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Purposive Communication
Submitted by: Sereguine, Vinus M.

Submitted to: Balanon, Daphne

Topic: How I Survived the Challenges
of Studying in the New Normal
Learning in the new normal takes as much, if not more, time and energy as
traditional classroom learning. To do well in your online class, you must be
organized and self-motivated. It’s not always easy, but it can be done.

Here are the some list (reasons)that’s why I Survived the Challenges of Studying in
the New normal

■ Set a Goal
First I set a Goal.One of the important things you should do when learning in the
new normal is to create a personal goal. When you set clear goals, it’s easier to
manage your time and a stick with your task.
■ Have a Study Plan
Before my new normal classes start, I make a study plan for me. It can help you
stay on top of your deadlines. You can use a planner to help you organize tasks
and assignments that you need to complete. Outline schedules and set several
hours per week for readings or research. Stick to the schedule, but adjust it when
■ Practice Time Management
Students in the new normal should also practice time management. Don’t wait until
the last minute to do your assignment! Not only will this stress you out. It will also
make you rush your work and submit sloppy or low-quality work.

■ Eliminate Distractions
The average person is distracted every 40 seconds when working in front of the
computer. So it’s important to keep yourself away from distractions when it’s time to

■ Write Notes
Just as you would in a traditional classroom, write down important points during
your online class. Doing so will help you remember key information a lot easier.Use
a pen and paper or type it on a Word document. Organize your documents by
courses or subjects so it’s easier for you to find details whenever you need them.
■ Take Some Time Out
If you find the online class extra challenging, take a break after it. Taking small breaks in between
your online classes will refresh your brain and help you refocus.

■ Create a Dedicated Study Space

Since online classes in the new normal don’t require classrooms anymore, you need to create
your own study area. Your study space can be in your bedroom, the living room, or even the
kitchen. Just make sure that you use the space exclusively for studying and that you can focus
on your tasks when you study in this area.

■ Be Engaged
■ Participate in your online courses to help you better understand your course materials. Talk to
your classmates regarding your given topic. If your class offers online forums, share your
insights there. Ask what your classmates think and find out what your teachers are saying on
these forums, too.
If you’re struggling and feel like you’re falling behind, don’t hesitate to talk to your teacher. Ask for
clarifications or other supplementary materials that can help you better understand your lessons.
■ Keep Yourself Healthy
Don’t stay up until dawn if you have an early morning online class. And don’t skip
breakfast. You need good sleep and nourishment if you want to be alert and
energetic.Take breaks to eat and stay hydrated. It will help you focus better on your
tasks. Moreover, eat healthy and load up on multivitamins to boost your immunity.

This is the reasons why i survive this new normal even though Challenging we
need to Learn and that’s learnings can help us make are dreams come true.We
need to fight and be strong to face this challenge together.Learning in the new
normal takes commitment and effort. If I’m having a hard time with my classes, I try
to put things in perspective.feeling tired from all the Zoom meetings. But I know my
professor suffering to in the new teachers are also struggling, so let their
hard work and dedication be my motivation.
I always remember the goals I set at the beginning of the school year. If everything
seems challenging to me, I take some time off for myself to refocus and re-
energize. But always show up and do my best.

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