W08 Gathering: Management Framework

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W08 Gathering: Management Framework

W08: Watch BYU-Pathway Worldwide Devotional

How is sacrifice a demonstration of pure love?

What kinds of things have you sacrificed to get where you

are today as a PathwayConnect student?
W08 Math Gathering Activity
GDP per capita (1990 International
Year (AD)
1 599
1000 425
1500 798
1600 907
1700 1032
1820 1243
1870 2087
1913 3688
1950 5018
1973 12157
1989 16751
2008 22246
Between what years is the GDP relatively

Between what years do we start to see a slight

increase in the per capita GDP?

Around what year do we start to see a significant

change in the per capita GDP?
The GDP remains relatively unchanging
between years 1 and 1500AD. In the year 1500
there is a slight increase in GDP. This slight
increase continues until the year 1820. The year
1820 marks the beginning of an amazing period
of growth where the data increases in almost a
vertical pattern.
Management Framework Review
1. “We believe that education is transformational”
2. “We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and generosity.”
3. “To develop disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders in their homes, the Church
and their communities” (BYU Pathway Worldwide)
4. “Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow” (Lego)
5. “At IKEA our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.”
6. “Our business idea supports this vision by offering a wide range of well-
designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people
as possible will be able to afford them. (IKEA)
7. BYU-Pathway Worldwide is designed to provide access to higher education
wherever the Church is organized. BYU Pathway starts by preparing students
through life-skills development and English-language learning. It also provides
access to appropriate certificate and degree programs by coordinating and
leveraging curriculum from across the Church Educational System.
• The value statements describe things that the organization
values (education, respect, etc.) but they don’t say what they will
do, or how they will do it.
• The mission statements say what the organization does but it
doesn’t explain how they do it.
• Strategy statements describe how the organization will operate
“by offering a wide range of welldesigned, functional home
furnishing products…” or “Provide access to education by
selecting appropriate programs from CES schools” but they don’t
describe why they are doing it or what the purpose is.
Discussion Prompts:
1.How are your teams translating your values
into a mission and strategy?
2. What part(s) of the management framework
are your teams struggling with?
Have you ever started a project or a goal without a clear vision for what
you wanted to accomplish? What was the result?

• Have you ever had a clear vision of what you wanted but no plan for
how to accomplish it? How did it go?

• How could having clear values, mission, and strategy help you reach
your personal goals?

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