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Game Theory

By: Dr. Abhinav Goel

 Dominance Property
 Average Method
 Solution of 2X2 Game without Saddle
 Dominance Property
Sometimes in a rectangular game we come across a
fact that one or more of the pure strategies of a
player are inferior to at least one of the remaining
strategies. In such case this inferior strategy is never
used. In other words we can say that this inferior
pre strategy is dominated by a superior pure
strategy. In such case of dominance, we can reduce
the size of the pay-off matrix by removing the pure
strategies which are dominated by the other
In general following rule of dominance are
used to reduce the size of the pay-off matrix:
i. Leave the row whose all corresponding elements are less
than or equal to all corresponding elements to any other
ii. Leave the column whose all corresponding elements are
greater than or equal to all corresponding elements to any
other column.
iii. Repeat the above process till 2X2 matrix arise, if possible.
iv. If it is not possible then Dominance Property fails and we
have to apply Average method
Note: this rule is especially used for the evaluation of 2
persons zero-sum games without saddle point.
 Average Method:
i. Leave the row whose corresponding elements ≤
the average of corresponding elements of any
two row. If it is not possible the leave this step
and move to another step.
ii. Leave the column whose corresponding elements
≥ the average of corresponding elements of any
two column.
iii. Repeat this process till 2X2 matrix arises.
 Solution of 2X2 Games without
Saddle Point:
i. Let (x1, x2 ) and ( y1, y2 ) be mixed strategy for any zero
sum two persons game for A and B player and v is
the value of game where the optimal strategies are
not pure strategies and for which
pay-off matrix is:
I ( y1 ) II ( y 2 )
I ( x1 ) a11 a12
II ( x 2 ) a 21 a 22
then value of above stated variables by method of
L.P.P. are as follows:
a 22  a 21
x1 
( a1 1  a 2 2 )  ( a1 2  a 2 1 )
a1 1  a1 2
x2 
( a1 1  a 2 2 )  ( a1 2  a 2 1 )
a 2 2  a1 2
y1 
( a1 1  a 2 2 )  ( a1 2  a 2 1 )
a1 1  a 2 1
y2 
( a1 1  a 2 2 )  ( a1 2  a 2 1 )
a n d v a lu e o f g a m e to p la y e r A is g iv e n b y
a1 1 a 2 2  a1 2 a 2 1
v 
( a1 1  a 2 2 )  ( a1 2  a 2 1 )
Value of game to player B = - (value of game to player B)
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