِ‫ن‬ ‫صيًرا أَ ْف َوا ًجا‬
ِ َ‫َدانِيَةً ب‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
ُّ ُ‫صلَة‬
‫الص ْغ َرى‬ ِّ ‫ َم ُّد ال‬Minor Connecting Prolongation: this also falls under the
natural prolongation. This type of Madd is different from other types of Madd. Here you
won’t see the normal Madd letters with Madd conditions. In this type of Madd the letter
that is involved is known as Haa Ad-Dameer that comes at the end of words with a Kasra
or Damma and refers to a masculine pronoun. The conditions for this type of Madd is as
The letters before and after Haa Ad-Dameer must both be vowelled.
There should be No Hamza after Haa Ad-Dameer

Madd As-Sila As-Sughra is also given 2 Harakat.


‫لَهُ م ُ ْل ُك‬ ً‫إِلَ ْي ِه َكن ٌز إِنَّهُ عَلِي ٌم فَلَنُ ْحيِيَ نَّهُ َحيَاة‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫الصلَةُ ا ْل ُك ْب َرى‬
ِّ ‫ َم ُّد‬Major Connected Prolongation: this type of Madd falls under
the Secondary type of prolongation. This type of Madd is almost the same as Madd Sila
Sughra in all conditions such as having the Haa Dameer at the end of a word with a Kasra
or Damma. It only differs in one of its conditions which is shown below. The conditions
for this type of Madd is as follows:
The letters before and after Haa Ad-Dameer must both be vowelled.
There must be a Hamza after Haa Ad-Dameer

Madd As-Sila Al-Kubra is given 4 or 5 Harakat in the way of Shatibiyya.


ْ َ‫أ‬
‫ضطَ ُّرهُ إِلَى‬ ُ‫ات فَلَهُ أ َْج ُرهُ َمالَهُ أَ ْخلَ ُده‬
ٌ َ‫فِي ِه ء َاي‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫ َم ُّد ا ْلبَ َد ِل‬Substitution Prolongation: this type of Madd also falls under the
Secondary type of prolongation. This Madd is applied when there is a Hamza and a Madd
letter after it in the same word. The word will originally have two Hamzas, the first with a
Harakah and the second with a sukoon. The second Hamza will be substituted with the
most suitable Madd letter. The most suitable Madd letter will be decided from the
Harakah (Vowel) of the first Hamza. If it is a Fatha then the second Hamza will be
substituted with an Alif, if it has a Damma then the second Hamza will be replaced with a
Waaw and finally if the first Hamza has a Kasra then the second Hamza will be
substituted with a Yaa. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
There must be a Madd letter preceded by a Hamza within the same word.

Madd Al-Badal is given 2 Harakat.


‫إِي َمانًا‬ ‫أُوتُوا‬ ‫َءا َمنُوا‬

AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
ِ َّ‫ب ا ْل ُمت‬
‫صل‬ ِ ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َو‬Obligatory connected Prolongation: this is another type of
ُ ‫اج‬
Madd that falls under Secondary types of Madd. This Madd is caused by a Hamza that
appears after the Madd letter in the same word and that’s why it is known as connected
prolongation. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
There must be a Hamza after the Madd letter.
The Hamza must be in the same word.

Al-Madd Al-Wajib Al-Muttasil is given 4 or 5 Harakat and can also be given 6 Harakat
if you are stopping on the Hamza when it is the last letter of the word.

ْ‫سيئَ ت‬
ِ ً ‫س‬
‫وء‬ ُ ِ ‫س َم‬
‫اء‬ َّ ‫ال‬ ‫س َرائِي َل‬
ْ ِ ‫بَ ِني إ‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
ِ َ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َجائِ ُز ا ْل ُم ْنف‬Permitted Separated Prolongation: this again is another type
of Madd that falls under Secondary types of Madd. This Madd is caused by a Hamza that
appears after the Madd letter in the next word and that’s why it is known as separated
prolongation. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
There must be a Hamza after the Madd letter.
The Hamza must be in the next word.
This means that the Madd letter will be the last letter of the first word and the Hamza
would be the first letter of the second word.

Al-Madd Al-Ja’iz Al-Munfasil is given 4 or 5 Harakat in the way of Shatibiyya.


‫تُوبُو ْاإِلَى‬ ‫يَا أَيُّها الَّ ِذي أَ ْط َع َم ُهم‬ ‫س َرائِ ي َل‬

ْ ِ‫إ‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫ َم ُّد اللِّين‬Gentle/Soft Prolongation: this type of Madd doesn’t have normal Madd
letters or conditions. It Occurs when the letters ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬appear Sakin and the letter
preceding them is vowelled with a Fatha. The conditions for this type of Madd is as
The ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬must appear Sakin.
The letter before the ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬must have a Fatha.

Madd Al-Leen is given 2, 4 or 6 Harakat. It will be given 2 Harakat if not stopping on the
letter after the Leen letter, and will be given 4 or 6 Harakat if stopping on the letter after
the Leen letter in the way of Shatibiyya.

ِ ‫ا ْلبَي‬
‫ت َعلَينَا‬ ٍ ‫َخو‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫س ُكون‬ ُ ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َعا ِر‬Madd caused by a temporary Sukoon: this type of Madd
ُّ ‫ض لل‬
occcurs when stopping on a letter that appears after a Madd letter giving it a temporary
Sukoon. The conditions for this type of Madd is as follows:
A Temporary Sukoon appears on a letter after a Madd letter due to stopping.

Note: AL-Madd Al-A’rid Lis-Sukoon appears mostly at the end of verses but can also
appear in the middle of verses when stopping.

Al-Madd Al-A’rid Lis-Sukoon is given 4 or 6 Harakat in the way of Shatibiyya.


‫فِي ِه‬ ْ ‫ا ْل ُم‬

‫س َتقِ ي َم‬ َ ‫ا ْل َعالَم‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫ ا ْل َم ُّد الاَّل ِزم‬Mandatory prolongation: this type of Madd is caused by an Original
Sukoon appearing after the Madd letter. The conditions for this type of Madd is as
There must be an Original Sukoon after the Madd letter.

Al-Madd Al-Laazim is given 6 Harakat at all times and in all styles of recitations.
Madd Al-Laazim appears in different forms and therefore has been split into two types as
shown below:
1. Within words: this is also split into two types:
A. Made Heavy (due to a Shadda after the Madd letter).
B. Lightened (due to no Shadda after the Madd letter).
2. Within letters (at the beginning of certain Surah’s): this is also split into two
A. Made Heavy (due to a Shadda that appears because of Idghaam between the letters).
‫ال َْم ُّد اللَّا ِزم‬

‫الْكَل ِ ِم ُّي‬ ‫ال َْح ْر ِف ُّي‬

‫‪Within Words‬‬ ‫‪Within Letters‬‬

‫ال ُْم َخفَّف‬ ‫ال ُْمثَقَّل‬ ‫ال ُْم َخفَّف‬

‫ال ُْمثَقَّل‬
‫‪Lightene‬‬ ‫‪Made Heavy‬‬ ‫‪Lightened‬‬
‫‪Made Heavy‬‬
‫‪d‬‬ ‫س‪ ,‬ل‬ ‫ص‬
‫نـ ُ(‬
‫َ قْ‬
‫)ع َسلِكُم‬
‫الضال ّ َ‬‫َّ‬ ‫ان‬
‫َءال ْ َئ َ‬
‫ال َْحاقَّ ُة‬ ‫الم‪,‬‬
‫كهيعص‪ ,‬الر‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
‫ ا ْل َم ُّد الاَّل ِزم‬Mandatory prolongation:
There are 2 ways that one can recite the following words:
َ َ‫َءهَّللا ُ َءا ْلئ‬
1. To give a full length of 6 Harakat which is known as Ishbaa’ (‫شبَاع‬
ْ ‫) اِإل‬.
َ ‫ْال‬
2. Tasheelul Hamza: the ease of the second Hamza (‫ه ْم َز ِة‬ ْ ‫) َ ت‬.
‫س ِه ُيل‬

There are 5 other letters that appear at the beginning of certain Surah’s, these letters
have the conditions of Madd Asli. The letters are shown below:
‫َح ٌّي طَ ُهر‬
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
َّ ‫ قَا ِع َدةُ أَ ْق َوى ال‬The rule of the strongest two reasons:
What happens if a word occurs with more than one condition of Madd?
Here we will have to apply the rule of the strongest two reasons. This ruling states that if a
word occurs with more than one condition of Madd within the word we will have to apply the
stronger Madd. The strongest to weakest Madd’s are listed below:
1. ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد الاَّل ِزم‬The Mandatory Prolongation: due to scholars agreeing on prolonging it as well
as agreeing on its length.
2. ‫صل‬ ِ َّ‫ب ا ْل ُمت‬ ِ ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َو‬The Obligatory Connected Prolongation: due to scholars agreeing on
ُ ‫اج‬
prolonging it but not agreeing on its length.
3. ‫س ُكون‬ ُّ ‫ض لل‬ ُ ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َعا ِر‬The Madd due to Temporary Sukoon: due to it partially or fully
following Madd Al-Laazim.
4. ‫صل‬ ِ َ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْل َجائِ ُز ا ْل ُم ْنف‬The Permitted Separated Prolongation: due to it partially or fully
following Al-Madd Al-Wajib Al-Muttasil.
5. ‫ ا ْل َم ُّد ا ْلبَ َدل‬The Substitution Prolongation: due to it being a secondary prolongation to Madd
AL-MUDOOD ‫ا ْل ُم ُد ود‬
َّ ‫اع َدةُ أَ ْق َوى ال‬
‫سبَبَين‬ ِ َ‫ ق‬The rule of the strongest two reasons:
Al-Madd Al-Laazim and Madd Al-Badal:
َ َ‫ين َءا ْل ئ‬
‫ان‬ ّ ‫َء‬
ِ ‫الذ َ َك َر‬
Al-Madd Al-Wajib Muttasil and Al-Madd Al-A’arid Lis-Sukoon:
َ ‫س َم‬
َّ ‫سو َء ال‬
ُّ ‫ال‬
Al-Madd Jaa’iz Al-Munfasil and Madd Al-Badal:
‫َجا ُءو أَبَا ُهم‬
Al-Madd Al-A’arid Lis-Sukoon and Madd Al-Badal:
َ ‫يُ َراء‬
Madd Al-Badal, Al-Madd Al-Wajib Al-Muttasil and Al-Madd Al-A’arid Lis-Sukoon:

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