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Matter- anything that occupies space and has mass.
Energy- capacity to do work.
Transformation of energy- energy is not created nor destroyed, but it is
transformed to another form. This usually means that energy can be converted into
another form.

(Heat energy)

Food Work
(Chemical energy) (Mechanical energy)
● SPECIFIC HEAT- it is the heat needed for 1 gram of substance to raised its temperature by 1 degree Celsius.
Specific heat affects substances on its boiling and freezing points. Comparing the ability of water and iron to receive

heat, water heats slower than iron and it cools down slower because of its high specific heat.

● CALORIMETRY is the science or act of measuring changes in state variables of a body for the purpose of deriving
the heat transfer associated with changes of its state due, for example, to chemical reactions, physical changes,
or phase transitions under specified constraints. Calorimetry is performed with a calorimeter. Calorimetry is the
process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a chemical reaction. By knowing the change in
heat, it can be determined whether or not a reaction is exothermic (releases heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat).
Calorimetry also plays a large part of everyday life, controlling the metabolic rates in humans and consequently
maintaining such functions like body temperature.

Where: Q is heat absorb or release(joule)
m=mass of the substance (kg)
c=specific heat (L/mol K) 
ΔT= change of temperature
States of matter
States of matter
Matter has 3 major state; solid liquid gas. If you have observed ice (solid) melted to water (liquid)
and when it is heated in will evaporate (gas). Below is the characteristics of the different state of
of Matter
Properties of matter
Properties of matter includes changes of its state. It is classified into two
namely Physical properties and chemical properties.
Endothermic and exothermic processes
Endothermic process- heat is absorb.
Exothermic process - heat is released.

Solid to liquid- melting; endothermic

Liquid to gas- evaporating; endothermic
Solid to gas - deposition; endothermic
Gas to solid - sublimation; exothermic
Gas to liquid - condensation; exothermic
Liquid to solid - freezing; exothermic
Composition Of Matter
Composition of matter is classified as Pure substance and Mixture: Pure substance cannot be separated through physical
means but mixture can be classified through physical means. Carbon dioxide, water, alcohol and salt are pure substance. Halo
halo, gravel and sand and alloy are mixture. Moreover, pure substance is subdivided into two; elements and compounds
Elements- it is the most basic form of matter. Examples are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, helium, neon, fluorine and etc.
Compounds- it is the composition of both elements and/or ions. Examples are Carbon dioxide, water, butane, methane and

Mixture is also subdivided into heterogeneous and homogenous mixture.

Heterogeneous- composition of two or more substances which gives two or more phases. Examples are, Halo halo,
pinakbet and gravel and sand.
Homogenous- combination of two or more substances that gives only one or single phase. Examples are coffee, soda
drinks, alloy juices.

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