Photo Analysis: by Matthew Pickhaver

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Photo analysis

By Matthew Pickhaver
Initial Photos taken
1. 2.
3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Initial Photo taken 2
13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

Original Photos
This photo was originally going to be my front This photo was going to be my double
page With my story involving a new Hip-hop page but I chose against using it as I felt
group arriving on the music scene. I decided that the setting was not right for the story,
against going with this photo as I felt it was too with it being to brightly coloured. I also
brightly coloured with a poor setting. I felt that felt that the was to big of a gap between
the photo should be more gloomy and either the models on the left and then the model
involve less people or for there to be more room on the right and leaving me having to
so the models aren't all cramped together. write my article in the middle of the page. I
also did want my models wearing suits for
both my double page and my front page.

This picture I was going to have on my

I was going to have this photo on my contents
contents page, going along with one of
page, associated with one of the stories that
the stories that was going to feature in the
would feature in this issue of my magazine. I
magazine. I decided against using it as I
did not feel that the models I had however
though that everything in the background
were dressed right for the genre of my
behind my models didn't fit in with my
magazine. I also didn’t feel that they looked
magazine genre and that it looked to
like people in the hip-hop industry.
much like it was in a school. Also my
model on the left I didn’t feel was
positioned right and was slouched to
Front page Photos
This is the photo that I decided to go with for my front page. I had
changed the story I had in mind originally to the story of a Hip-hop
star bringing a new young artist into the music industry. The
camera shot I have used is a long shot so that I am able to get all
of the artists in the frame while also getting a shot of the stairs
aswellI decided that I wanted to have my picture taken on some
stairs as I felt it would go well with the Hip-hop star model
standing at the top, showing he is the top model, and then the new
artist model sitting a little further down the stairs, showing that he
is making his way up in music. The reason I decided to go with
this photo was as I thought the sun shinning through made the
photo better. It makes it look as if the light is shinning through
onto the models (the light is one them) and showing that they are
the ones to look at. The location I thought was much better as well
with it looking much more like its from the streets, which Hip-hop
tends to be associated with.
Front page photo 2
This is a photo that will go with a cover line story which
is the rivalry between 2 models. The shot I have used for
this photo is an extreme long shot as I originally planned
to use all three of the models. I Will however cut away
the parts of the picture I don’t want and use what is
needed.It will actually contain the models in the middle
and on the left. My reason for this as I am decided to use
the model on the right for my main story. It also looks
like the model on the left is pointing at the model in the
middle showing that he is associating with him. The
background I like for this as it is a rivalry, similar to a
fight, and these tend to happen more outside on the
streets. I like the fact that the models are wearing suits
as it would go with my heading for it, which is ‘Artists
get down to business’.
Contents page photo 1

This is the photo that I have got to go on my contents page to go

with the story of a Hip-hop star bringing a new young artist into the
music industry. The camera shot I have used for this photo is a
long shot and my reason for this is so that I am able to get all of the
car and the model in the picture. This is who the article is mainly
focused and having him in front of a flashy car shows that he is
able to afford a car like this due to his success. The bright setting I
think is good in this situation as it shows the brightness of the
model in the picture. The effect that I will use in the photo however
will slightly darken the main objects in the picture (The car and the
model) Making them stand out slightly more. The model in this
picture is looking away to make him look just that much cooler in
the picture.
Contents page photo 2
This picture is also to be on the contents page to go
along with the story of the rivalry between the two artists.
I have used a medium long shot for this photo as it will
get both of the models in the frame while also being close
enough to see the expressions on both the models faces.
This shot has a table between the two to show the
division between the 2 but also showing a business side
to the who rivalry. I like the fact that as the model on the
right has lent in, the other model is back as if he was
trying to lean away from him. The lighting is good in this
picture as it is not to bright for the genre yet not being to
dark that we are unable to see the models clearly.
Double Page photo
This is the photo that I have decided to use for my double
page. It is a long shot and I decided to have this shot as it
would get both artists in the shot clearly while also getting
a view of its background and surrounding. I have got my
new young star closer to the camera due to the fact that he
is the main focus in the article. I chose this setting for my
photo as it looks like its from a rundown place, showing
the young artist arising into the music industry from the
streets. I had my models wear clothing that look more hip-
Hop like which is why they are both wearing jeans, with
one wearing a hoodie and the other wearing a long
sleeved top with the sleeves rolled up.

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