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Structural Dynamics (CE 661)

Dr. Kamal Krishna Bera

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom System
Single Degree of Freedom System – Free Vibration

 𝑥 (𝑡 )


• Idealized SDOF system: basic components; Free Body Diagram

Equation of Motion

Newton’s 2nd law:

………………………… (1)
Equation of Motion

••  D’ Alembert’s Principle:

 𝑓 ( 𝑡 )=𝑚 𝑥¨
Dynamic equilibrium of FBD

 𝑥 (𝑡 )

• Idealized SDOF system: basic components; forces in equilibrium

Equation of Motion

••  Virtual work approach: 𝑘 

If the mass is given a virtual displacement δx 𝑐 

Total work done by the equilibrium system of forces = 0

(since , arbitrarily)

• Here, for this simple system, virtual work formation has no

advantage. It will be found useful for more general type of SDOF.
Note: x(t) is the displacement from the equilibrium position, i.e., in the position in which the spring is
Effect of Gravity
Effect of Gravity

= displacement from unstretched spring position

• = displacement from static equilibrium position

• = static displacement due to mg

• Using unstretched spring position as reference


But and

From (2), …………… same as Eq. (1)

Equation of Motion

• Static equilibrium is more convenient reference position than the unstretched
configuration of the spring for the purpose of formulating the EOM.

• So, displacement in all future discussions will be referenced from the static
equilibrium position, i.e., it will represent dynamic response.

• Total deflection = Static Deflection + Dynamic Response

• Second order linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation with

constant coefficient ()
Influence of Support Excitation
Influence of Support Excitation

Assumptions: All masses are lumped at the floor level, rigid. Columns are
massless and inextensible vertically (axially)

• ; but

• = displacement of structure relative to ground

Influence of Support Excitation

• = horizontal ground motion caused by earthquake

• = total displacement from the fixed reference axis

• = Effective loading due to support excitation, i.e., structural deformation

caused by ground acceleration are the same as those which would be

produced by external load equal to

Influence of Support Excitation

Alternatively, in terms of

• Solution are seldom obtained in this manner.

• Earthquake motion generally measured in terms of acceleration.

• This integration of ground motion data is required to get

effective loading in this case.
Free Vibration of SDOF System


• = dynamic response i.e., displacement from static equilibrium position

• = effective load either applied directly/ resulting from support motion

• For free vibration,

• …….(2)

• Linear, homogeneous, 2nd order ODE

• Let the solution: , where C & s are constants to be determined

Free Vibration of SDOF System

• ; ……….(3)

• Two values of s that satisfies Eq. (3) depend upon the value of c relative to k
and m

• Type of motion given by depends on the amount of damping in the system.

Undamped Free Vibration

• For this , so Eq. (3) becomes ………………. (4)

• Eq. (4) is called the characteristic equation. Its two roots are called eigenvalues/
characteristic value.

• General solution of undamped free vibration problem:

• C1 & C2 are in general complex, however is real

Undamped Free Vibration

• …………………….. (5)

• A1 , A2 are real constants determined from initial condition

• EOM- 2nd order thus 2 Initial conditions needed

• Let and


• ……………………………. (6)
Undamped Free Vibration

••  Alternative expression:

• Let and A & are new constants

• = Amplitude

• = phase angle

• So, from Eq (5) : …………………………. (7)

• It implies that system executes simple harmonic oscillations with natural

frequency . This SDOF spring mass system is called Harmonic Oscillator
Vector Diagram
Vector Diagram

• If represents a vector of magnitude and vector makes an angle () with
respect to the vertical x axis, then projection of on x represents:

• Angle increases linearly with time, means that vector rotates counter-
clockwise with angular velocity n.

• As the vector rotates, projection varies harmonically, so that the motion

repeats itself every time the A sweeps a 2π angle.
Graphical Representation of Response

𝑇  𝑛=
Undamped Free Vibration

• Time required to complete one cycle of motion = time period =

• sec; = rad/sec

• From (7):

• leads by π/2 & leads by π

• Real system ----- damping present ----- not represent harmonic oscillator. So it is
more of a mathematical concept than a physical reality. Valid for negligible damping.
Undamped Free Vibration

• Natural Frequency & Time Period from Static Deflection:

• If the mass vibrates in vertical direction, we can compute and by simply
measuring the static deflection . We don’t require k & m.


• ; (only unknown )
Undamped Free Vibration – Example

 An undamped single-degree-of-freedom system has a mass of 1 kg and a stiffness of

2500 N/m. Find the magnitude and the phase of the response of the system when
the initial displacement is -2 mm and initial velocity of 100 mm/s.
Undamped Free Vibration – Homework

 The RC column of the water tank is 100 m high,

having a tubular c/s of inner and outer diameter
2.5 m and 3 m, respectively. Mass of the tank
with water filled = 275000 kg. Assume E = 30
GPa for RC. Neglect mass of the column.
(i) Natural freq. and time period of lateral vibration
of the tank.
(ii) Response of the tank due to an initial
displacement of 250 mm.
(iii) Maximum velocity and acceleration
encountered by the tank.

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