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“Employing the same algorithms as any
similar smartphone application. That is why
people intuitively understand how to use the
About the
1.Developed a comprehensive solution
for the automatic filming of people on a
green screen, instant editing of the
project (within up to 5 seconds) and
sharing it on any messenger and social
About us

Nhật Quý Thành Tài Khánh Ngân

Cofounder, script writer, Cofounder, editor Cofounder, executive
programmer who has and video graphics, producer, managing
created the whole build the videos into everything – people,
technology of the Film- the software. processes and funds.
Current Status

We now have 3 box We are developing an

offices, 2 of them are App for mobile phones.
placed at the We are going to start
entertainment park. distributing the App free
in the end of 2021.
About Finance?
o 2020, built a financial model for selling
and renting out boxes.Then switched to
developing an Application for
o As for the App our expectations for the
next 5 years are distributing 500,000
application downloads with different
subscription plans.
o Averagely a customer pays $60 per year,
which makes $30 million per year.
o Cost structure is labor force mainly. All
the rest costa are relatively office rent,
bills, office equipment, etc.
Bussiness model

Plan Solutions
Developed a number of Focused on the App
business models for selling development.
and leasing boxes Promote the App, including
boxes in the shopping malls
and mobile box.

They stopped being actual
since the lockdown started
The investor’s share may vary from 20 to 50%.
Money will be spent on

To hire 2 programmers, 3 video marketing and promo

designers, 2 marketing especially when we will start
professionals. distributing and sales.
1. 3.

2. 4.
To rent a more Operating expenses
spacious office.  around $10,000 per

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics
& images by Freepik
Please keep this slide for attribution

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