Electronic Information Sources AND Services: Click To Edit Master Title Style

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Information Sources

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DATA, edit Master title

• Plural form of Datum
• Data are raw facts that are unprocessed
• Discrete and unorganized piece of information
• Data has no meaning unless they are organized in a systematic way

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DATA, edit Master title

• Information is data that is retrieved and processed
• It is organized, processed, interpreted and disseminated
• Derived from information
• Organised body of information
• Right information put into use in the right way

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Click to edit MasterInformation
title style
• Speech – for almost 100,00 years
• Drawing symbols or painting or carving on cave walls and stones
(From cave walls and stones, they advanced to clay tablets (Egypt),
papyrus, palm leaves, parchment, vellum)
• Pictorial writings / scripts (Ex: Mesopotamia inscribed as early as
3,000 BC by the Sumerians)
• Alphabets and Letters
• Handwritten books

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Click to edit MasterInformation
title style
• Printing – In 1450s AD, Johannes Gutenberg of Germany invented the
method of printing. By the end of the 15th century some 9,000,000
books were circulated
• Development of printing industry, printing machinery industry, publishing
and book trade industry, printing ink industry, sudden rise in pulp and
paper industry, and so on.
• Journals, newspapers, etc
• It also created in people a tremendous urge for reading leading to the
growth of literacy, production of books, rise in educational institutions
like schools, colleges and universities.
• Moreover, it gave rise to professionals like printers, composers, proof
readers, publishers, book traders, book binders, and so on 7 7
Libraries as Information
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• Library of Ashurbanipal -> Nineveh (Iraq) - cuneiform tablets
• Library of Alexandria – > Egypt –papyrus rolls

• Library of Pergamum –> Rome – clay tablets, inscriptions and

papyrus rolls
• Public or temple libraries
• Monasteries - instruments of education - production of books
• National, Public, Academic libraries

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Libraries as Information
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• A record of work on paper or other material fit for physical handling,

transport across space and preservation through time.
• It may include manuscripts, handwritten and engraved materials
including printed books, periodical, microform, photograph,
gramophone records, tape records, etc.
• The recent advances in science and technology help originate
another kind of document i.e. computer readable forms that includes
CD, DVD, pen drive, hard disk, web resources, etc.
• They provide some information to its readers or users.
• A library as a gateway of knowledge provides access to a variety of
such documentary sources of information.
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• Documentation science, documentation studies or just

documentation is a field of study and a profession founded by Paul
Otlet (1868–1944) and Henri La Fontaine (1854–1943).
• Professionals educated in this field are termed documentalists. This
field generally changed its name to information science in 1968, but
some uses of the term documentation still exists
• In 1968, The American Documentation Institute became the 
American Society for Information Science and Technology

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Printed edit Non-printed
Master title style

• The print media reigned supreme and unrivalled for about 500 years
when at the 2nd half of the 20th century it faced a formidable
challenge from non-print media.

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Print edit Master title style

• Print Source is a source of information that was originally published

and made available to the public by being printed on paper.
• This includes books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopaedias,
journals, letters, etc., anything that was originally made available to
the public through an ink-on-paper medium

Printto edit Master title style

• Printed Sheets
• Leaflets
• Printed Cards
• Pamphlets
• Books
• Illustrations
• Periodicals
• Newspapers
• Maps
• Calendars and Diaries
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Printed edit Master title style

• A sheet is a piece of paper of

varying sizes on which the
written or typed matter is
• Usually the printed sheets are
used for advertising,
campaigning and other

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Leaflets Master title style
/ Brochures

• A leaflet is made from a single sheet

of paper 
• It consists of only one sheet of paper
that is printed on both sides; this
sheet is folded in half, thirds, or
• It is neither stitched nor stapled.
• They are used by businesses,
individuals, nonprofit organisations or
governments to promote businesses,
advertise events, inform and
persuade people to join various
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• A pamphlet typically has 5 to 48 pages

excluding cover pages.
• It is stapled/stitched and cut. 
•  It is a small booklet or leaflet that
contains information about a subject in
simple language.
• It typically has no hardcover.
• Manuals supplied with various gadgets
of domestic use like fridge, washing
machine, etc. are also generally

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Printed edit Master title style

• Cards are printed to convey

greetings, invite people to
attend marriage and other
ceremonies, and so on.
• Cards become valuable
source of information

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• A book is a non-periodic printed
publication of at least 49 pages
exclusive of cover pages.
• A book is usually stapled/stitched
along one edge and placed within
protective covers to form a volume.
• In general libraries, the collection is
predominated by books.
• The sizes of books vary.

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Hard bound books Soft bound books

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Inside the front cover of a typical book is a collection of pages called

preliminary material which includes
• Title Page
• Copyright page
• Acknowledgement page
• Dedication page
• Preface
• Table of Contents.
This is followed by the body of the book i.e. the Text.
At the end of the Text are pages containing Glossary, Bibliography and Index.

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Simple Vs Composite Book:

• If the treatment of subject is continuous and written by one or more
than one authors, the book is a simple book.
• When each chapter of the book is written by different authors and the
subject may or may not be dealt continuously, the book is called a
composite book.
Single-Volume Vs Multi-Volume Book
• A book in one volume is known as single-volume book.
• A book in more than one volume is called multi-volume book. Besides
this, there is continuous pagination in different volumes of the set.
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• Illustrations are but a common

component of a book.
• Children’s books are usually
adorned with colourful illustrations
to make them more attractive and
• Other educative books are also
illustrated for making the matter
easily comprehensible to the

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• Periodical is a powerful medium for

the dissemination of information.
• Researchers gather information and
present the same in the form of
abstracts, popular articles or reviews.
• Periodicals helps academicians to
keep themselves updated

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• For centuries newspapers

have been serving human
community as a powerful
medium of communication.
• Newspapers appear from
almost all parts of the world in
numerous languages.

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• A map is a depiction of the earth’s

surface or any component of it
(say, a country, state, city, roads,
etc.) printed on a durable sheet of
• The sizes of the sheets vary.
• There are various types of maps
such as political, demographic, and

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Calendars andMaster title style

• Government offices, industrial

establishments, financial
institutions, business houses,
publishers and various other
organisations bring out calendars
and diaries every year and
distribute them free of cost to its
employees, customers, agents,
and many others

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Non-print Master title style

• Documentary sources that are not printed are all non-print sources
• Non-print media categorised as conventional and electronic media

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Conventional Media title style

• Oral : One-to-One; One-to-a Few; One-to-Many; Many-to-One;

• Audio : Microphones; record players; radio; telephone
• Visual : Photographs; paintings; drawings; blueprints; slides; and
• Audiovisual media : Motion pictures; video recordings; television

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Electronic Master title style

• Multimedia
• Hypermedia
• Cybermedia
• Virtual Reality Products

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Advantages Master
print title
media style

• Content cannot be altered

• Stable
• Increased comprehension
• No distracting social media alerts
• No annoyance of scrolling, or moving back and forth
• No misinformation

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• A “source” is a place, person, or thing from which something originates
or can be obtained
• The sources where from we get information are information sources.
• These sources comprise documents, institutions and organisations, and
human beings. For example, for finding out the meaning of a word, we
consult a dictionary; for admission in a particular course of study,
students contact an institution

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Types Master title
Information style

Information sources are usually organized according to their

information contents, type, media or form to cater to the different
needs of the users. The sources of information are broadly classified
• Documentary Sources
• Non-Documentary Sources

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Documentary title style
and non-documentary Sources

• All recorded sources of information irrespective of their contents and

form come under documentary sources. These may be published or
unpublished, in print or in electronic form.
• The non-documentary sources of information can be defined as
those sources and resources of information that are not contained in
any document.

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Primary Master title style

• Original source of information

• Original theories, ideas, discoveries and inventions
• New knowledge.
• Current and up-to-date
• Latest available information.
• Never re-published in other sources.

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• A periodical is a publication with a distinctive title which appears at

stated or regular intervals, without prior decision as to when the last
issue shall appear
• Periodicals include journals, newspapers, conference proceedings,
or similar works which appear at regular intervals in a numbered

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• Newspapers: Published usually daily to report current events or

topics of general interest.
• Magazines: Collection of articles about diverse topics of popular
interest and current events, written by journalists or experts.
• Journals: Collection of scholarly articles written by academicians or
scholars. Journals may be Commercial, Non-Commercial, In-house

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• Research reports are results of observation, inquiry, experiment, etc.

• They are descriptive account of the research work
• There is no periodicity in their publication
• Examples: Scientific and Technical reports, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, and National Technical Information
Centre Reports

Click to edit Documents
Conference Master title style

• Conference is a gathering or a meeting sponsored or organised by a

learned body, a government or governments, an industrial organisation,
and so on, where information is exchanged or discussed by experts in that
subject fields.
• Every year thousands of conferences are being organised on various
subjects, where experts present their papers.
• In many cases, organisers of the conference publish proceedings which
contain the papers presented in the conference along with discussions,
minutes of the meeting and resolutions adopted.
• Conference proceedings contain a number of research papers and are
therefore primary sources of information.
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• Standards are documents issued by government agencies to

prescribe the standardization of the items for maintaining quality
• Standards ensure quality and reliability of products.
• A typical standard covers definition, methods, properties, measures
in terms of weight, size, length, qualities, composition, process of
production established by various national ad international
organizations such as Bureau of Indian Standards, British Standard
Institution, etc.

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Theses Master title style

• A dissertation or a theses is a document submitted by a researcher

for a degree or professional qualification.
• In some universities dissertations and theses are seen as the same.
In some universities a thesis is submitted at the end of one’s
Master’s degree and dissertation at the end of PhD work.
• Both report original research and are considered primary sources of

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Trade edit Master title style

• Catalogue and other advertising or promotional material distributed

by business firm usually free of charge.
• Contains technical information about equipment, good or processes
or services.
• Basic objective is to sell products produced by the manufacturer
• Guides the user about the use of product, installation, operation,
maintenance of products

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• A patent is a government grant which gives a person or a company

sole rights to make, use or sell a new invention (which may be a
product, process or a design) for a certain number of years.
• Individuals and companies engaged in R&D activities protect their
inventions by patenting them with the government.
• The government grants the patent and publishes the details of
granted patents through an official publication.
• It grants the patent holds exclusive license to produce, distribute
and sell the invented items and they avoid unauthorized exploitation
of the invention for certain number of years.

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Secondary Master title style

• The scattered primary information is collected and arranged in the

secondary sources in a systematic way. Secondary sources are the
sources which are compiled from the primary sources.
• They analyse, interpret and discuss information about the primary
sources. Information is not original, but it is analysed or interpreted.
Secondary sources do not carry new and original information but
guide the users to primary sources of information.
• They organise the primary sources in a convenient form.

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Characteristics title stylesource
of secondary

• They describe, interpret, analyse and evaluate primary sources

• Discuss and Comment the evidence provided by primary sources
• Depend on primary sources for reporting and presenting information
• Systematically arranged and easy to consult
• Either in compiled from or referred to primary sources
• Information contained answers specific queries

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• It is a book containing words of language or a

subject arranged in alphabetical order, giving
their meaning, spelling, pronunciation and
• They are of various types such as language
dictionaries, subject dictionaries, etc.

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• An encyclopaedia is a type of reference work – a
compendium holding a summary of information from
either all branches of knowledge or a particular
branch of knowledge.
• Encyclopaedias are divided into articles or entries,
which are usually accessed alphabetically by article
• Encyclopaedia entries are longer and more detailed
than those in most dictionaries.
• Unlike dictionary entries, which focus on linguistic
information about words, encyclopaedia articles
focus on factual information to cover the thing or
concept for which the article name stands.
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• A bibliography is a systematic list of documents that share a

common factor that may be a subject, a language, a period, an
author or some other criteria.
• The list may be comprehensive or selective. The list is arranged by
some order.
• Such bibliography, known as enumerative or systematic
bibliography, attempts to record or list. Each entry provides
bibliographical details of the document.

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• An entry for book contains following information:- Name (s) of author(s),

Title of the book, Publisher, Date of publication
• An entry for journal contains:- Name(s) of author(s), Article title, Journal
title, Volume number, Issue number, Year of publication, Page numbers
• National Bibliography – Indian National Bibliography, compiled by Central
Reference Library, Kolkata.
• Trade Bibliography - Indian Books in Print: A select Bibliography of English
Books Published in India published by Indian Bureau of Bibliographies.
• Subject Bibliography - Enser AGS: A Subject bibliography of the First
World War books in English; n1914-1987, Brookfield, NT Gower, 1990
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• Compilation of information in a compact,

fairly up-to-date and handy form.
• Most of the information is given in the form
of tables, graphs, diagrams, symbols,
equations, illustrations.
• Sometimes known as manual
• Gives step-by-step directions
• Example: Handbook of Chemistry and

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• Comprehensive source of information

which covers the complete subject.
• In-depth coverage of a subject
• Satisfies the information needs of subject
• Collect the scattered primary information
and present in a systematic order

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• Contains primary information that is

edited, evaluated and analysed.
• Used for teaching, learning and providing
• Provides information in a simple way so
that reader can understand the subject.
• Information is presented in simplified form
with diagrams, illustrations, examples,

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• Systematic guide to the text of any

reading matter or to the contents of
other collected material comprising a
series of entries with headings
• Index is a list arranged systematically
giving details about each entry
• Published separately or forms part of
another work
• Arranged alphabetically or
chronologically or another suitable
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• Concise summary that gives

essential points of book, pamphlet
or article
• Presents objectives, scope and
findings in a condensed form
• Aimed at a specific group of users
who may not have easy access to
original full text documents.
• Examples: Chemical abstract,
Library and Information Science
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Tertiary Master title style

• Tertiary sources compile, analyse and digest secondary and

sometimes primary sources of information. In simple words, we may
say that tertiary sources contain information distilled and collected
from primary and secondary sources.
• The main function of tertiary sources of information is to help the
researcher in the use of primary and secondary sources of
information. Tertiary sources are keys to primary and secondary

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• Helps the researcher in using primary and secondary sources

• Ready reference tool that provides information needed by the user
• Provides information on individuals, organisations, institutions, etc
• Directories of names cover information about name, address,
experience, etc
• Entries in the directory are arranged in alphabetical or classified
• General directories and special directories are two kinds of
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• Annual volume of current information in

descriptive or statistical form
• Also called as annuals
• Comprehensive account of the subject in
compact form
• Ready reference source
• Examples: General Yearbook –
Statesman’s yearbook, Europa Yearbook;
Supplement to encyclopaedias –
Britannica Book of the Year, Americana
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Bibliography title style
of Bibliographies

• List of bibliographies direct readers to useful bibliographies through

subject, individual, places, etc
• May be in the form of separately published book or part of the book
or part of a periodical article or some other types of documents
• Once having located the bibliography, one can locate the individual
document listed in it

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• Annual publication containing a calendar, frequently accompanied

by astronomical data and other information
• Annually published ready reference source which contains
astrological information, factual information and statistical
• Covers a particular region or subject, nation, country or state
• Example: Whitaker’s Almanac, World Almanac and Books of Facts

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