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Organic Pesticides

are those derived from natural resources

and processed lightly before use.

This is different than current pesticides

used by conventional agriculture, which are
generally synthetic.
Organic Pesticides are more environmentally
friendly and safer.
Most Organic Pesticides are breakdown
naturally, reducing the chance of polluting
or contaminating the soil or water.
When applied correctly, it can be very
effective pest control.
Materials Needed for
Organic Pesticide-Making
 Personal Protection
 Face mask
 Hand gloves
 Apron or Robe
Materials Needed for
Organic Pesticide-Making
 During the Process
 V eg et a ble chop p er o r B lend er o r
Kn ife & chop p ing boa rd
 M ea suring cup s
 Piece of clea n clot h
 B owl
 Sp ra y bot tle
 L iquid cont a iner
Ingredients Needed for
Organic Pesticide-Making
2 pcs hot peppers
½ bulb of garlic
1 medium-size onion
¼ cup water
2 liters hot water
Till our next

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