HRM Chapter 5 Employee Selection Final

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Chapter 5: Selection
Human Resource Management
Sacred Heart Junior College
Mrs. Hema Gamez
2 Selection Process

1. Criteria development
2. Application & resume review
3. Interviewing
4. Test administration
5. Making the offer
3 Selection Process
 Criteria development
 All persons in hiring process should be trained on steps for interviews developing
criteria, reviewing resumes, developing interview questions, weighting candidates

 Planning interview process includes criteria development

 Criteria development
 Determining which sources of information will be used & how those sources of
information will be scored during interview

 Should relate directly to job analysis & job specification

4 Selection Process

 It should include personality, cultural fit, skills, abilities, personal characteristics

 Organizations may develop application/ biographical information sheet which can be

completed online
 Include candidate’s education previous job experience
5 Application & Interviewing
Resume Review
 Criteria developed then you can  Select people to be
review application interviewed

 Can be done manually or

electronically with a program that
narrows them down
6 Test Administration

 Tests may be administered before hiring decision made

 Tests can be:

 Physical tests
 Personality tests
 Cognitive test

 Reference checks
 Credit reports checks
 Background checks
7 Selection Process: Making the offer

 Last step

 Offer position to chosen candidate

 Development of offer via email/ letter – formal

 Compensation & benefits defined in offer

9 Criteria Development & Resume Review

 Knowledge skills abilities other persona characteristics

 Criteria development considerations

 HR & managers develop criteria for hiring & interview questions
before reviewing resumes
 Streamlined process with specific guidelines set
10 Validity & Reliability
 To how useful tool is to measure a person’s attributes for specific job opening

 May include:
 Resume-scanning software
 Reference checks
 Cognitive ability tests
 Work samples
 Credit reports
 Biographical information blanks
 Weighted application form
 Personality tests
 Interview questions
 Biographical Information blanks
 Series of questions about a person’s history that may have shaped behaviour

 Any tool used to determine qualifications should have validity to determine right
fit for job

 Reliability – degree other selection techniques yield similar data over time

 Fit Issues
 Right technical expertise, education, experience
 Other characteristics such long-term career growth/ hacker personality/
12 Resume Reviews
 After develop criteria then begin to review resume

 Review resumes & list candidates for interview/ rate candidates & interview those above
certain score

 Managers concern with disparate impact & disparate treatment

 Disparate impact
 Unintended discrimination against a protected group as a whole through use of particular requirement
 E.g. require to lift 110lbs (discrimination against women)

 Disparate treatment
 Not interviewing someone based on one’s perception of a candidate’s age, race, or gender
13 Resume Reviews
 Consider hiring
internal or external
14 Interviewing

 Cost money

 After selection – good use of time vital to make sure interview process allows for selection of
right candidate

 Unstructured interview – questions changed to match specific candidate (focus on resume)

 Structured interview – set of standardized questions based on job analysis not on resume

 Interview should revolve around specific job which candidate is interviewing for
15 Interview

 Structured interviews – answers determined ahead of time – allows for interviewer to rate
responses candidate provides (fair interview)

 Types of interviews
1. Traditional interview
 Normally takes place in office
 Interviewer & candidate with series of questions asked & answered

2. Telephone interview
 Used to narrow list of people receiving traditional interview
 Used to determine salary requirements or other data that might rule out giving traditional interview
16 Interview

3. Panel interview -
 several people interviewing one candidate at same time

4. Informational interview
 used when there is no specific job opening but candidate is exploring possibilities in given career field
 Advantage – find great people ahead of time

5. Meal interview
 Organization takes candidate to lunch or dinner for interview
 More casual meeting & find out more
 Considered unstructured
17 Interview
6. Group interviews
 Two or more candidates interview at same time
 Excellent source of info. – how they relate to other people in job

7. Video interviews
 Same as traditional interviews but with use of technology

8. Nondirective interview
 Unstructured interview
 Candidate leads discussion
 General questions planned ahead but candidate spends more time talking
 Questions may be open ended
 Advantage – allows candidates to show abilities
 Disadvantage – relies on gut feeling
18 Interview Questions

 Lean towards situational interviews or behaviour description interviews

 Situational interviews
 Candidates given sample situation & asked how she/he might deal with situation

 Behavior description interviews

 Candidate given asked questions about what he/she did in variety of given situation
 Assumptions – candidate’s past experience or actions are indicator of future behaviour
 “Tell me about yourself”
19 Testing & Selecting
 Testing
 Cognitive ability tests – SATs: Scholastic Aptitude Test (test of aptitude)
individualized assessment measures individual general mental ability and intelligence.
 Personality tests
 Meyers Briggs Big Five
 Extroversion
 Agreeableness
 Conscientiousness
 Neuroticism
 Openness

 Physical ability tests

 Job knowledge tests – measuring candidate’s level of understanding of particular job
 Work sample – candidates show example of work done. E.g advertising – portfolio of designs.
20 Selection Methods

 Clinical selection
 Commonly used
 Decision makers review data & based on what they learnt from candidate & info. available decide who
should be hired

 Statistical method
 Selection model developed that assigns scores & guess more weight to specific factors
 More objective

 Multiple cutoff model

 Requires minimum score level mall selection criteria

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